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in the past

Honestly preferred the first game. Everything relating to plot was far less engaging this time and I didn't really feel any major differences in how it played compared to the original. Some stage layouts and bosses might honestly be a step down imo. Whatever the case, they're still close, still decent, etc. Maybe the differences in their average ratings led me to expect a bigger change.

A major improvement from the first entry

This game adds so much more to what the first game was missing and even more on top of that, the soundtrack doesn't disappoint and the story just gets even better.

A huge step up from the first game but the mechanics on unlocking ex-skills is kind of nonsensical and annoying.

Improvement over the first one, but still a bit frustrating at times

AGORA SIM É HYPE, agora o custo de cyber elfos são bem balanceados oq reduziu insanamente o grinding, a história dnv e o vilão principal tem um arco bacaninha, o cliffhanger é daora e a gameplay ta uma delicia.

A big improvement over the first game: much more forgiving and a bit easier to understand for a newcomer, Mega Man Zero 2 actually feels like a Mega Man game! Level design is much more interesting, but Inti Creates will never drop their ridiculous idea of beating the levels perfectly on your first try, unfortunately.

I'm not familiar with any games other than MMZ series which rank you on your performance, let you replay the stages, yet the ranking is finalized with the first run-through. This is the only thing keeping Zero series from achieving true heights, as you have to be pro to care about rankings, yet the game makes way too big of a deal about them to ignore.

Mejor que el 1 porque no he tenido que farmear

Mechanically speaking this is an upgrade both in gameplay and story compared to Zero 1. They even made grinding weapon experience a lot less tedious thankfully. However when it came to enemy placement and level design I feel they got worse from the first game. So many instances of enemies on a wall or ledge to hinder you from going forward and getting blind sided way too often. Lots of bosses just doing a butt load of damage more than what's expected of the Zero games. It was just a frustrating experience and it didn't feel hard, it just felt tedious to play through

Unlike the first game, this one took what was missing and wrong and made it better. Great ost, amazing stages and improved art. Way to show how to make a decent sequel.

i like the potential of the combat, but the game’s stages are just so bad and unfun and the screen’s way too small for the telefrag bosses and it’s just. poop. anything cool zero can do is suffocated by the limitations of the gba that were already present in the first game

Não tão bom quanto o 1, nem tão épico quanto o 3. Mas pelo menos não é o 4. Bom jogo

Bom? ruim? Eu esperava mais...

O jogo é sim bom, apresenta diversas melhorias se comparado ao primeiro, mas também defeitos.
A dificuldade é alta, algo esperado de Mega Man, porém de uma forma suja, os desafios se focam muito em perder a vida diretamente, principalmente em espinhos, algo que deixa o jogo muito frustrante e injusto, uma queda MUITO GRANDE de level design, a Rod não é nenhum pouco precisa e muitas vezes é fácil de morrer por conta dela, o escudo é algo que não senti necessidade de usar em nenhum momento, muitos levels tem ao menos uma parte que enganam o jogador, sendo impossível não tomar dano ou morrer. Aliás, ainda tem farming de arma.
Agora as qualidades, o jogo tem um Hud mais bem feito, as bordas de dialogo também, o jogo tem um avanço gráfico em comparação ao primeiro, ele voltou com a escolha de bosses(mas ainda mantendo as missões), as EX Skills e as formas de Zero que são um sistema bem divertido e dão mais diversidade pra jogabilidade, sem dizer que.. na metade do jogo, ele passa a ter fases mais criativas, menos momentos frustrantes, é mais dinâmico e no geral, ELE FICA BOM!!!

Mega Man Zero 2 não começa bem, obvio que ainda tem suas qualidades, mas no geral é um jogo frustrante e uma grande queda de diversão em comparação ao primeiro, porém depois da metade e na reta final ele volta com tudo, se tornando um jogo no nível de seu antecessor e trazendo diversas qualidades que seriam usadas e aprimoradas no Zero 3.
No geral, apesar de seus defeitos, é um jogo interessante.

Sets aside a lot of what was unique about the first game in favor of a more conventional world, progression structure and sense of setting. Levels themselves are often more mechanically distinctive and visually complex, but the game as a whole lacks a strong sense of identity and plays like something of a kaizo take on the X series. The story's largely carried by the presence of repeated, dead-serious use of the phrase "baby elf".

Borges, describing Kafka, says that great authors make their own antecedents, and the way the recurring bosses in this game are written with more of a psychosexual fixation on Zero confirms for me that the series is a premonition of Revengeance.

Despite my relatively low ranking, I find Mega Man Zero 2 to be a vast step-up from its predecessor. While the first game was highly limited in its ability to produce the difficult to grasp concept of “fun,” the sequel actually attempts to be an enjoyable game–and even partially succeeds. Mega Man Zero 2 has, despite some bizarre design decisions, much more coherent and structured level design alongside a marginally better upgrade system.

However, that upgrade system is limited by the fact that the game only allows you to obtain better weapons and upgraded forms by getting high scores and fulfilling arbitrary achievement requirements on your first try through levels. While I can see the appeal in a challenge based game where replayability is clearly a focus, it is brought down by an exceedingly wordy story that has no love for the time of the player. While I played the (graciously added) save-assist version of Zero 2 via the Legacy Collection, I still found myself infuriated at how long dialogue would play before fights.

I am excited to play Zero 3 next, as that might be the ultimate culmination of a series that’s main inspiration seems to be Mega Man X6 for some reason.

like a good squeal, this one improves on the first.,and it does it very well.

A better game when compared to the first Zero but overall still not a fan. Has lots of things I like but things like the weapon grinding,shit level design, and counterintuitive elf system just make the whole experience very frustrating to get through. Here's hoping Zero 3 fixes things because so far the Zero series is the weakest of Mega Man.


By all accounts this should be an improvement over the first but this shit pissed me off the entire time.

Sands off much of the rough edges of the first, but doesn’t innovate massively either, mostly ending up as a more comfortable trek through old ideas.

For instance, I didn’t mention the issues with screen crunch with the original, with lots of blind drops into instant-death spike traps, but it’s mostly remedied here with much of the stage design leaning into the hazards that will damage you and eat away at your overall rank- but not kill you. While getting bombarded by offscreen enemies is still a pain, overall the threats here a much better fit for the dimensions of the GBA screen and the tremendous mobility of your character. Gimmicks like timing your jumps to avoid geysers of frozen air or speeding across a minefield are relatively simple, but they are a huge step up from the first game, which seemed almost willfully designed not to account for any of these limitations.

The idea of tying your score at the end of levels to gaining new moves is a cool one too, and while its another system that the series would toy around with further (in this iteration it’s an all-or-nothing: you have to come into a level with an “A” rank or above to unlock a new move) it’s a powerful incentive to replay and really learn levels. With so many scoring systems, there’s a fundamental question of “why even engage with it,” and this gives clear answer to that: because you’ll miss out on the full range of your kit if you decide not to (and also because you’ll get called mean names like [SLUGGISH EDGE])

That said, for the mechanical improvements it does make, 2 is way too familiar in its scenarios- retreading through much of the first game only without the same curveballs in its mission design, and further compounded by the fact that it’s hitting all the notes of a regular Megaman title. Realizing that the back half of the game was going to be spent fighting the Guardians from 1, and then going into the formality of its boss rushes and final gauntlet made the game feel deeply inessential- like a Black Label version of the first. (This all might be due to the fact that the first Zero was meant to be a self-contained game, while 2 and 3 were developed together, the sophomore effort seemingly saddled with the baggage of vindicating its own existence in the wake of the first and laying the foundation for more interesting titles ahead.)

The best moment here is probably its midpoint, with a pair of missions where you’ll first run through the wreckage of the failed assault on Neo Arcadia, a pretty easy but very atmospheric section that calls to mind some of the best upsets of 1, and then racing your way through an airborne armada to defuse a bomb before it hits the resistance base, rapidly working your way through a succession of boss fights and some of the better platforming sections. This sequence doesn't just work because of the strong execution, but because it feels like the game is finally throwing off its comfortable template for a moment and really committing to a standout set of levels that are totally their own.

Otherwise, it’s a decent obstacle course, but not an essential one.



"When we first created Mega Man Zero, we were not planning to make sequels," says Aizu. "After Zero's release, the sales were strong enough that Capcom wanted us to create the sequel. When we began planning the sequel, we decided to make two games. So as we began developing Mega Man Zero 2, we also had the story for Mega Man Zero 3 in mind for the series." - From "Companions Through Life and Death: The Story of Inti Creates and Mega Man," Jeremy Parish, writing for USGamer

Trans me now.”
Congrats Zero 🏳️‍⚧️!

Only docking a half star because the forms are a cool feature but getting some of them is just asking to get your rank docked.

Un peu meilleur que le 1 mais toujours aussi frustrant en terme de level design, et le système des elfes est toujours aussi nul.

Muito melhor que o primeiro, as mecânicas se tornaram mais divertidas e o chicote é uma arma infinitamente melhor que lança, bom jogo

It doesn't have Z1's huge lives issue anymore and that goes a long way but man...this level design is horrendous. Half the time it's like they forgot what screen size they're working with. This game has SO many blind jumps. The train level is atrocious and absolutely unfun. It's just a straight line filled with enemies that just appear too fast to reasonably react to littered throughout. That being said, movement and combat are still fun. Overall it's not a big enough improvement to validate a higher score than the first game.

Damn, does this game just repel players. Its not necessarily bad, I enjoyed a lot of it. My problem comes from its notoriously bad level and boss design. To talk about the levels, there is one shot spikes and pit everywhere. This is nes era level of horse shit but worse. One of the levels is the sky level in mega man 1 with the little dudes that you have to jump on shoot you but imagine you couldn't see the next one. A lot of the game is just memorization. People argue that other action games are also just memorization but I disagree. MMZ is more memorization because you are so incentivized to never take damage. Even games like souls lets you get hit and give you healing resources. Every MMZ boss has a fuck load of health, you have very little, and the game constantly punishes you for getting a low rank. On top of the fact that they deal a fuck ton of damage too. Thats not to say that I was struggling, I beat some of the bosses first try, like the panther dude, and the snow guy. Having to perfect every level and do it all over again if you wipe is just not fun to me. So many attacks are also just give the lowest possible reaction time. The gba has a small screen but damn you cant see half the shit thats coming at you until it already hits you. It feels like a port of a snes game like the donkey kong country game boy port, where you can't see shit at all. Could I just smash my face against the game until I like it? Sure, but you could say that about any game. I just don't care much about trying to master one of the 6 MMZ games. If I'm being honest, most the problems would be solved by zooming the game out.

Finished playing Mega Man Zero 2.
The first mega man zero is a pretty good game imo but if you've played that game then you know it has a decent amount of flaws which means that it had some room for improvement.Thankfully mmz2 is a clear improvement from the 1st game.
The combat is improved because at the start the game already gives you 2 new weapons which are the shield boomerang and the chain rod.
The shield boomerang is you guessed it a shield that you can use as a boomerang by charging it.
The chain rod can be used to draw in items, enemies and to hook onto ceilings.The shield boomerang is meh it can be useful against some enemies but it isn't that useful against bosses and i didn't find myself to be using it most of the time because the 3 other weapons are more useful and fun to use.
The buster shot is a pretty good weapon but not as fun as the chain rod and the z saber.
The chain rod is a great weapon its fun to use and its useful against both bosses and enemies.
Finally the z saber remains my fav weapon i found it to be the most fun to use and it is very useful but not op.
A new character that gets introduced is Elpizo he is the new commander of the resistance base but when his plan to attack neo arcadia goes to shit he turns into the antagonist.He is a really solid antag. and prolly the best part of the story imo. The boss lineup is great and unlike in the 1st game none of them have a bs healthpool.
1.Elpizo 1st phase
2.Fighting fefnir
4.Phoenix magnion
5.Fairy leviathan
6.Hyleg ourobockle
7.Harpuia 2nd form
8.Fairy leviathan 2nd form
9.Fighting fefnir 2nd form
11.Kuwagust and herculious
12.Elpizo 2nd phase
13.Rainbow devil
14.Mega scorpia
16.Burble Hekelot
17.Poler kamrous
18.Panter flauclaws
A ranking of all the bosses and a lot of these are interchangeable. The graphics are basically the same as the 1st game which isn't a bad thing because i liked the graphics. The story is a huge improvement in mmz2 because Elpizo >:)
Zero 1 soundtrack was kinda forgettable but not bad mega man zero 2's soundtrack tho oh my lawd it KICKS ASS.
The pacing and controls were solid in both games but a problem that they both share is that near at the end of the game there's a part where you fight some bosses again which sucks. The final boss while not bad it was extremely dissapointing because of its lame moveset, easy difficulty and how the 1st phase was superior. The airship stage yeah it fricking stinks. Ciel was a lot less interesting in this game like is it just me who finds her very forgettable? Most levels in zero 2 were enjoyable and well designed and the character designs are awesome especially Zero and Elpizo. Overall Mega man zero 2 is a great game and a huge improvement from the first game because of the superior story, combat, bosses, levels and it was also less bullshit. 9/10