Reviews from

in the past

A significant step up from MMZ1. Smart decision to go back to the traditional 'Robot Masters' gameplay loop and have individual levels with traditional bosses at the end. Music was on point here as well. Not gonna comment much on the stories in these games, as who really cares, but it was kinda sad to see what happened to one character at the end. Main gripe with this game is the Chain Rod, as its actually a necessary weapon to progress but it's kinda finicky in terms of latching onto stuff.

My favorite zero, and one of my favorite games ever. I love this. The cyber elves are cool and help new comers get in. The levels are so well designed except for like one level. And the music is great. Wonderful game.

itd be better if it didnt decide to have a spike fetish

it's still a bit too hard and the ranking system's still a bit too cheap but man i love this game nonetheless, it really hits different

A solid improvement on the first game, Mega Man Zero 2 does not dissapoint. Opening on one of the most iconic introductions of all time, Megaman Zero 2 is an absolute blast - fixing a lot of the problems I had with the original game while keeping the fast speed, the great vibe, the wonderful music and challenging difficulty. I had so much fun getting through this game. However, despite it's improvements, it still hasn't improved everything yet. Weapon levelling is still there - even if it isn't as present, it still sucks. Some of the levels are overreliant on spikes, pits and lava instadeaths to create challenge, which I thought was dissapointing. However, the boss fights in this game are even better than the first, so it does balance out. All in all, barring my complaints, Megaman Zero 2 does not dissapoint. It is everything a sequel should be. Let's hope Zero 3 continues the trend!

Literally, the 1st videogame I ever owned and played, one of the best ways to make a sequel

Zero 2 is maybe one of the coolest games but also it really wants to beat you up a ton

Just like the rest of the series, the core formula ensures that this game will always be in the upper half of 2D action games in terms of quality. But this is the weakest one in my opinion: Lacking the added depth and polish of Z3 and Z4, while also lacking in the unique atmosphere and simple brutality of Z1. Zero 2 is a great game all the same, but is in my opinion the one filled with the most unsatisfying challenges, gimmicks, and punishing design.

Mejora el anterior bastante en algunas cosas y se me ha hecho más disfrutable, sobre todo en cuanto a música. No obstante algunas de las mecánicas nuevas que se añaden son toscas e incluso innecesarias y aportan 0. Ta nice.

Much better, still hasn't reached max potential yet.

elpizo still the biggest coper circa 23XX

Another Megaman game down, another Megaman game where the bosses curbstomped me into Haggis. You know, I feel like I was a bit harsh with the previous game, since I didn't mention anything but the ball busting difficulty. The music is really great, all tunes sound nice if a bit forgettable, this and Zero 1 look really damn good, with a pixelart that is still a joy to look at, and even the goddamn story has some nice moments. My complaints are on gameplay, unfortunately. This game replaces Zero 1's lance with a whip, which does the exact same, only adding the ability to hang from walls. Its mildly useful against like two bosses, and necessary for completing some levels. Therefore, it would help if it wasn't so wonky to use. Making it actually latch onto walls when you need it to is more of an art than a science, I never figured out how to consistently get it to work. Pretty cool continuation of the series, I'm interested on where the story is going, took me about 2 and a half hours to finish

the only good game in this series

2nd best game in the Mega Man franchise. I appreciate it more and more with every replay. Weapon levels may still exist, but it's faaaar less grindy than Zero 1; you can reasonably max them out this time. It's got extremely satisfying platforming, bosses and enemy design, with the best level of difficulty in the series. Best soundtrack in the zero series too.

And no, there is nothing wrong with the system for gaining EX skills. This isn't the X series anymore; they're cool bonuses that complement the ranking system, rewarding you for playing well. And besides, if you MUST have them without putting in the effort, there's always the A-rank cyberelves to help you nab a few.

El nivel introductorio uuuuufffffffff

Improves on Zero 1 enough to make it feel like an actual video game. Controls great, has a great art style, and a bangin' soundtrack. Still doesn't have the best level design, as is typical for Inti-Creates, but they're mostly ok.

I didn't like Zero 1 very much, so I was worried if the next game was gonna keep the same level of mediocrity as the first game. Fortunately it didn't! I might not love Zero 2 but it's a huge improvement over the first game in every way.

The levels are a big improvement over the first game, not only are all of them fun but they give you some goodies like lives or Cyber-Elves as a reward for experimenting with the different abilites of your weapons, especially the Chain Rod which, despite being a bit janky and imperfect, was a ton of fun to use. The soundtrack was also an improvement over the first game, it wasn't amazing but there were definitely some bangers. The mission format went back to the more traditional Mega Man style which I definitely appreciate and thank god they improved the save system.
Despite liking all the levels, I do feel like Zero 2 suffers from the same imperfections of Zero 1 within the levels, there are definitely some points where the game can be a little cheap. But it's pretty infrequent and it's definitely not as cheap as Zero 1. Mega Man Zero 2 really slaps, if you haven't played any Zero game I highly recommend starting with this one.

Also Elpizo is epic

Improves on the first game. Different armors to unlock, more abilities, and stage selection with varied stages. Adds in the new ability to gain boss abilities and to give them a new attack if you beat them while entertaining their stage with an overall S or A rank (ridiculously hard but you have 4 cyber elves that can set you to an A rank). Cyber elves are more practical to use. Element attacks and beating certain bosses can effect other stages. Better music and minor voice acting.

Weapon leveling and the system for gaining EX Skills are bad mechanics, and I'm tired of pretending they're not.

Still love this series with my heart, I just wish its first half wasn't so rough around the edges.

Starts off promising but then there's an awful ranking system that is tied to your EX skills and you cannot redo boss stages. Not to mention pretty grueling stages makes it one of the fastest I've dropped a game. It really shouldn't boil down to "be good at these same dragging stages immediately or just miss content" and that's not a hill anyone can defend.

It feels like a game still aimed at the "tough as nails" crowd without thinking of basic, good game design. I've played some sleepers but this is just sad.

If Zero kept his cloak from the first cutscene then maybe it'd be worth something.
Reformatted because it apparently wasn't clear this game has awful design and decisions. No "you haven't played a real bad game" does not invalidate this game's choices. Comparing eating shit to fried shit does not change that they are shit.

less rough edge, slick as hell

Oh namoral eu fico triste demais com esse jogo, de longe é muito superior ao original.
O jogo evolui... Lá vem a lista:
-Sistema de Cyber Elfs
-Trilha Sonora
e etc... mas o que estraga tudo são as fases e alguns sistemas.
1 - As fases são terrivelmente injustas e frustrantes, amigo tem algumas que chega a ser nivel X6, o que me afasta demais desse jogo.

2 - Sistema de X Skills é um lixo e foi por causa dele que eu não zerei essa porra em 100%

3 - Checkpoints ''geniais'' como no primeiro, mas como aqui as fases tão mais frustrante e grandes, é um inferno.

4 - Sistema de Forms muito interessante mas horrivel pra gente nova, se ele te explica-se como pegar as formas ou quais desafios você deve fazer pra liberar elas, imagina tentar pegar todas sem ler nada, imagina o pessoal na época do GBA sem internet fazendo o impossivel pra pegar isso, é uma grande merda.

Eu fico tão triste com isso de verdade, Zero 2 tem tudo pra ser o melhor jogo da saga, mas é completamente destruido por suas fases e seus sistemas, IGUALZINHO Mega Man X6, tem de tudo pra ser o melhor jogo da saga X e foi destruido pelas mesmas coisas do Zero 2.

Por isso que esse jogo é o X6 da saga Zero. Estou ansioso pro Zero 3.

I have a similar opinion of this game as I do Mega Man Zero 1 where I think most of the game is fine at best with the boss battles being the exception (even if I think some of the bosses are annoying).