Reviews from

in the past

I don't get how this game is so hated on SNES, sure it is hard but mastering it is satisfying af

I wanna go Pac-In-Time to before I ever played this game.

Gimme the original joke award.

One of the few games with the dishonor of me straight up giving up on it. It has a lot of ideas I like, toying around in a small physics playbox with Pac-Man and utilizing various gadgets to move through compact stages sounds fun, but in execution it's a terrible slog. Genuinely unfun to play as a whole. Boring simplistic levels with a momentum/physics system that's fiddly and unwieldly to use, and an obnoxious necessity to collect every Pac-Dot in every stage to leave it means I have to waste more time wallowing in every annoying stage with these annoying controls longer than I'd wish to. I love Pac-Man, I love platformers, and I love the SNES, but this game didn't do anything for me.

everyone knows the 8-bit era for its ball-bustingly hard platformers, but rarely (outside of obviously beloved first-party titles) does anyone ever discuss the genre's conventions as far as 16-bit games go

do you know why that is?

because they're mostly mediocre, tedious, and labyrinthine clusterfucks - like pac in time for the snes

This game is slippery as hell and in way too long. Its decent but thats it. Not much of a reason to play this one honestly.

One of the failed platforming attempts of the Pac-Man franchise. The bouncy controls don't adjust well to its environment, causing more than enough cheap deaths that are sometimes caused by enemies and other times by badly one-hit placed obstacles. Its item system mixes in some puzzle elements to the stages but the controls make them hard to use, not to mention the sometimes cryptic ways they are intended to be used.
On the good side we have a really chill and funky soundtrack and the rope mechanic that is really goofy and fun to use.

Nossa, o pior jogo de Pac-Man Museum que joguei... Uma BOMBA! Parece mais um bootleg do que um jogo oficial de tão ruim...

honestly kinda fun at first, but why must you collect EVERY pellet?!

First of all, this is one of the best renderings of Pac-Man I've ever seen. Round as hell with stubby little arms and legs, bouncing around, screaming while throwing fireballs, I can't get enough of him in this game. Part of me wonders if Smash should've gone with this game as the primary inspiration for his moveset instead of Pac-Land.

Of course, the reason Smash didn't do that is that this is barely a Pac-Man game. Pretty much any other character could take his place and make as much sense if the dots, power pellets, and ghosts are removed. In fact, looking at the developer's previous game proves this. Even if you didn't know about this previous game, you can feel how forced the Pac-Man elements are. The power pellet only allows you to eat ghosts, which there aren't that many of in levels, and all the other enemies are unaffected by it.

Ignoring this aspect of the game, playing it is fun, at least early on. The movement takes some getting used to due to how slippery Pac-Man is, but once you get a feel for it and his bounce, as well as the great swinging mechanic, it's easy to get into the game's rhythm. The biggest problem here is that Pac-in-Time outstays its welcome. There are 50 levels in this game, and they only get longer and bigger as the game goes on. There are also only 5 themes to spread across these 50 levels, so the first hour or so may drive you insane over how you're still seeing the same grass levels with the same music (pretty good music, though). What you do in these levels gets stale, and around level 13, after two days of playing the game, I had to call it quits after dying and not having it in me to get back to where I was. While Pac-in-Time is one of the better Amiga-style Platformers (derogatory), it still ultimately is an Amiga-style Platformer.

Jogado no Pac-Man Museum+. Esse jogo malemá funciona, eu tô realmente impressionado em terem colocado isso numa coletânea de aniversário.

sheesh this game is BORING. mediocre platformer that just so happens to have pac man.

Worst Pac-Man game I've played.

Simplesmente o pior jogo do PAC-MAN que já joguei. A gameplay de plataforma é estranha e escorregadia. O jogo, em si, é confuso e parece que foi feito com o intuito de "inovar" e ao mesmo "estragar" aquilo que já estava criado.