Reviews from

in the past

visually and conceptually very cool. gameplay's pretty average for a shmup and suffers from gradius syndrome

Psychosis? What is this, a game about my freaking ex-wife

It was alright. More games need a game over goblin that smirks at your failures and flips you off whenever you complete a level. It's a pretty no-frills shmup with a few random absurdist enemies that caught me off guard a few times and gameplay that's all about manipulatin the surrounding options for both offensive and defensive purposes. It do have that Gradius problem where dying once basically fucks your entire run over, but the short overall run time of only 5 levels actually makes restarting not that painful. Overall a decent enough easier shmup.

I think Psychosis tries way too hard.

It's a fairly standard horizontal shmup that really wants to be weird, but I think fails at it. Barely anything about it stands out outside of level start and level end screens, and its colorful graphics are sometimes to its detriment as you can't even tell what's what. My only deaths in this game after the second boss were to the walls I couldn't recognize as walls.

I also think arsenal sucks. You have three weapons and only the main wide beam feels like it can do everything right. The alt fire comes from your options which you can rotate so I question the need for a back laser, and the thunder shot is a pitiful little wall you erect from the orbs around you that I never picked up after level 1.

The game's fairly easy after you realize that some bosses' pattern has an almost blind spot that's not hard to figure out, and look, maybe it does get harder since the game welcomes you to WORLD II which is just the game again. Honestly, fuck any game that tries that Ghosts n Goblins crap. No.

Meh. It's clearly going for a 'bizarro' theme, and it honestly doesn't land. This ain't a world made up of an evil subconscious: This is a beach with lego blocks and centipedes crawling over it. Ironically, the totally failed attempt at the vibe makes it look very Amiga-core. The stock enemy types and garish colors are more reminiscent of Apidya and such - and ironically, still plays better than most games of that ilk.

The game ends with a 2nd loop hook. Made me think a final boss was locked behind it, but nope - It's just their way of squeezing out more 'content value'.

Aims for a psychedelic or surrealist approach of sorts from what I can tell, but it doesn't really stick the landing. The end result leaves next to nothing to say and is over in 15-20 minutes. Shallow enough to not even reach the knees, but not engaging or fun enough to excuse it.

weird and colorful but otherwise pretty standard space shooter, however the soundtrack is a banger. i think this ost started math rock

A typical sidescrolling shooter filled with visual nonsense.