Reviews from

in the past

Sei lá, gosto das gear do Zero nesse jogo.

These keep getting better honestly.

Errr... gostei bastante, mas com ressalvas...
A dificuldade do jogo achei absurda de alta, lembrou até mesmo Mega Man X3 onde você toma muito dano e todo cuidado é pouco pra avançar durante as fases que estão repletas de inimigos que mal aparecem e já vão seco pra cima de você, tornando Sub Tanks e Upgrades de Vida quase obrigatórios (pelo menos esse jogo tem Sub Tanks sem ser por Elfos), fora a segunda leva de fases e as fases finais que sem um elfo especifico ficaria extremamente irritante e altamente punitivo a um jogador de primeira viagem de forma injusta até.
O sistema de Formas que... gostei até, usei bastante a forma X e a Rise, mas outras como a Erase eu simplesmente pensava "Dane-se".
Agora o sistema mais cagado do jogo ao meu ver é o de Ex Skills... desde sempre Mega Man teve o sistema de ganhar skills dos chefes e apesar do primeiro jogo não ter implementado... esse retomou isso.... mas se era pra fazer assim preferiria que ficasse sem mesmo...
Exigir Rank A ou S pra pegar as Skills dos chefes é algo ridiculo, ainda mais algumas ajudando tanto pra pegar alguns elfos no decorrer do jogo, fora nas fases do Fefnir e do Harpuia que são extremamente punitivas, cheias de armadilhas e não me vejo passando sem Cyber Elf.... Cyber Elfs que tiram meu Rank e fazem eu perder essas Skills...
Parabéns pra quem joga esse jogo por Rank e faz 100% nele, eu sou incapaz disso

Yeah these games kick my ass and it's mega man so yay spikes! I don't think anyone has ever been excited about spikes.

There's too much bullshit in this for me to feel like playing it. Like that train level where the enemies spawn right in front of you so you have to know exactly when to jump and hit. Bold of you to assume I have the time and patience to memorize the map.

This has the same problem as other platformers on almost square aspect ratios. I can't see what's next. It severely increases the barrier to entry, not to mention all of the enemies put in awkward locations.

I'm gonna go play Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 to get this game out of my system.

Improves the levels structure from Megaman Zero and adds cool movesets that's pretty satisfying to mastered

Es una mejora del juego anterior y mas ambicioso, a la vez de ser muy consistente con todos sus elementos, pero sus jefes ademas de Elpizo y los guardianes no se me hicieron muy memorable, pero la historia si que se expande mucho

Mega Man Zero 2 is a refinement of Zero 1. It changes the gameplay slightly by replacing the Triple Rod with the Chain Rod, a weapon that's both a rod and a grappling hook. Other than that, Zero 2 adds extra abilities in the form of EX skills (obtained from beating bosses with a high rank) and Forms. These extra abilities add a fun degree of additional customization.

In general, I really liked the game. It's basically more Mega Man Zero but better. Only complaint is that they should've added a "Skip cutscene" button already, would make going for high ranks much more fun. Recommended.

The ideal sequel that improves every aspect

No other 2nd entry in a series will get as much praise from me as Mega Man Zero 2. Where to begin

Zero controls just as good as he did in the first entry and I've stated the control as being perfect in that game with seamless wall jumping to saber slashing action and that will stay consistent throughout this sub series.

The weapons available to zero are mostly identical to the ones in the first game but numerous tweaks make them more fun to work with overall. Firstly before you can choose your first level you have 4 weapons at your disposal as opposed to just the saber and buster which somewhat fixes the issue I have with alot of the X game where you're just a bit too limited at the start for my liking but Zero 2 gives you all these weapons and unlike the extra weapons in zero 1 the game is designed with them in mind so that's a plus but let's talk about the new weapon

The chain rod I had mixed feelings on when I first played the game but now I love the thing as you can use it to latch onto surfaces and swing like spider man.I will admit it's a bit finicky but its required like 2 times in the game so I can let it slide. In combat though like the triple rod it can be aimed in 8 directions and has more reach than the triple rod so those pesky enemies on the ceilings will no longer pose a threat. The rod is also how you get access to the 2 sub tanks found in the levels throughout and having physical sub tanks unlike zero 1 which forced you to grind for them makes the game that much more accessible to everyone. The issue in the X games where even if you only needed a little bit of health the character in question would use all the energy stored has been fixed as well which is as good as it sounds.

The graphics and music in the game are just way more memorable than the first's as well. A variety of colors and environments are on display such as a forest that goes into some old ruins, a train with a detailed background that makes it seem like it's going as fast as you can imagine with cargo stored on board, the outside of a laboratory with ice chunks floating on the water and the inside being completely frozen over. I'll always prefer the best spritework of 16/32 bit games more than the graphics of any game releasing on current gen platforms cuz sprites just have more charm. The music is upbeat when it needs to be and sinister when the story ramps up later on as well. Overall the presentation hits the mark in every area it needs to and I cant think of anything i dislike. The remastered tracks are all phenomenal and add that much more to the experience

With all that out of the way now onto the level design and other gameplay elements. The cyber elves system has been improved with 2 simple tweaks. The required e crystals needed to feed the elves has been lowered and the drop rate has been raised substantially making getting health upgrades a non issue for new players. This let's the player determine the difficulty of the game like some of the best metroidvanias and mega man x games. EX skills are introduced in this game and I find it to be a awesome reward but still pretty challenging to get. You have to go into a stage with an A rank in order to get the ex skill from the boss and this just encourages the player to get better at the stages to get skills that gives the combat variety like with the ice buster ex skill that acts like a shotgun when used right or the powerful downward stab. The EX skills are a bit hard to get but I still find them to be a great addition and Zero 3 definitely perfects the system.

Now, the level design. The most important part of any platformer. Inti creates handled the design so well that 4 playthroughs later I enjoy the game as much as i did when I first played the game. I think that this game has some of my favorite platforming in the entire series and it balances with combat a lot better than games like X1, X3, and even better than Zero 3 and 4. The first 4 stages are all very memorable for their own reasons like jumping across floating ice chunks in the frozen factory to avoiding icy gusts that freeze you while enemies approach then handling ice physics to clear gaps and avoid hazards which sounds bad but it's very fun when you master the way to keep your speed going. That's just one level yet I can just point out these amazing parts of the level off the top of my head which isnt something I can do for MMZ1 very often. The train stage has multiple blinking lights that pass the train then a gate passes by that you have to jump over while dealing with the usual enemies too which makes a stage that's technically flat as all hell really interesting and engaging overall. Most of the levels in the game all have level design like this and it's just a major step up. The factory level in the 2nd half of the game is definitely my favorite no contest. This level has flaming buckets going up and down which the player has to avoid by dashing under or jumping over them but the fun part is that you can use an ice infused attack to deactivate the touch damage and using this across the level to make extra platforms while dodging enemy fire jumping across crumbling platforms that drop into lava after a couple of seconds dashing under invincible enemies all without getting hit once raises my serotonin levels to the max. There are some stinker levels and some stinker aspects of good levels like the first part of the 2nd midstage which has you jumping from airship to airship and sometimes the ship is off screen and you have to either wait for it or take a leap of faith which is just not very fun but thankfully the latter parts of the stage are all pure kino. My least favorite stage is harpuias stage with terrible spike placement and a mind numbing gimmick wherr you have to hit an enemy when it's a specific color to reveal platforms of the corresponding color which just feels like a waste of time. But other than that my problems with the level design are pretty small and I just move on pretty quickly.

The bosses are mainly just ok overall. Some are pretty annoying and too fast but alot are also cakewalks with or without weaknesses so that's pretty whatever. The panther boss is probably my favorite for the unique arena and his selection of attacks and I like fighting him without his weakness but other than that the bosses are pretty much improved overall.

So yeah I enjoy this game quite a bit as you can tell. Easily in my top 15 games ever made and in my top 3 mega man games

Base gameplay: 9.5/10
Level Design:9.5/10
Weapon/Technique Selection:9/10
Boss Fights:7/10
Difficulty Design:10/10

Why do people think this is better than the first game

Esse jogo me fez valorizar ainda mais o Zero 1.

Enemy placement by mfs who want us to kill ourselves. They said "damn, this will make them throw their gameboy against a wall and shatter it into millions of pieces, Oi Jerry! Put dat shit in der!"

This review contains spoilers

I can't fucking believe I'm able to feel sympathy for a robot dressed in all pink clothing but here we are. For a significant portion of my life, I've felt inadequate, like I wasn't "good enough". I've always wanted to be something more than just "Some guy" (now girl), to finally be, again, "good enough". I have thankfully hopped off that train of thought, but this here video game showcases a possible outcome for this kind of thinking. Going from Some Guy, to Some Guy who's permanently ruined their own life and significantly affected the lives of others. My advice to you, is that you are good enough. You shouldn't worry about an arbitrary sense of adequacy. Just be you.

The actual game's fun, the airship level sucks dick tho

A considerable improvement over the first one! The two big issues I had with the first game are completely gone. Granted, there’s still an Energy Crystal requirement for the permanent Cyber-elves, but those amounts are all significantly reduced, so it’s a lot easier to get them activated. Although the newly-introduced Chain Rod felt unintuitive for swinging across gaps and there were a few rather unfun moments (Phoenix Magnion my DETESTED), it was still a fun game with a pretty good antagonist for something that’s rather short. And yeah, I probably won’t have as much to say about most of the games here as I did for MMZ1.

This is where the Zero subseries got really fantastic, in my opinion. Elpizo was an incredibly fun antagonist to take down.

A bit better than the first one, but not by much.

Okay, por onde começar?
Eu simplesmente AMO os bosses desse jogo.
Eu adoro quando você dá de cara com um boss e de primeira acha ele impossível, mas conforme você vai morrendo e morrendo pra ele, você vai aprendendo cada vez mais seus padrões e mecânicas, até que você se torna um mestre e usa de todo o seu conhecimento adquirido pra acabar com ele. E isso foi algo que eu senti bastante em MegaMan Zero no geral.
Mas de longe eu posso dizer que esse jogo tem meus bosses favoritos.
A Boss Fight contra Kuwagust & Herculious representa perfeitamente o que eu quero dizer.
A primeira vista quando eu olhei pra aquilo eu disse "O QUÊ?" "ISSO É IMPOSSÍVEL, NÃO EXISTE COMO EU PASSAR DISSO", mas foi só morrer algumas vezes pra aprender seus padrões, que eu consegui, e até mesmo esse processo é ridículamente divertido.
A trilha sonora desse jogo quase é tão boa quanto a de MegaMan Zero 3. "The Last - The Wish Punished", "Sand Triangle" e "Melt Down" na certa batem de frente com "Cannonball" de MegaMan Zero 3.
Esse jogo é quase tão bom quanto Zero 3, se não fosse pelo level design.
Vamo lá, eu não gosto muito do Level Design desse jogo, e muitas vezes eu já me mordi de raiva em certas fases.
É claro que tem algumas fases que se salvam e isso não impede o jogo de ser bom. Ele é um ótimo jogo e quase alcança MegaMan Zero 3.

Shit ass game, one of the best in the series but it's difficulty and bullshit makes it quite hard to A or S rank.

Big improvement over the first game. Level design and bosses are much more fair and thus the game is a lot more fun than frustrating. The story is better but still nothing really special. It does suck that you have to fight the 3 boss characters from zero 1 again with few changes but thankfully you only have to fight them once each. The new chain weapon is cool but the swinging is kinda janky and it could get pretty annoying when they had you use it to get over spikes. I also miss the jump spin attack I had in zero 1 but I think it's probably relegated to one of the forms. The forms and EX skills are a much better incentive to get people to play the game longer than just jacking up the difficulty but I only ever ended up getting one form since I like to use just the z-saber so I didn't really get to enjoy them much.

About more of the same which is great because it's fun.

This game brought back the original but adapted aspects of Mega Man, like EX-Skills and Forms.
The level design is better than the first one, easier too and that's why I enjoyed this game more.
The final boss from the first game is more complicated in comparison.
The storyboard remains pleasant.
I liked the evolution of the level and soundtrack diversity, make it less repetitive.
I had no difficulty in this game.

Es una mejora considerable respecto a la primera entrega, teniendo un mejor diseño de niveles, mucho más variado y memorables cada uno de ellos, además, pese a conservar el mismo sistema de leveado este no se llega a sentir tan pesado por lo mencionado sobre los stages. El sistema de elfos sigue igual solo que la cantidad de cristales requeridos se ve reducido, aún así sigue siendo un despropósito su uso ya que te restan puntos en los niveles, siendo honesto nunca los utilicé y no sentí su ausencia.

Ahora con las Ex Skills, estas hacen que Zero tenga una mayor variedad a la hora de enfrentar a los enemigos, la forma de obtenerlas igual es bastante justa, sacando un rango A o S en cada nivel, no es demasiado complicado y con un poco de práctica se puede lograr, a no ser que apestes jugando.

i think the armor system is pretty cool in this game, the recolors are a nice throwback to the X series and i like some of the additional moves you get through em, though switching between them is kinda a hassle

this game has my favorite villain out of all 4 games i think

best thing about this game was knowing that it was over and im never gonna have to touch it again. 2 stars for MMZ 2

This game broke me. Its good when ur good also capcom please fire your level designer.

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A really solid step up from Zero 1 in pretty much every regard. The level design is more enjoyable to go through, even if it has some Inti Creates quirks, and the bosses are especially better than the 1st. I also liked the story as a continuation of Zero 1, and I'm excited to see how the remaining two games follow up on it.

Elpizo is an... alright antagonist. I felt that his motivations were fairly interesting, especially at the halfway point where he's broken up over his failure to attack Neo Arcadia, but it felt like he leaned a bit too much into the moustache-twirling side of villains until the finale. Gonna give him extra points for being a final boss that wasn't absolutely miserable to fight, though. Can't wait to play Zero 3.

A great and more focused follow up to game that didn't quite know what it wanted to be. Zero 2 fixes almost all of the issues with the first.

The weapon leveling isn't nearly as bad, the classic stage select is brought back and the level design is much more akin to what you'd expect. The narrative gets even better too. I love the role Elpizo plays in showing the power the dark elf holds, and how it can twist and warp any who come into contact with it.

The music is also generally more memorable. Departure is a great first stage song, and the whole opening is extremely well done with an interesting stage theme taking after where the first game ended off.

Megaman Zero 2 takes everything the first game did and either rids itself of what didn't work... or expands upon and improves what did. This is how a sequel should be.

One of my favorite games of all time

Mejora mucho con respecto al anterior, mejor diseño, menos grindeo de armas y cristales, la introducción de las Ex Skill y lo mejor de todo, un antagonista con un nombre que da para muchos chistes

What does Capcom have against polar bears