Reviews from

in the past

Wow, i loved this game back in the day!
Mafia II had it all. The story takes you places and it has great pacing and characters.
The 40s and 50s are rendered in a superb way and omg the soundtrack... full of bangers and classics from that era, it is one of the largest collections of licensed songs ever assembled in a game i believe. It makes driving through Empire Bay a pleasure.
Great collection of cars, the city is beautiful and it feels alive. Peak Mafia game, there's more to say but i'll leave it at that, it was a beautiful experience and one of my favorites.

Most of my issues with Mafia II come down to this:

As a movie, it does a decent job of integrating various influences into one without making the beats feel stale. As a game, it gives those influences a little more time to shine than a movie would, but, more often than not, it fails to use its medium to deliver something that a movie could not.

This is not a criticism delivered at the feet of Mafia II so much as it is an indictment of almost every Open World crime game in the wake of Grand Theft Auto III, including Rockstar's very own. While comparisons to L.A. Noire are more apt in this case with the historical setting and uneasy mixture of linear and open world designs, it's undeniable where it gets many of its ideas for gameplay. Especially where structure is concerned, Mafia II is nearly as linear as a Rockstar game; it just lacks the unintentionally hilarious strictness. However, as with L.A. Noire, this is an especially relevant criticism, given that the subject matter opens itself up more to non-linearity. If an espionage-themed RPG could work, I fail to see why one centered around gangsters can't. Hell, a version of Cyberpunk 2077 that drops the cyberpunk setting in favor of 1930s Chicago would be fucking GOATed. Mafia III almost counts, and had its development been less troubled, I might consider it a worthy successor. Other than that, I guess Empire of Sin gets close, kind of?

Judging Mafia II on the merits of what it is and not what it could be, this is a pretty solid game all around! It's decently atmospheric with great period-appropriate music, its visuals have mostly (surprisingly) held up, vehicles feel fun to control, and outside of how tiresome cover shooting can get, combat is really fun! All the weapons pack a punch, but the revolver and shotgun steal the show here. Hands down, this probably has one of the best shotguns I've ever seen in a game. It is incredibly satisfying to wipe out waves with that thing. The one thing that I do sort of have to note is that the aim assist can sometimes be too lenient on a controller, to the point where the difficulty in some setpieces becomes absolutely trivial. But damn if it doesn't feel good in conjunction with that boomstick. When you aren't shooting at guys, the melee combat system is actually a blast to use. If I were to make a serious Grand Theft Auto comparison, I'd say that this has a more punchy, less janky fist-fighting system than any of those games. The melee system is put to use pretty brilliantly in a prison-themed chapter—which is also a good springboard to talk about something less positive. Some of the stuff in Mafia II is YIKES. Being truthful and unsentimental about history is a balancing act that, when done well, can bring a surprising amount of insight and revelation into a time period. If you want a fantastic example of this, Mafia III is one of the ballsiest fucking big-budget games ever made, and it will probably remain that way for at least another decade. Mafia II, on the other hand, struggles to teeter the line between showing intolerance for the sake of historical accuracy and uncomfortably indulging in it at times. Racial stereotypes stand out the most, but I'd argue that the women in this game's cast aren't spared, either. If there's a woman that's not a motherly figure to your main character or your sister, she's a sex worker. I would almost consider this critical of the lifestyle portrayed, pointing out its shallow nature without saying too much. But the game also lets you collect Playboy pin-ups with the intent of them being 'cool, vintage collectibles!' without a hint of irony or self-awareness, and I'm... conflicted. If the treatment of women in Mafia II is supposed to highlight criticisms of its male characters, it only ends up coming off as slipshod in execution. If nothing else, I can at least say that I'm glad that the team that remastered this was conscious of these mistakes, and put a disclaimer about it in their version of the game. If none of this bothers you, or you're able to appreciate a fine game while staying critical of its more scrupulous aspects, go have fun! But if any of what I've described puts you off, I don't blame you.

Other than that, though, I had a lot of fun with this! I've technically played through its first half more than once, but that gives me all the more reason to say that I still enjoyed what was here. Again, I wish it played to the strengths of the medium a little more, but whatever.

Ah, Mafia 2, onde a dirigibilidade é tão boa que você quase esquece que está preso em um jogo que é tão empolgante quanto assistir tinta secar. Se você é um fã obstinado de simuladores de direção, parabéns, este jogo é como o paraíso na Terra... pelo menos em relação à direção.

Prepare-se para se perder em um oceano de ação inexistente, porque aqui, tudo o que você faz é dirigir, dirigir, dirigir... e dirigir um pouco mais.
Mafia 2 é tão agitado quanto um piquenique num cemitério vazio.
Se você estava esperando por momentos de adrenalina, melhor procurar em outro lugar, porque você encontrará mais ação em um jogo de damas.

Ah, os personagens! Quem poderia esquecer esses personagens tão memoráveis... ou não? E a história? tão mediana que você vai esquecer o enredo antes mesmo de terminar o jogo.

É como se os desenvolvedores tivessem feito um esforço especial para tornar tudo sem graça. Encarar uma parede provavelmente seria uma atividade mais empolgante do que jogar esse jogo. Você pode até considerar a pintura seca como entretenimento de alta octanagem em comparação.

E quanto à reputação deste jogo como o melhor da série "Mafia”? Bem, é tão legítimo quanto tentar encontrar um tesouro enterrado no quintal da sua avó.

Em resumo, Mafia 2 pode ser elogiado por sua dirigibilidade, mas isso não é suficiente para compensar sua falta de ação, personagens esquecíveis, história mediana e geral falta de brilho. É um jogo que fará você questionar suas escolhas de entretenimento e, quem sabe, até mesmo considerar assistir a grama crescer como uma alternativa mais emocionante.

What I really respect about this one is how much it doesn't care for the rules of open world game design. You want a big map with 500 side quests and customizable everything? Piss off, we have an important story to tell and you're following it, so drive this F****ng car right now.

Good sequel, but it falls short on some aspects and the ending. It just ends so abruptly.

Still prefer the first overall but Vito is the best protagonist out of the three games.

played this a lot but never finished it. very fun game that's similar to gta but a lot more grounded. love how strict the cops are and how you're expected to act like a functional human being rather than a psychopath who drives into oncoming traffic

As someone who's only flirted with the occasional mobster flick, Mafia II really took me by surprise. Not only did I enjoy the story, enough to ignore the admittedly mediocre gameplay. But the thick, polluted atmosphere of its open world really drew me in. If anything I just wish the game gave you more to do in it.

A more cinematic take on the GTA formula that really nails its time and place. Sadly, its story is nothing you haven't seen before in other media (especially if you're a fan of mob films) and its open-world feels strangely empty to no real thematic ends. Worth a playthrough if you enjoy this sort of milieu, but far from essential.

Story was alright, but the gameplay was oddly unremarkable. Barren open world that was nothing more than a setting, i was shocked to how i felt this game was overrated compared to the praise i've heard.

It's like a goodfellas but goofier and not as good really.

I would be mad if somone dented my car in this game.

Drags a bit in the middle,but the gameplay is enjoyable and i loved the atmosphere.The story really picks up towards the end too and Vito is a great protagonist.

one of my all time favorite games and an incredibly special experience. i first played mafia 2 when i began to develop an interest in games and amidst the likes of assassins creed, the arkham series, the last of us, red dead redemption, and bioshock, there was this game. a game that hooked me from start to finish, helped fuel my love and reverence towards gaming as an artform, my passion for narrative and storytelling, and told an enthralling story with care and depth. despite its several imperfections (and somewhat lacking gameplay) i love this game to death and i still see myself revisiting it as the years go on.

A great sequel for the Mafia series and a beautifully told story at that. Characters were amazing EXCEPT FOR ONE, Vito. this man is a husk in this game. has little to no substance (even before the war from what I can tell) and the only thing that excites this man is...yup. money. and even then he's not really excited.

Other than the Protagonist being a mummy, everything about this game was great. i loved it. all the way through.

Per Aspera Ad Astra!

Mafia II foca na história e abre mão do mundo aberto. De fato, é impossível jogar este game sem lembrar um pouquinho que seja de Grand Theft Auto mas a comparação é de fato mínima. Mafia não foca em dar liberdade ao jogador e sim em CONTAR A HISTÓRIA.

Isso até faz o mundo do jogo ser totalmente raso (Poucas pessoas na rua, poucos carros, poucas falas, o mundo é realmente meio vazio e morto) e pra ajudar o game não tem nenhuma missão secundária legal ou interessante (Na verdade nem tem mesmo).

Real dá pra sentir que a 2K focou totalmente na história do game. O jogo foca na vida de Vito Scaletta, um garoto vindo da Itália pros EUA que serviu na guerra e que por inúmeros motivos entra pro mundo errado.

A história é o ponto alto do jogo, a violência e esteriótipos fazem você se sentir em um filme sobre a mafia. Os personagens tem um desenvolvimento muito legal, o que contribui com o desenrolar da narrativa.

Vale elogiar a dirigibilidade e o combate com armas do jogo, que envelheceram muito bem. Em contra partida o combate corpo a corpo é repetitivo e sem emoção nenhuma

Algumas outras limitações como por exemplo o protagonista não pular e não nadar (Bizarro o jogo nem deixar você chegar com seu personagem na água) ofuscam a boa narrativa do jogo.

Joe Barbaro eu sou seu fã.

- Narrativa excelente.
- Dirigibilidade envelheceu bem.

- Mundo aberto não existe.
- 0 conteúdo secundário.
- Limitações bobas.

the godfather if the godfather didnt have a godfather in it and was just a mafia movie about two buds who love each other and kiss

This happened to my uncle when he lost his house due to betting on horse races

Chalk it up to this being another example of a game that is just so much a part of who I am that it would be fraudulent to not rate it this highly. This is undeniably one of my favorite games of all time. I still have such a blast revisiting it today to experience its incredibly immersive and captivating narrative, with a wonderfully written cast of memorable characters, raw, acerbic dialogue, a beautiful yet grounded world that’s rich in both atmosphere and vibrant attention to detail, complimented by timeless gameplay mechanics and the eclectic, awesome soundtrack. It’s more than evident that the devs at 2k czech (even through the game’s rather notorious fraught development cycle) poured genuine passion into this game and it effortlessly coalesces into a gripping final product that holds up brilliantly even 13 years later. I love the hell out of Mafia 2 and I seriously doubt that my fervent enthusiasm for it is going to waver anytime soon. What a flawed but immensely special gem this game is.

When I played this in 2009 it blew my fucking mind. Thank you so muchi Italy for existing

uma evolução do primeiro jogo, em todos os aspectos, principalmente na construção do mundo aberto, achei bem interessante com ótimos detalhes, diferente do 3.
As musicas, personagens e cutscenes são bem legais e a historia é aquela coisa de mafia padrão kkkk, com o final tentando ser impactante como o do primeiro jogo, oq eu gostei bastante.

This game taught me that is perfectly valid to have an open world game that’s just there to be driven around. It doesn’t have to be filled with extra content to add something valuable to the experience.

this is the most 2010 game i have ever played

АлеханБро в сделку не входил

How it feels to have a friend that's kinda a loser but lowkey chill

Minus the collecathon aspect that plagued games during this era, it still holds up surprisingly. While the story is nothing new in crime genre, it still remains engaging while keeping focus and not sending you on a million forgettable side paths.

Любимая игра пиздюков, которые не играли в хорошие игры.

Saw a trailer thought it looked cool as, somehow bought it- birthday money? No clue. Finally 15 so splurged, enjoyed how 'naughty' it was, great entry point into mob stories.

GREAT soundtrack, great world building. Awesome vibe, still replay it.