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in the past

A super solid bullet hell (heaven?) game.

Plays like vampire survivors, but focuses more on "stacking" weapons & items. Has a level based-trait system that makes it super replayable - also has bosses and a story!

Visuals are awesome, super charming and very unique - almost like a playable windows screen-saver but... well... a lot more substantial than that.

Music is awesome too, fits super well with the gameplay and visuals.

It doesn't have as many weapons, stages, characters, etc. as Vampire Survivors does, but what is there is more polished. It's like comparing a 5 lbs bag of lays to a gourmet bag of the finest chips, with potatoes sourced from the mountaintops of Colombia... And who knows? It might get updates with even more content after this review is posted!

If you like games like Vampire Survivors, bullet-hells & roguelikes then give this a shot! It's only 5 BUCKS!!!

A never-ending unspeakable nightmare, fueled by endless bloodshed and breakcore.

Picayune Dreams is a Vampire Survivors clone with a narrative that places it's protagonist and player in the same thematic through line, and it's highly effective because of that feat. The story is simply told, albeit obfuscated by metaphor, but it works extremely well. Picayune Dream's simplicity is to it's benefit, stripping away many of the complexities within the genre it exists in and makes great use of it's mechanics, down to the bare essentials. This is the game that's really sold me on just how enjoyable the Vampire Survivors method can really be, presented in a package that highly appeals to me.

Visual eye candy, playful with it's characters, yet deeply unsettling and tragic, a constant dopamine injection has been hooked up to my brain. I've somehow managed to sink 12 hours into the game, and my body desires to expend even more time with it. I can't control it. It does what it wants, not what it needs.

Divertido, mas encontrei uma biuld que quebra o game ent zerei mt rapido

Forse ho bisogno di riflettere per qualche giorno ancora ma per ora devo dire che leggere paragoni con vampire survivors che è entrato nel grande pubblico più per l'ignoranza del grande pubblico che altro mi fa cascare le palle. Tralasciamo però questo, picayune sicuramnte è un bullet hell riuscito che può essere giocato anche dai meno avvezzi al genere (grazie a dio non è un ikaruga) e con elementi narrativi che incuriosiscono. Si vede tanto l'influenza dagli ib, yume nikki, ecc ma ha comunque una sua identità

Criminally-cheap, this breakcore album disguised as a game (don't take that as an insult; the game has a LOT going for it despite being short) somehow managed to worm itself into my brain despite being so cheap and despite being grabbed by me on a whim.

I consider this complete after having farmed 50 rockets with 50 digiwatches and brought my PC to a crawl.

I'm really fond of this game. It's got such a fresh & interesting take on the bullet hell genre that bundles body & existential horror into it. The game is easily accessible for people looking for a casual experience but carries depth past it's gameplay with it's thought-provoking narrative. The style and design choices were also really great to see because it's boring seeing the same passed around look or bloated UI. I've seen people complain about the item descriptions being in a console format but I honestly love it. Because of it's barely legible make, you're left to analyse the upgrade you're choosing without mindlessly choosing what looks the coolest. It also allows for you to unwind and not blast through the whole thing at peak effectiveness (which can become strenuous). That, combined with the game not stopping but slowing down into that position give you this feeling of relief & accomplishment. Overall, an experience created with love that has a space to stand on it's own as a great experience without being a clone.

Fun Vampire Survivors-like
Gamemaker Horror elements kinda feel cliché but it's enjoyable enough
Gameplay itself is fun though, i'm almost close to finishing a first run ending

Picked this game up on a whim and i'm very happy i did. The artstyle and music are wild, the item selection is great and the bosses are really nice bullethell fights. The story sections arent that big of a deal, but are a nice way to add some character to the game. For every fan of survivor games its a easy recommendation

I beat the game, but you know how games like this go. Very flashy and very fun, but I suck at bullet hells. Only complaints are that some enemies are absolutely nightmarish to deal with.

When I saw Picayune Dreams I instantly fell in love with the artstyle and music. I love breakcore/drum&bass etc. so I bought the game immediately and went in with as little knowledge as possible.
When I booted up the game and found out this was a roguelike I was really bummed.

I've never enjoyed Roguelites. I feel so unsafe and weird with constantly restarting the game. It's never been for me. I've always quit after some progress. But I gave it a shot anyways and I'm really pleased with what it turned out to be.
It's a short game (took me 7H) and the experience is tight and fun. Theres something so satisfying about vampire survivor upgrades mixed with semi touhou bullethell gameplay. I am really happy that the game was designed to be a small experience with big potential for players who play hundreds of runs. For me I was able to experience the roguelike gameplay loop at a small playtime I would expect for an indie. But considering the upgrades and the different builds you can make I know there is enough here for deeper players to enjoy. Only issue is that I can see the content running dry fairly quickly. There aren't many bosses to push people to keep going once you're done.

The story is honestly my biggest issue with the game. It felt somewhat inventive by mixing the story along with the rogulike gameplay but I just could not get myself to enjoy it. It felt very flat and unnecessary. But at the same time I wouldn't change it. It's the creators vision and I mess with what their doing and thinking. Just wasn't for me in that part.
The presentation is where it really shines. The art is so good. I also love the touch of the various equipment showing visually on the MC. The enemies became repetitive after 3 tried but the bosses were really cool and had a lot of charm.

And the last note I have is that the music is incredible. It's so nice having my favorite music genre in a new indie game. If you like electronic music and breakcore you will love this game. It's worth it for that alone.
I suck at writing reviews sorry MWAH <3

Doesn't have the most content so I don't see myself going back to this one very often in the future but for £4 it's a really solid, well put together game. Been thinking about it a lot these past couple of days, I highly recommend!

must... get better.... at bullet hells....... top fucking tier vibes and soundtrack tho oh my god

20 minutes till dawn but your in outerspace

Survivor-type game with boss fights that are more of a shmup style. The visual style is neat along with the music and it's a nice finishable game with a clear ending. But the gameplay loop is mind-numbingly boring. For the asking price it's fine as a product though.
The game basically plays itself as the most basic of twin-stick shooters as long as you pick powerups to form a build. There is some enemy variety but most of them don't change how you play, excluding one or two that shoot or spawn bullets.

The boss fights have some fun bullet patterns but are hardly better than your average shmup boss, so that isn't something that would elevate the gameplay beyond mediocrity. You are likely to turn on auto-targeting so there is no play with the weapons. That turns the boss fights into pure dodging with basic movement.
The bomb is satisfying to use at least, absorbing bullets into a counter attack.

The attempt to be more of a 'real' game than other survivor games kind of just makes me want to play actual twin-stick shooters with better level design and more interesting gameplay mechanics. It's not like there aren't plenty of those with enemy hordes or good boss fights. But again, the aesthetic in Picayune Dreams is nice.

Great game. Have not finished it but I've gotten most of the way. I'll play it whenever I feel like and finish it when it happens. I'll update my review then, but this is just to get it out of my playing because I'm not actively playing it.

she pica on my yune til i dream
very cool style and alright gameplay, in standard roguelite fashion it's less about your ability to fight enemies and more "am I picking the right thing out of this set of 3 abilities". still, making builds is fun. I managed to sink 50 hours into this 5 dollar game just having fun

The genre fusions that Picayune Dreams offers are interesting enough in and of themselves, switching back and forth between bullet heaven, bullet hell, and RPG Maker horror game, but the real feat is how sublimely these all mesh together without the seams really showing. Of course bullet heaven and hell are sister genres, the only meaningful difference being who has the upper hand, but to splash these intense boss fights in the middle of mindlessly shooting down waves of drones without introducing any major pain points is impressive. The push and pull put me even further into the meditative state typically associated with bullet heavens, storing up my resources both, in game and mentally, to prepare for the next boss encounter. The reward for beating a boss for the first time being another genre switch that allows you to slow down massively and just learn more about the setting makes taking them down all the more satisfying. The overall presentation is extraordinarily effective too, I especially adore the UI which is so player-hostile with the way it presents item information to you, that it works in perfect ludonarrative harmony with our character not having all the pieces either. Really just an insane game all around and the only breath of fresh air I’ve seen injected into bullet heavens which seem to have stagnated just as quickly as they arrived.

realmente o Yume Nikki dos Vampire Survivors

a existência desse jogo me deixa profundamente feliz sério

raw, i like it when artists make cool and unique stuff out of reused mechanics and forms and shit

One of the only good Vampire Survivor-likes. Definitely check this one out

this is shit is goated as far as reverse bullet hell games go

This is the best survivors-like I've played.

I've mentioned in a few other reviews that every single "survivors-like" is better than the original for one primary reason: the art direction. The art direction of Vampire Survivors is dogwater. The music sucks, the spritework sucks, the visual effects are obnoxious. Then you've got games like 20 Minutes 'Til Dawn kicking its ass just by sticking with a simple color palette.

The overall presentation of this thing is outstanding. Not only does the art direction of Picayune Dreams actually fucking rule (thanks ANDY LAND and co.), but the game itself doesn't make me want to fall asleep, thanks to both the ability to play the game at double-speed by pressing a button to skip the brain-off-no-thoughts-to-be-found level grinding, and the bosses.

I love the bosses.

People flip-flop between calling games of this genre "survivors-like" and "bullet-heaven", and while I think both names blow tremendous amounts of ass, there's something to note about the latter. Avoiding large swaths of slow-moving pathetic, easily-dispensable hordes of enemies feels very close to a shmup game, albeit with way less required skill. Picayune Dreams goes ahead and says "here's an actual bullet-hell boss. Have fun!" And then I do.

Plus, by having an actual plot and story beatable in under 10 hours (it took me 11), there's a tangible feeling of "okay, the game is over so you can take a shower and go outside now" missing from every other survivors-like I've played up to this point.

Here's to hoping this game signals a sharp increase in quality of Vampire Survivors bullet-fart games of its ilk, because Picayune Dreams clears.

If you like these kinds of games, play this one. And then stop. This genre sucks. This one's good though.

Super addictive. Cannot put this down. Bubble wrap gaming

this would be the perfect game if progressing and doing good didn't make the game perform worse

Like your average bullet heaven game but with tons of style, bullet hell and yume nikki sections. Very nice visuals and music. Still, it doesn't do anything special with the bullet heaven format.
Can't help but feel maybe they didn't double down on the weirdness enough.
Overall, worth exploring.

another indie genre-spoonful. steam-tag SEO stew. affectionately, though. cloying roguelike-ish elements, rpg maker horror-esque intermissions, and breakcore-adjacent soundscapes melt into a natural, hypnotic flow as you become one with the shambling corpse of picayune.

Very much my to my tastes, aesthetically. The bullet hell sections are a good twist. There was an attempt at a story... Unfortunate that they did character design so well for everyone but the final boss.

I'm glad the meta-progression is limited here, instead of endless upgrades you're eventually going to have to make upgrade builds to use instead. Overall the game seems more intended to be played and done with than other games in this genre, though I still think the core gameplay that isn't bullet hell ends up being a little meh and too reliant on standing in place while you see how well you chose upgrades.

this game is vampire survivors but epic because it has an actual style and gameplay that requires more active participation.

It has the satisfying feeling of getting stronger and killing more enemies. But here's the best part: After all that - it ends. The game doesn't go on forever, turning into a tedious monotony. It's fun, you get stronger, beat the game, and then you're done.

Love the music.

Bullet heaven/hell rouge-lite game w/ breakcore and it's literally $5. Has secret bosses, lots of variety, and if you don't find the broken build quickly; a good amount of challenge. Currently trying to go for true ending but yeah, get this game.