Reviews from

in the past

Incredibly cute, creative, comfy, and quality co-op game. Has a few glitches that can lock progress in a level, but levels are 5 minutes long so you never lose much progress.

Updated: ran into a game breaking bug that prevented finishing the game. I really enjoyed my time but if I literally can't finish the game, I can't rate it higher than this.

Creative fast-paced puzzle game in co-op.
The game has a nice difficulty curve which keeps the charming season themed levels and the gameplay evolving which stops them feeling stagnant at any point.

Lovely and fun co-op, but what happened to Spring???

A pretty fun and interesting co-op game where you play as two cute birbs. Controls are solid and very responsive, and puzzles keep you on your toes while giving you plenty of opportunity to learn the tricks required to operate efficiently; I was quite impressed with their opening puzzle of divvying up the telegram keys for one. Really relaxing soundtrack and bright visuals too to help sell the calm and collected Australian outback atmosphere. I'll run through this some more in July hopefully, this was a chill time.

Perfect game for coop. Very funny and challenging for you and your friend.

Gameplay : 3/5 Les 4 jeux de base sont très amusant mais leur variation sont un poil redondant.
Hormis ça le jeu ne propose que la personnalisation de personnage sur un jeu finissable en environ 2h.
Histoire : 1/5 Inexistante mais askip le narrateur il raconte des trucs.
Musique : 2.5/5 M'en souviens pas donc moyenne.
Graphismes : 3/5 C'est mognoooon

KeyWe is genuinely one of the most innovative games I've ever played. I played it together with my little sister, and we had a great time.

Much of my time playing KeyWe was spent marveling at the gameplay design: the ideas are so genuinely different and unique. I continue to ponder how I can curate such ideas within myself for my own game projects.

A very cute game!! Some artificial difficulty spikes which were frustrating, and the plat is far too grindy for me. But for playing casually, a very enjoyable co-op!
(Trophies do not pop when playing couch co-op, only online)

é divertido, quase quebrei o controle na cabeça da pessoa com quem eu joguei
porém acaba ficando repetitivo depois de um tempo

i don't really know what i was expecting when i started this game up but it was a bit disappointing. there's small points where it feels pretty fun and interesting but a lot of the time it's just a bit repetitive and frustrating. the overtime missions were honestly the best ideas they had, not all of them are good but it was the most interesting the game got. there are 4 main mini games and 1 of them IMO is just a straight up dud. the other 3 are okay, but never felt incredibly fun or satisfying aside from the occasional interesting variant. it doesn't matter quite as much but the difficulty in each level seemed way too varied though. none of them were so hard you're in much danger of failing, but if you want better rankings the difficulty feels very all over the place.

i wouldn't say this wasn't worth playing or anything, i got it cheap and it was a pretty short game so not a lot of harm. i think i just had unfairly high expectations. it could be fun, it could also be annoying and frustrating. the customization is awesome though i love decking out my lil kiwi.

This is a fun and funny game to play with friends.
It might cause a fight or two every once in a while but that goes with every co-op game.
Overall... It's cool.

You play as kiwi's running a post office, what more could you want?
A fun, chaotic co-op game similar in spirt to Overcooked. It consists of 4 major types of minigames but each time you play them the stages are drastically changed so they always stay fresh.

Fun little co-op puzzle game, that's also enjoyable to play solo. The levels regularly mix things up so it never gets boring, and there's lots of creative ideas on display. The typing levels got a bit much towards the end though, and it feels like you have to rely on luck to get the gold medals.

This game was pretty fun with the gf :)

This game had me questioning my friendship.

Incredibly charming game. Played through the majority of the game side by side with my SO and loved every moment of it. Cute design and outfits, fun gameplay, and enough variation between levels that it doesn't get old before it's over.

A kind of fun co-op puzzle game, but I think my friend and I both got distracted by other games.

I learned a lot about Australia from this game, like how cassowaries are vicious, blood-thirsty demons who would not hesitate to hunt humans for sport given the chance, among other things.

I had a lot of fun playing this game with my wife. At first I thought the same types of challenges would get old but they really didn't with all the varieties of gimmicks added to them. If you're not interested in 100%ing it, the price point might be a bit too high, but all the extras you can do make it pretty worth it to me.

Pretty fun co-op game that can be really challenging. Server connections were a big problem that plagued us through the entire playthrough. Also lost a few gold times to glitches like losing items that are required to complete the level through the floor.

In a post-Overcooked world, we've experienced an onslaught of stressful work-related co-op games. Most of them have just been okay, but KeyWe is the first one to legitimately be better than everything that came before it.

There are a few specific elements that elevate KeyWe above other Overcookedlikes:

Variety: The levels never stop innovating! Every single level introduces something new instead of just making the game faster or harder. You won't just handle mail and telegrams, you'll run a spook alley for baby octopodes and pour hot cocoa for the cassowary delivery birds in the snow! There's even a side-mission all about popping bubble wrap!

Charm: This is without question one of the most wholesome games I've ever played. Two flightless immigrant birds helping people communicate in the outback, celebrating holidays with their animal buddies, and playing dress-up all the while. The cozy aesthetic works as a great counter to the stressful nature of the genre.

Difficulty: Let's be real, Overcooked and games that followed it can get frustrating. If your teammate isn't operating on the same wavelength as you, things might be said that you can't take back. And where does that leave you? Alone and angry. In KeyWe, I never felt like there was any chance we would fail a level. You don't need to collect a certain amount of high ratings/scores to advance, you simply finish the job and move onto the next day. Better performance yields more stamps, which function as an in-game currency for cosmetics, but that's it. You'll never be stuck in KeyWe, but a higher level of challenge is certainly there for those who want to go for a gold rating on each level, while also searching for hidden unlockables.

My wife and I had a fantastic time with KeyWe, though it was a bit more brief than we expected. The game is divided into seasons, but it's just Summer, Fall, and Winter. We were so ready for Spring to be the final chapter of the game, but we got hit with the credits outta nowhere!

I wholeheartedly recommend KeyWe if you've got someone to play co-op with. Don't attempt this one alone.

If you're looking for something nice to do in the evening and want to integrate partners or roommates into your hobby, you won't go wrong with KeyWe. The cute little feathered creatures are an entertaining change for beginners as well as long-term players, and the constant change of circumstances always brings a breath of fresh air into the unchanging scheme.

Decent and creative co-op game with many different minigames. Somewhat gets kinda repetitive by the end but still there's fun to be had with it.

Sehr schönes Couch-Koop-Game, dass man auch super mit (seinen) Kindern spielen kann. Viel Abwechslung, angenehm steigender Schwierigkeitsgrad. Die Suche nach Geheimnissen und das freischalten von Skins motivieren dazu, Levels öfters zu spielen.

Leider insgesamt dennoch etwas kurz. Hätte gerne noch eine komplette Jahreszeit mehr gespielt!

The game is certainly cute and lots of frantic fun with a friend, but what's up with the image quality on the PS5 version? The effects and shadow quality is so abysmal it's seriously distracting.

I'm realizing something lately, I don't have to force myself to play a game and try to enjoy it. Yeah, I wasted money, but it's even worse if I waste time on something I'm not having fun with. I tried to enjoy this with my wife, but she wasn't really into it. My friends? Same. And to be honest, I also didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. It's a shame really, but you learn this way.

Super cute and fun couple's game!! Great mechanics, neat art style, cool themes, and overall a great time!! :)

Buon puzzle game da giocare in schermo condiviso.
Il setting è carino, divertente e pieno di charme portato principalmente dai due amabili kiwi del gioco.
Il gameplay riesce costantemente ad evolversi ad ogni livello, aggiungendo nuove sfide, meccaniche ed idee sull'ossatura delle quattro tipologie di livello presenti nel gioco. I minigiochi, per quanto facili, sono un'aggiunta niente male.

Il lato dolente è la durata estremamente ridotta, specie se confrontata col prezzo decisamente elevato.
25 euro per 6/8 ore di contenuto. A meno che non si punti a prendere l'oro in ogni livello, cosa assai difficile e che può allungare sensibilmente il brodo.

Lo consiglierei in sconto, non a prezzo pieno.