Reviews from

in the past

this game has some cool ideas but it feels like it took the worst aspects of every fromsoft game and threw it in here.

there's so many cool weapons and weapon combinations you can get here but this game has that same fromsoft upgrade system thats been terrible since 2009 so you wont be able to actually use them

not crazy about the bosses here there's like 3 or 4 i would say i really liked but thats it

i dont even know what they were thinking with the parry system. in order to stagger the enemy not only do you have to parry them a bunch of times but you also have this super small window where you have to hit them with a charged attack that depending on your weapon takes forever to charge. if a boss decides to attack you during that window you're basically fucked. and there's no posture bar so you have no way of knowing when that stagger window is coming. you mix that with the most annoying delayed boss attacks that take forever to wind up and then hit you faster than you can react and it ruined the combat for me

sometimes this game will add some nice quality of life changes to the genre and then just have some baffling decisions. your souls are always outside the boss arena when you die in it, when you get an item related to a quest the game will tell you exactly which checkpoint you need to warp to in order to progress the quest, when you interact with a locked door it tells you exactly what key you need. and then there's also doors that only open when you kill a specific big enemy and the door looks the same as the other doors in the game and you cant interact with it at all + when you kill the enemy theres no warning that the door opened it just opens without you even noticing.

there are so many different systems and materials for upgrading stuff and so many tutorials that it gets so confusing and overwhelming. there's a material for your skill tree, there's like 10 different materials for weapon upgrades, one for crafting arms, one for upgrading arms, one for altering your weapon handle, one for altering your grindstone, one for summoning and there's a gold coin that just shows up halfway through the game and is on a real timer to grow back for some reason.

there's also the cube system which just didn't work for me. i actually have no idea if its a glitch or i missed something. it's supposed to be like the physick flasks from elden ring where its a consumable you use to get a certain buff and then it resets when you die/rest but for me it just didnt happen. i would use it once and then the wishstone dissapears and i would have to buy it back with the gold coins.

this game also has all the other soulslike problems. enemies stunlocking you, enemies making you get stuck in a corner, annoying status effects, poison swamp, bosses/enemies with too much HP, bosses where multiple enemies attack you at once (there have been some good ones in other games but its very rare)

i didnt mention the story because i barely remember anything about it but i hated gemini constantly talking. i dont think every soulslike needs to be cryptic about its story and have everything in item descriptions but i also dont think i need an npc saying "wow look at all these corpses! what happened here?"

all of the cool weapons and the weapon combination system and enemy designs feel like they would have fit so well in a character action game but the soulslike elements of this game ruined it for me.

poor boss battles, poor boss battle arenas, unbalanced enemies, the areas are awful, annoying and tiring. the story is really great but i dont think it makes up the amount of anger it puts you through

Currently going through this... It's tough, might be the most frustrating souls-like game I've played (I haven't tried the Nioh games).
This game gets it. It gets the sound design of FromSoft games, it gets the aesthetic, the cryptic messages and storytelling, the weight of every attack, everything in the technical department is top notch.
What it doesn't get is itself, it doesn't know what it wants to be. At times, it's a Bloodborne style, agressive type of game, at others, it's a Sekiro inspired parry fest. Most of the time, though, it's neither. Lies of P simply does not have the polish or the mechanical understanding that comes with creating a genre: the enemies feel unbalanced, the parry is awkward and unreliable, the dodge animations are deceiving, every boss just has way too much HP. Still, you can't say it's not charming, in a lot of ways the frustration helps to build that relationship with the player, the relationship only souls games create. And you have to wonder, everything is just so well made, you wouldn't think they'd leave out some of the jank in the gameplay side of things on purpose, right? Right?!

Edit: Yeah that's enough for me, bosses have too much health and every other boss has two phases. I'm not that good at these games lol

To be honest, If I had played this game in a bubble with no prior experience from any other games I would have really really liked it. Unfortunately I have played Sekiro and Elden Ring. This game's parry system is ass, enemies delay their attacks that makes it look silly and not fun to play against, and delayed attacks mostly have animations that you cannot physically react to, so you have to memorise how long you have to wait which is not fun for me in the slightest. Towards the end almost every boss has a second phase which gets tiring really fast. The element system is good and weapon alteration is fun. That's about it, it's a solid game that is pushed back by trying to make it difficult without going through the right procedures and it feeling artificial afterwards.

Timothée Chalamet Dark Souls

Yeah I Loved It... That's it.... Oh and Is Better than Dark Souls 3...

Não só uma primeira tentativa extremamente competente de um estúdio que claramente entende o tipo de level design e combate que faz um bom souls-like, como também uma apresentação muito boa de ideias mecânicas novas pra fórmula já tão aperfeiçoada pela From.

Duas estrelas pelo esforço, o resto pqp

Not going to lie I don't know about this one. I think if you're a real diehard for this genre, Bloodborne especially, and are willing to put aside some really baffling design choices (enemy patterns, system decisions, etc) and at best mediocre writing, aesthetics and performances I'm sure you'll get something out of this.

A little note about parries in soulsbornes:

I understand wanting to do a parry system, Sekiro is cool and great and that parry is crucial to it, but this and Wo Long both miss the core aspect of it feeling extremely satisfying to actually do. In DS, a parry is met with a sound effect with some weight, a noticeable stagger and attached opening for a cool finisher. In Lies of P, we instead get the perfect block system, which is close, but the payoff is a red light, a kinda-muted klang, and then a stagger that requires a follow up attack (that can miss and still lets the enemy attack you) and then ANOTHER attack, which for me at least sometimes didn't work. All of this for a limp canned animation. The payoff just isn't there, and that's kinda demonstrative of this game as a whole; cool stuff, but the payoff is missing or limp.

This game is a 9.75 out of 10, so I'm rounding up. I have very few complaints, and a great many comments to make. I'll start with the obvious, that being why this game is not for everyone: It's hard.

This game can be dreadfully difficult, in fact the second to last boss had me audibly say "This is demoralizing" and shortly after I saw a friend who was also playing say the exact same thing. Soulsborne games, and games of that style, are famous for their punishingly difficult segments and this game is no different. If your idea of a good time isn't throwing yourself against the same boss for an hour to multiple hours, then maybe this is not the game for you.

I for one think this game is exceptional in its combat. You've probably seen people compare this to Bloodborne, or Sekiro, and that's a fair comparison, but honestly it takes some of the best combat aspects from those games and melds them into a very fun and interactive combat. You have all the tools you need at all times to fight and win against any enemy. Your weapon feel to slow? Give it a different and faster move-set by changing its handle. Enemy feels like it has too much HP? Use status damage it's weak against. On top of this, their is no multiplayer but many boss fights allow you to summon a "spirit" which will aid you, and they're very effective.

Would I maybe have liked some of the upgrade tree just being base game abilities? Sure. Would I feel better if Decay wasn't such a pain in the butt status effect? Absolutely. These couple issues and a few interesting enemy designs I think this game could tweak, or do without, but all things considered this is a phenomenal experience for those who love the Soulsborne genre.

For example, my top 3 soulsborne games have always been from FromSoft, but now? Elden Ring is 1st, Lies of P is 2nd, and Dark Souls III is 3rd. Lies of P is just that good. I feel like this game is being mad slept on.

Lastly, I want to touch up on the story. No spoilers, but this game is very linear, to the point where if you have sidequests active with NPCs, the teleport hub will have icons of the NPCs on where they are if they have something new going on, so you know to go there and continue said quest. This feels fine for a game like this, because there are also so many options still. This being the lying system, which gives you a huge sense of individuality.

The games story may also feel generic on the surface, but after going through paragraphs of notes and many different dialogue trees I can say this story is great. To the point where it had me using gestures like a goofball to react to NPCs, and even tearing up at times, and of course, cheering at my screen at the end eager to see what's next.

I hope people who are a fan of this genre give this game a try, and I hope those not familiar with the genre can find enjoyment as well. I also hope those who don't like souls games can understand this is, at the end of the day, a souls-like, and if they don't like those games they should probably avoid this. I feel like a majority if not all people rating this game poorly are those who typically don't play these sorts of games, and that feels unfortunate.

Anyway, I hope those who haven't played this game but are considering it enjoy, and for those of you on the fence, it's on Gamespass so why're you waiting???

One of the best Souls-like with a more straightforward lore and story, linear map design and exploration, good vocal tracks and an unique blend of guarding and dodging. While these make the game more accessible, this by far is the most mechanically difficult (not unfair) game in its genre without multiplayer support or high damage (cheese) builds. This is certainly not for new players but for experienced genre fans.

For the combat feel, I do like the balance between guarding (plain and perfect) and dodging:
- Red (Fury) attacks cannot be dodged and have high tracking, only perfect guarded.
- Lost life in guarding can be recovered via attacking but completely lost on hit
- Perfect guards only consume stamina and can recover lost guard life
- Some (perfect) guarded attacks have knockback or ambiguous where dodging is more viable

I do prefer perfect guard for the swag, but I utilize all three because of how difficult the game is which is fun figuring out. This is to say that avoid having preconceived expectations about what the combat should be and meet the game halfway instead.

As for minor issues:
- Boss runs should be outdated (except in some cases) which this game has a bit and respawning outside the boss room should be the norm now.
- Some skills (link dodge and getup recovery) in the skill tree should be builtin and not optional.
- Stat reset option is a bit middle in the game where it could genuinely help earlier.
- Upgrade materials are a bit stingy early as well as it discourages experimentation.
- Losing more lost ergo on hit is a bit questionable.
- Leveling up via NPC is a peeve of mine.

The biggest issue I believe is majority of the bosses have a second phase. Players must hunker down, master the first phase and prepare to die a lot which can be a difficulty spike and wall for most players. I am mostly neutral on this issue as it is complex and understandable game design, but I do want an accessibility option to practice the second phases without progressing to alleviate some artificial difficulty and tedium as a middleground which is a big ask. While it can be exhausting, I do appreciate the game demanding more out of me where I breeze through in other games.

My only real ask is a boss replay and rush mode and slightly more perfect guard frames specially for fury attacks as most are nearly unreactable based on its animations. One of my games of the year and highly recommended

Beautiful visuals and great atmosphere are all this game has going for it. It fundamentally feels dreadful to play, how they managed to make the world’s twinkiest main character feel this stiff is beyond me. I genuinely can’t recall a modern game that feels this awful in the hands, the only satisfying thing to pull off in this game is the precanned fatal attacks and that’s mainly due to the controller going rampant rabbit mode.

Instead of offering a unique and memorable gaming experience, sadly it seems to have proudly chosen to embrace the label of being called a 'Bloodborne' clone.

In essence, Lies of P shamelessly borrows heavily from the 'Soulsbornekiro' series, blending their core elements into an undercooked and ultimately frustrating gameplay. While the game does have a stellar art direction, it struggles to stand out in any other aspect.

The level design disappoints, with most areas feeling overly simplistic and generic. Only a rare exception or two manages to capture any real creativity. Bosses, unfortunately, suffer from a series of issues: they are often overly spongy, their animations lack fluidity, they rely excessively on delayed attacks that, as previously mentioned, suffer from animation stiffness and most of the bosses had a sense of similarity to them? The stolen Sekiro parry mechanic is implemented poorly and made the overall gameplay experience inconsistent. As for the normal enemies you face, there is a good variety of them, but like the bosses, they also tend to be unnecessarily spongy.

The game literally copies areas, quests, enemy placements, and even cutscenes from Bloodborne. For example, one character is introduced in a similar way to Father Gascoigne, only to turn out to be a Gehrman clone?? As for the story, I didn’t care that much it was as you’d expect but really want to acknowledge the voice acting which was surprisingly good.

I hate how current game devs heavily rely on orchestras to make everything so epic & divine. The music was mostly forgettable. It also became repetitive and annoying. I often found myself removing my headphones during boss fights, as the music did not enhance the gameplay experience, but rather irritated me. I wish the game had invested more in creating an original soundtrack that would suit its world.

I can't believe that I saw people who think that this game is as good as Bloodborne or that Neowiz Games should handle Bloodborne 2. One thing I’m sure of is that Neowiz must hire a creative team before spewing out another product.

"Bloodborne at Home:"

Alright, so, at the core of this game, or should I say most of it is a good-ass soulslike. Its areas might be a bit too derivative of Bloodborne in a few areas but the puppet/carnival theme and the creative enemy designs are good enough for it to get away with that. It also looks, graphically, very great considering the size of the dev team and it has a pretty good PC port. So far, so good.

The combat and general gameplay loop is VERY Dark Souls, but not like post Bloodborne Soulslike, more like Dark Souls 2 Soulslike. That's not to say this game's design is bad, but there are aspects of this game like its hit detection, movement, and level design that feels straight out of old-school Fromsoft. Which are good games, but it didn't exactly age super well. Most of the enemies and bosses are great, the game looks and sounds amazing, and the world felt properly paced and dense, so I mostly had a good time while playing.

Then the characters started talking. This game has a lot more of a straightforward narrative focus than any Souls game apart from possibly Bloodborne and Sekiro. And while that's not inherently a problem, it is when you have a story that's akin to a Pinocchio movie made by the Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey director. It's QUITE BAD. The acting and animation for the characters is the only thing keeping this afloat, but when it's not being incredibly ridiculous in its premise or boring in its character dialogue, it has some beats in the story that are paced and executed as well as Edgy Deviantart Pinocchio fanfiction.

So yeah, the story knocks down an already pretty okay game by a point or two because if it's putting this much of a focus on it, I'm expecting something out of it. This is not a bad game, and am excited to see what these guys do next, but let's just say that after Fromsoft released Armored Core this year, this game scratched this souls-like itch for me for a little bit and now I have no intention of ever playing it again.

We're at a point where people are finishing their full playthroughs for Lies of P and leaving proper reviews instead of just giving it 1 star calling it trash because they can't get past the first few bosses.

Lies of P is so close to being a perfect game yet so far, there are many flaws with this game that have stopped this from being a 5/5 for me so I'm just gonna get them out of the way

-Rolling and jumping isn't the best
-90% of enemies are complete damage sponges
-Unrewarding guard breaks
-Weight system is heavily flawed
-Half of the bosses have awful move sets and don't feel like they belong at all (other half are amazing)
-Voice acting could be better

I'm not really gonna develop on these flaws, if you've played the game for long enough you will understand exactly what I'm talking about.
The combat does feel a tad bit stiff sometimes but lets be real... we are playing as a puppet.

Luckily the positive outweigh the flaws by miles, there's too many to list but here's a few of my personal favourite features from the game.

-Amazing story that will honestly suck you in and make the journey interesting enough to disregard the flaws
-Atmosphere that is better than most souls games imo. Often found myself stopping to just observe my surroundings
-Customisation of weapons, clothing, body modifications, etc. This is perfect, the team honestly nailed this part of the game.
-Side characters, some better than others but you end up caring about them more than you had expected.
-Boss design, again some better than others but the good ones are gooooood.

A few extra comments:
One thing I cant overlook is how you're really pushed to make use of consumables and throwables in this game rather than just have it stack up in your inventory, I really did enjoy this and often went to visit merchants to stock up before bosses.
The parry window is very small which can be good depending on who you ask, personally I didn't mind it as it felt really rewarding guarding them super fast hits.

So yeah, Lies of P is amazing. If you've been put off by some fromsoft dick rider do ignore them and give it a shot, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Played on Xbox gamepass.
37 hours total, explored everything.

Lets start out, this game is incredible as a souls like, its put its own twist and creativity behind it!
The world, lore and bosses are amazing!

Weapon mechanics are interesting although technique seems to be a good way to go.

To think this is an indie game baffles be!
Some Bosses are a bit annoying especially with how many are 2 phases. seems a bit of a strange decision

one of the better soulslikes, but these games are a balancing act that can easily tip into "fucking mess" and at times this game is really teetering on the edge. there's a recurring feeling (particularly pre-patch) that everything is overtuned - all the bosses hit super hard, they're super aggressive, they're super mobile, and they have shitloads of HP. and there's almost always a phase 2 with a new health bar. even the minibosses are just tediously tanky. it's not inherently super difficult - though it does have elden ring's comically delayed wind-ups - it's just balanced so punishingly that there's almost zero room for error, and that kind of sucks.

i do have some issues with certain aspects of the design (the largest being the skill tree, and what's on it), but most of those would be minor nitpicks if the game gave you a little more leeway on the big fights. there's not much you can do when you hit one of the many brick walls - there's basically nothing to explore, all of the major upgrades are locked behind the game progression, and the NPC specters are rarely helpful. the recent balance patch helped in this regard, but if you thought fromsoft games need an easy mode, or if you rely on summons to get through the tough fights, this game might not be for you.

Finalmente um Soulslike excelente que não seja da Fromsoftware.
É bem difícil, não recomendo para quem não gosta de jogo difícil ou para quem pega ar muito fácil.

-Great production values, good graphics.
-Surprisingly good enemy variety.
-Is very parry-centric, if you don't like parrying don't play it.
-is a linear game.
-it has Elden Ring syndrome in which enemies delay their attacks too much and are hyperaggressive.
-Gemini is a redditor
-The setting is stupid, i mean, a videogame free adaptation of Pinocchio? Are you fucking kidding me!? the developers are korean for god sake, Couldn't they have made a video game about the Samhan Era? (The Three Kingdoms of Korea)


除了有的boss的2阶段感觉没什么意义以外 没有什么大的缺点

美术风格很棒 顶级的场景和氛围塑造
可玩性很强 build种类丰富 尤其是武器组合 可以说是类魂游戏很好的一个发展方向 还有P organ 也提供了不同build的可能性
血瓶回复机制很不错 鼓励绝境发起进攻
篝火位置和开近路的位置合理 全程我没有感觉到有某段路太长或是反复跑尸同一段路
难度适中 不会让你觉得很bullshit又有一定挑战性 当然 实在打不过还可以叫spectre

通关之后 感觉这才是2023年的类魂游戏应该有的水平 作为Neowiz的第一款类魂 绝对超出预期 期待续作 也很期待其他游戏厂商多给fromsoftware一点压力 这样才能良心竞争 刺激更精良的制作或是更好的创意

Souls-like indie de muito respeito.

O jogo tem muitas qualidades, é bonito, a história é até que legal, e tem umas mecânicas bem feitas, porém a gameplay é muito mal cadenciada, diferente do que um souls-like tem que ter, tem momentos que seja a ser injusto, o personagem toma stagger muito fácil, e o intervalo entre o final de um combo e o início de outro dos inimigos é muito pequeno. O jogo tem alguns boss legais como a Laxasia e o Nameless Puppet, mas não vale o esforço.

Anyone who gives this less than a 4 has what's known as a "Skill Issue". Sorry, no mimic tear here (although there are summonable NPCs which are still very powerful).

Wanna be critics that haven't even beaten the first few bosses before complaining about "design issues" are really polluting the reviews here. This is easily the best non-From soulslike, and aspects of this game are even better than some of those that inspired it.

Que Lies of P é um soulslike baseado na história do querido Pinóquio, passado em um cenário sombrio na era da Belle Époque, todos já sabem, mas o que ele tem para te oferecer?

Posso dizer tranquilamente que LoP (Lies of P) é um excelente jogo, e mesmo trazendo muitos recursos e mecânicas, ele faz tudo com muito estilo e maestria! O combate dele é bem fluído, funciona de uma forma incrível, o sistema de esquiva/rolamento é ótimo, não te deixa na mão... E caso você domine o Parry, vai ser um ótimo amigo durante sua jornada no jogo!

A dificuldade do jogo no geral é sim desafiadora assim como outros jogos do gênero, porém tudo é bem explicado, há muitas maneiras no jogo de tornar esse combate mais dinâmico e simples, arremessáveis, dano baseado em elementos, invocações, dentre outras mecânicas que foram implementadas. Sobre recomendar para um jogador de primeira viagem no gênero, vai muito de pessoa para pessoa, mas fique sabendo que não é um jogo fácil!

O jogo conta com um VASTO e INCRÍVEL arsenal de armas, sendo cada uma delas única! Além disso, podemos contar também com um sistema magnífico de montagem de armas, onde cada arma conta com 2 partes, sua parte superior e seu cabo, com isso você pode basicamente fazer junções de partes de armas diferentes, o que resulta em um misto de movimentos diferentes e passivas ativas, e, sendo bem sincero, que adição genial, é super tranquilo e simples de usar, resultando em uma experiência divertida.

O jogo tem uma ótima história, e ela é bem explicativa, diálogos com NPC's, Cutscenes, além da presença de diversos documentos, fotos e cartas, elementos esses que ajudam ainda mais a complementar o entendimento da história! O jogo conta também com uma mecânica de escolha, algo que contribui com qual destino sua história irá tomar, diga a verdade ou minta, a escolha é sua.

Os Chefes são ótimos, com belos designs e lutas grandiosas e únicas, as trilhas sonoras, pelo menos pra mim, foram bem marcantes, tanto trilhas ambientes, como também em momentos mais especiais. Os inimigos são muito bem desenvolvidos e muito bem posicionados também.

Concluindo minha análise, Lies of P é um excelente jogo e um majestoso Soulslike, com uma ótima história. E sim, é inegável que tem semelhanças com outros jogos do gênero, porém LoP inclui todas essas mecânicas muito bem, e acima disso, possui sua própria identidade, se tornando um dos meus jogos favoritos da vida.

I can't quite place whether I'm just really bad at this game, or if the game is actively trying to make me fail at the perfect blocks it wants me to pull off. Gonna shelve it until I feel the desire to try my hand at this again, or when I read somewhere that it has become accessible.

This review contains spoilers

Essa foi uma das maiores decepções que eu tive no ano, até mesmo maior do que a decepção que tive ao jogar Starfield, independente de eu ter achado ele um jogo pior do que Lies of P. Eu esperava um jogo incrível e infelizmente, o jogo me vendeu essa imagem até certo ponto.
O jogo começa muito bem, eu adorei o início de Lies of P, a dificuldade é bem balanceada (o que já digo que não se mantém) e a diversidade de mecânicas, inimigos e até mesmo os bosses são gratificantes, infelizmente, após a primeira metade do jogo, tudo isso parece se perder completamente.
Eu sinto que isso aconteceu após a boss fight do Arcebispo, todos os inimigos começam a ser reutilizados, eles só mudam um pouco a aparência, mas ainda acho completamente ridículo todas as animações serem reutilizadas, mas o que me deixou mais irritado foi o maldito Monstro do Pântano que literalmente reutiliza TODOS os ataques dos dois bosses anteriores e sobre o que eu tinha dito sobre balanceamento, todos os inimigos ficam extremamente mais fortes e farmar nesse jogo é uma das coisas mais maçantes do mundo.
Acho que essa é uma boa palavra para definir porque eu achei Lies of P tão ruim depois que começa a segunda metade, ele fica extremamente maçante, tudo nele fica extremamente chato e parece que os devs perderam todo o amor que eles tinham pelo jogo.
Me entristece ter dropado esse jogo depois de ter hypado tanto, mas pelo menos sua primeira metade vai ficar guardada comigo até um possível segundo jogo soulslike dessa empresa que eu vou querer sim jogar.

Just rolled credits this morning. Potentially my #1 favorite Souls-like game and that's including the FS games. i cannot begin to express how much i enjoyed this game. it's so well thought out, so well crafted and you can tell the devs TRULY cared about the game they were making. every ounce of this is dripping with passion and you just know deep down that Round 8 studios GETS what makes a good souls game. They've improved upon, and even FIXED a lot of things about normal souls games and souls combat that i've had issues with here.
game of the year. made me feel a lot of things and i don't think that even FromSoftware could make a game that could beat this without drastically changing some fundamentals to their designs and i'm NOT LYIN.