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I always get my ass royally kicked in the endgame boss rush. For some reason i never git gud on Z2.

Um bom avanço da fórmula do primeiro jogo.

A gameplay continua com a mesma satisfação de sempre, e adiciona duas novas armas, o chicote, que serve pra se pendurar e puxar coisas, e o escudo, que serve pra defender tiros e ser útil em mais nada. Uma mecânica nova foi o EX skill, adicionando aqueles ataques diferentes do zero na saga X, apesar de ser legal, o problema delas é de só serem pegas caso estiver com rank A em uma fase, perdendo todo potencial de deixar a gameplay mais legal, já que vai ter muita gente que vai jogar e nem vai descobrir a existência delas. Outro argumento é delas servirem como recompensa por jogar bem, e incentivando aos jogadores à jogarem bem, mas acho isso idiotice já que o jogo não explica como pegar elas, e a pessoa provavelmente só vai sentir vontade de pegar na segunda jogatina. Outra questão é as armaduras, que aumentam os status de zero, elas aparecem de acordo da forma em que você joga o jogo, como matar 50 inimigos com a pistola, refletir 30 tiros, e esses tipo de conquista. Denovo, não são recompensas e sim uma forma de desperdiçar recursos que tornam o jogo mais satisfatório, não tem como descobrir isso casualmente, e teria que ver na Internet de como obter eles.

Aqui as fases deixaram de ser objetivos e virou uma fase de matar chefe, assim como os outros megaman. As fases tiveram uma evolução no level design, mas algumas ainda se manteve estranhas como o primeiro jogo, principalmente as finais que é intupida de espinhos, a única coisa que resolve isso nelas, é de ter várias vidas pelas fases, então eu aceito o abuso psicológico. A fase que é realmente paia, foi a dos avião, que tem um monte de pulo merda e eles não param de atirar, bem paia. Os chefes também teve uma melhoria, agora eles tem mais padrões e ataques difíceis de desviar, claro que teve uns 2 que dava pra matar parado, mas já foi de um avanço significativo.

A ost de megaman zero ficou banger nesse jogo, focando mais no rock pesado (não sei gênero de rock, me desculpa não binários), prefiro ela assim do que músicas assustadoras.

A história mesmo não tendo a mesma qualidade do primeiro, por conta dos temas legais, no mmz 2 ela ficou mais tensa, antes você não sentia que a cópia de X tava realmente causando malefícios para o mundo, a gente só tava dando um fim no império dele. Aqui graças a mente fraca do elpizo, ele quer libertar uma criatura que foi responsável pela maior guerra na lore de megaman, então há essa adrenalina de tentar parar ele, ver o que vai acontecer nas próximas missões. A história ficou muito mais imersivo do que no primeiro jogo.

Se não gostou do primeiro, ao ponto de dar rage quit, megaman zero 2 não vai te decepcionar... eu acho, sei lá, as vezes gosto de sofrer em jogos.

Em matéria de história, esse jogo é superior ao primeiro e o que eu mais gostei é que ele deixa de lado o sistema de missões do primeiro MZ e volta com o sistema de seleção de fases, característico de Megaman.

Com isso, o problema das áreas se repetirem, que existia no primeiro jogo, foi resolvido. Também diminuíram o farm, tornando mais rápidos de upar as armas e os Elfs. Nesses quesito, o segundo jogo evoluiu comparado ao primeiro.

Agora, não dá pra falar a mesma coisa da dificuldade. Eu achei esse bem mais difícil que o primeiro, e grande parte disso é o problema de level design de algumas fases, que existem quedas mortais por conta da câmera não mostrar os espinhos que te aguardam no fundo, ou também o posicionamento dos inimigos que te ferra em muitos locais.

Além disso, há algumas armadilhas do cenário que você precisa ser um mestre no jogo pra escapar do dano ou de até a morte.

A gameplay continua basicamente igual ao primeiro, com a diferença que agora o Zero conta com um gancho pra puxar objetos, itens e até se segurar no teto para de balançar e acessar algumas áreas. Na teoria parece ótimo, mas pense numa coisa travada que muitas vezes mais atrapalha do que ajuda.

Você consegue habilidades dos chefes aqui também, mas só se você derrotar o chefe em rank A ou S, que você precisa ser um mestre no jogo para conseguir esses ranques nas fases, e também não usar nenhum Cyber Elf, nem mesmo os que aumentam a vida ou os atributos do Zero.

Outras coisa nova são as formas, que você consegue cumprindo alguns requisitos durante as fases. Essas formas dão vantagens para o Zero quando equipadas. O problema que você precisa cumprir esses requisitos nas fases em que os chefes ainda não foram derrotados, e isso muitas vezes envolve farm, o que vai fazer seu rank cair, por causa do tempo que você vai levar pra concluir a área. Ou seja, é praticamente impossível ter todas as formas e todos os ataques de chefes ao mesmo tempo.

Megaman Zero 2 é superior ao seu antecessor em vários quesitos, mas repete alguns erros e consegue piorar alguns que já existiam no primeiro e ainda ter novos. Ainda assim, é um bom jogo pela história e também, vamos ser sinceros, o Zero é um personagem extremamente carismático!

The concept of the EX skills appealed to me and so did the skills themselves. They were fun to use and a welcome addition to Zero’s moveset. But I did not like that you have to get rank A or higher to get said EX skills. It made me rush through most stages and I couldn’t really explore these stages since I didn’t want to miss out on these skills.
And then there’s forms. Again, I liked the concept but I didn’t like that you had to fulfill some arbitrary objective. These objectives are different for every mission and are never explained to you. So you either have to get lucky and fulfill the objective unknowingly or you’re going to have to look them all up.
I do appreciate that there are more stages now but I like these stages less than the ones in Zero 1.
They were kinda boring and samey.
So overall, I like this one a bit less than the first Zero game.

This dropped the same year as X7 isn't that just wild?

Un juegazo, un paso adelante después de la primera entrega.

I have gone on record saying that I firmly believe that Zero 1 is better than 2. I first tried playing the DS version of Zero 2 on the Mega Man Zero Collection, and this time I tried the Switch version, which has the save state checkpoints, because some of my issues with Zero II came with its rather obnoxious difficulty. Unfortunately however, my opinion on Zero II hasn't changed much from the last time I played it. I find Zero 2 to be a downgrade in several ways, first being the level design. I have very mixed opinions on Zero 2’s level design. On one hand, Zero 2 eliminates most of the cheap stuff about Zero 1’s level design, but it's bogged down by some really finicky gimmicks. Zero 1’s level design didn't have many gimmicks from what I remember, but Zero 2 really dives into this concept a whole lot more, to mediocre results. The level concepts are mostly fine, but in execution they're more tedious than fun. For example, the factory has you hitting bombs to explode areas of a wall, but more often than not, the bombs don't travel where you want them to go, which gets annoying pretty fast. Occasionally, the level design does actually take good advantage of the gimmicks, however. For example, in the Arctic stage, the ice is used in the intro to build up momentum so you can get a Cyber Elf, which is a nice test of skills. But examples of this are few and far between, unfortunately. The level design also occasionally uses the Chain Rod, a hook shot that just feels so god awful to use. It transfers your momentum awfully, and it just feels forced whenever used. You also have to use it in a lot of do-or-die scenarios, and combined with the poor momentum translation, it gets annoying really fast. This is kind of a nitpick and doesn't make sense with Zero 2’s levels, but something I really liked about Zero 1 is the interconnected world. Not only did this encourage exploration outside of levels so you could memorize the layout before heading into the mission, but it gave Zero 1 a great sense of worldbuilding. It made all the stages feel like they mattered, but this is all but gone in Zero 2. Once again, since you teleport to stages in Zero 2, it wouldn't make sense, but then again, Mega Man X did this, even though each area wasn't interconnected. Once again, a nitpick, but still. My mixed opinions of the stage design also translates into the bosses, unfortunately. They're not awful, but some of these fights get super fucking annoying. Jesus christ, actually ASS FUCK the Phoenix boss, and I hope it never rises from the ashes of hell ever again.

Occasionally, Zero 2 can be an improvement over its predecessor. For one, the level up system from Zero 1 is much, much faster, cutting down on the grinding in the game. A much needed improvement overall. I also like the forms and EX Skills, as well as the fact that the Sword now ignores i-frames, which kind of made it harder to go back to Zero 1 TBH. But in my humble opinion, Zero 2 is a bit of a step back from Zero 1. It's not awful, but once I beat it the first time, it felt like a lot could've been done better.

I didn't like the Chain Rod but this is otherwise a great beat-em-up platformer with a really nice overarching storyline. Not much else to say.

I wanted to write a detailed review about this game, but "GT" went to the character limit, and excluded my words (this company is on my blacklist along with Keiji Inafune), but I'm going to give a nice summary in questions.

Is it one of the worst games in the saga? Yes

Is it one of the worst games I've ever played? No

Is the game known for having really bad level design? For sure

Is he unplayable? No

Did I have fun after screwing up the game's rule of using the saber instead of using the buster with the quick charge cheat? Yes

Do I hate this game like some must? No

Is this game bad? X6 level, it's bad, but if you play another way it becomes a little more fun

Do I recommend this game? So, if you want to know the Zero saga; maybe (but I recommend playing buster with a quick charge cheat), but you might not like it either, it's a very controversial game like X6, but unlike X6, the story matters and I found it much more interesting than Mega Man Zero 1 ( In fact, I found the game more fun than the first), so if you care about the lore, do what I said, but if you just want to play a good game in this saga, maybe 3 and 4 (I haven't been much yet in depth on these two, but they say they are better than 1 and 2), but it's that thing, maybe you miss an event from the previous games, do it at your own risk.

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This is so much better than the first game and it fixes many of it's issues, except for the weapon leveling for some reason, it doesn't even make sense in the story this time, why is it here?

I'm not crazy about it but it's a fun game, this is when i started to understand why the Zero games have so many fans. I prefer the classic and X formula but i can see why many call these games their favorites.

uma natural evolução do primeiro jogo, curioso pra ver como será com o resto da serie, ele voltou ao sistema digamos, mais Mega Man classico/parte da serie X, agora sem o game over simplesmente ter que fazer resetar o save, mas no geral, uma experiencia muito agradável.

Banger sequel. Giving the player forms helps further diversify playstyles. Reducing Cyber Elf feed costs helps it feel properly utilized. The only issues I had were the Crystal Cave with all of those blind-spot spikes, and the game's "Late-Game Final Fantasy Syndrome" where you can get REALLY OP by the end.

É bem melhor que o 1 porém faz muito reuso de assets

Goooooood. 2000x times better than the first game

Feels more like a complete game than the first game but it had some really hard platforming i did not vibe with. Great bosses though. I used the checkpoint assist I can not believe there are people out there who beat this game without it as children, they are god's strongest soldiers.

way better than the first one in terms of presentation and balance

You no longer have to do a near perfect run of a level to collect everything! Backtracking for elves is a great change. Still bothered by the ranking system discouraging upgrades. However, now that I could easily achieve 100%, unlike the first game, I found out it trivializes the game too much. I had so much more fun trying to perform as good as Zero canonically would. Optimizing a level to achieve A rank and a new form all in one go is a blast. OST is also much better than Zero 1.

Holy cow how much of an improvement this was over Zero 1. Mostly fixed the cyber-elf system, brought back actual upgrades, and is just all around a more polished game.

A história é bem fraca, e o fator replay se torna meio cansativo por causas da cutscenes, mas no geral é um excelente jogo pra passar o tempo.

This game is pretty good and executes its vision relatively well.

However, they removed the aerial rolling slash so it's terrible.

So much better. I wish the chain rod was real

This game rules.
Huge improvement over the first game, making weapon ranks bearable, level design and bosses are overall better, relacing the spear for the chain rod was a great choice, and making it NOT MISSABLE even better.
Some room for improvement, but that'll be tackled by the sequel, but this one's for the ages, amazing game overall.

Hard as fuck but one hell of a cool game.

Zero 2's a huge step up from its predecessor, quality-wise. It adds a ton to the gameplay while polishing down the elements that didn't work so well. It's definitely the weakest Zero story, but the story's still leagues better than like half of X so go figure.

Muchisimo mejor que Zero 1, aunque tengo mis problemitas, lo disfrute mucho más.

now this is an improvement in everyway! it's alot more enjoyable than zero 1 and i would recommend it!