Reviews from

in the past

This game is very short, but very fun to a quick play, especially in multiplayer mode. The visuals are cool (albeit a bit bland), the movement is precise (albeit limited) and the game is kind of easy. Overall, it is worth playing.
Positive points
The visuals are cool and it has good controls. It is fun playing in multiplayer.
Negative points
The lack of depth to the gameplay and the length of the game.

Side scrolling action game that was originally going to have a physical release in 94 but was released in 97 for the Satellaview and follows a different continuity and style than the three Trubografx Schbibinman games. The main character has punch attacks while the second character uses a sword, both have a charged ranged attack that can be used to hit the other character giving them the ability to launch a super attack. Dialogue changes based on solo or co-op play.

For a 94/97 release the graphics aren't anything great, especially not most backgrounds but the character and enemy expression are emotive. Controls decently and is over quickly. It all has a slightly unfinished feel to it though. A lot of enemies will just kind of ignore you and can be safely hit with your charged attack, I didn't even have to move to beat the first two bosses and there wasn't much improvement with the bosses until the last two stages. Platforms are somewhat oddly spaced at times allowing you to just kind of ignore a lot of enemies or hazards, sometimes you can just walk right over open spots in platforms to the next ledge when you clearly shouldn't have been able to. There's ideas in stages that you see in other games that don't really do anything here, one stage has traps where you or an enemy stepping on a switch fires arrows or spears at you from walls but they aren't set up where they are ever a threat or they are placed where you are already past or under the trap, a stage might have moving platforms but the platforms are so large you aren't going to fall off and entire sections with them seem like it was just to add more space to walk through. Some enemy types are so slow to react and attack you that I don't think I even saw what two of them even do.

It's a fairly mediocre but quick and somewhat entertaining playthrough, that feels like it could have bene a lot better if more time was spent on it.


The only good shockman game doesn't even have the original shockmen in it smh

(Played the English Fan Translation) I'm not familiar with the other Shockman titles, but I had this one on my bucket list when looking for import exclusives and yeah its a fun time. Pretty visuals, nice music, great control. Not much else to say! It's a fun action platformer.

This game really blew me away by how immediately charming and fun it was. I just wish I knew what the hell anyone was saying.

It's a bit on the easy side, but it's just fun. You have your basic combos, a sweep kick, a chargeable projectile and a special move which varies between the two characters. Higher scores reward you with level-ups, which give you an extra hit point, and mayyyybe increase damage, I'm not sure. It's basic arcade fun, and I think the increased HP was more interesting than just giving the player an extra life or something.

What really kept me glued to this game wasn't its complexity, but just how fun it was to beat shit up; you were in no way limited to stopping in front of an enemy to finish it off, you could always just knock them into something else, keep them stuck to a corner while you wail on them, shove them into a stage hazard, or drop them into a pit. What this game lacks in complexity, it makes up for in combat freedom. And god, does it feel good. Co-op really tops it off, and the secret super moves that Co-op gives you are an EXTREMELY welcome addition!

This is actually one of my new favorite Super Nintendo games. You don't get to Shoryuken stuff in just any platformer.

Oh, and you can totally cheese half the game by just crouching before finishing your jab combo. It'll reset the chain and put you back on the first jab, so you'll never do the uppercut to knock them down. You just keep punching until the enemy in front of you dies. I'm not sure anyone played the game enough to know that, but... hey, it's a thing you can do! Reminds me of the exploits in Final Fight and Streets of Rage.

Jump attacks also are infinitely cancellable into themselves, so if you're next to an airborne opponent then the damage you can deal is directly proportionate to how fast you can mash. Crazy stuff.

Sigh why am I even doing this? I already played the previous 3 games and they were not fun at all. They all have their own unique issues and it devastates me. I won't lie I wasn't looking forward to this. I only got motivation for it as it recently got a fan translation. So alright let's get this over with... (55 minutes later) Huh? It was...good? It was good! I can't believe my eyes aren't deceiving me, a good game in this series?! (Edit: This bit kind of doesn't work after revisiting the first game, apologies. I actually like that first game now).

This is a beat em up side scroller where you'll attack and defeat many enemies and fight a boss at the end of each stage. Sometimes there is more then one boss in a stage. You might also do some light platforming along the way. You only use two buttons in this game and it can also be played with a friend.

Combat in this game is very simple. You have a 3 hit attack with Y and two different jump attacks and also a sweep. That's really all there is and while by 1997 that could be much better but oddly it just works for the kind of game it is. It never really got old for me to punch enemies. I especially love the second attack in the air as it not only multihits but also gives you a little more speed in the air making it satisfying for platforming. I just wish the sweep was better. It's not only slow and weak but the animation takes too long leaving you to get hit if you miss. I also should point out like previous games the two characters play pretty much the same but oddly you can't play as Azuki without putting the controller into the 2nd slot. I only say it's odd because every other game let you choose to be her before the game began.

You start out with 4 hit points but getting enough score will add a bar to your max hp. This is a really nice incentive to actually go for score besides getting the best rank. Enemies can drop items for healing or points which are always beneficial to grab. I really love how some items also change to match the setting you are in.

Sadly the enemy variety is kind of low. While there are some unique types of enemies in later levels, you'll be fighting a lot of the same generic mooks that it can get a little uninteresting. Thankfully it was never enough to bore me but it's something I wanted to point out. The bosses are all easy. Some have easy patterns or just have too little of health. Even the final boss is anticlimactic though still somehow less anticlimactic then the final boss from the 3rd game. In fact the whole game is pretty easy which shocked me cause I remember a review saying it was hard.

The game looks nice but for it's intended release of 1994 it could be better and by 1997 especially. The sprites are kind of a mixed bag for me like they don't look bad but some feel out of place in terms of how they look. The main characters even look like Famicom Rockman sprites to my eyes. There at least isn't anything bad about them so that's good. The music is nice at times though it oddly reminds me of Rockman X at times. Maybe it's the bass.

What a pleasant surprise this was. Is it easy? Yeah. Could it use some improvements? Yeah. Is it fun? You bet it was! This is easily the best of the four games. After the mediocrity of all three games on the PC Engine, it's nice to finally have a good time with one of the games. I could see myself coming back to this one. It's a shame another game in the series ever happened again as I could see this being turned into something great. A fan translation for this game exists now to let you enjoy the story and it's a game worth trying if you have any interest in Super Famicom games.

Uma completa surpresa pra mim jogar um jogo original de SNES tantos anos depois de seu "falecimento". E é um jogo muito bom! Poderia ser um pouco mais difícil, mas é um jogo muito bonito e muito gostoso de jogar.

Que jogo gostosinho de jogar, Mega Man na veia. É curto e na dificuldade certa pra se terminar numa tacada só.