Reviews from

in the past

I replay chapter 2 every year in December just to get in that Christmas mood. Works every time.

Rewelacyjna Gra. Reelacyjna Muzyka, Rewelacyjna Historia.
Gangsterskie klimaty jakie lubię :-)

You talkin' ta me? r u talkin' ta me? well get your face cut to shit with cleavers muthafuck look at this playboy cover shit

played this a lot but never finished it. very fun game that's similar to gta but a lot more grounded. love how strict the cops are and how you're expected to act like a functional human being rather than a psychopath who drives into oncoming traffic

A worthy successor, but even with the story being good a lot of the missions just aren't as memorable as most of the first game's were. Still really good though

This is how the Mafia works

The scene in chapter 2 when you first see/walk around your neighborhood at night when it's snowing is one of my all time most beautiful moments in a game ever.

Story was alright, but the gameplay was oddly unremarkable. Barren open world that was nothing more than a setting, i was shocked to how i felt this game was overrated compared to the praise i've heard.

a solid open world for its time. i can't imagine it has aged well, though

I love the detail Mafia puts into a world that you just follow a story in, really nails it's plot and without making any character feel out of place, driving is insufferable at first but when you get the hang of it you can live with it.

A more cinematic take on the GTA formula that really nails its time and place. Sadly, its story is nothing you haven't seen before in other media (especially if you're a fan of mob films) and its open-world feels strangely empty to no real thematic ends. Worth a playthrough if you enjoy this sort of milieu, but far from essential.

When I played this in 2009 it blew my fucking mind. Thank you so muchi Italy for existing

Gave up at chapter 5, might pick it up on PS4 again

Much better than the Definitive Edition, and that it doesn't destroy your processor.

It recreates the time it's set in really well.

wouldve been 4 stars if it wasnt racist <3 being set in a racist society is one thing, but its another to portray poc as evil outsiders (at worst) / general undesirables (at best). also specifically why tf where there only like 2 character models each for the black and asian people............. if you had even ONE character of color that was treated as a real human being worthy of sympathy it already wouldve been worlds better!!

"Hey you don't need moves when you're packing 7 soft"

Vito's story is fantastic and not one I recommend missing

entirely hollow and a shell of what it could've (should've) been. however, it appeals to my unabashed love of wiseguys and gangster movies so I can hardly give it a bad score -- and for what it's worth, it is genuinely enjoyable.

Worthy successor BUT the linearity here really screwed up what it could have been. Like you just know while playing it something is missing and that something was very very essential. Still almost all the issues I had with the original were fixed up here and narratively there was a greater ambition for the period piece setting. The irrelevancy of the glamorous lifestyle and the wanton disregard for your fellow people was far more intensified got me way more invested so the ending really hit like a ton of bricks.

Replay this every christmas and have a blast

The open-world game with one of the best storylines out there

Wish it had more in the world but it was fun

extremely railroaded, missed so much because of it. good story for sure. uninterested in the DLC. should I? anyone? vito fine though

Probablemente, la mejor historia de crimen organizado que se ha contado en un video juego.

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