Reviews from

in the past

I remember having a goddamn blast with this game. It has been a very long time since I last played, so I'm due for a revisit, I pray it holds up or else I'll be revisiting this page very downtrodden someday.

I wish I knew the level select in this version was bugged & wouldn't let you do the final level if you used it.

I liked the platform and the combat, simply a good platformer with some new colors

one entire star off for removing the Groove Armada opening cutscene :(

a bruxa me traumatiza desde o PS2

This game is kinda weird and uncanny, but not in a bad way per se! I had a fun time with this one.

Kinda boring
I was having a decent time with the game and then I got to the final level and final boss which sucked so much ass that it drastically lowered my opinion on the game. Oof.

Worth playing for the visuals alone, especially if you’re into Oddworld-esque graphics / artstyle. Final area and it’s boss is ridiculously long though and I was ready to beat the game an hour prior to actually finishing it

+ Power ups provide innovation for levels
+ Levels are far more colorful compared to Rayman 2
+ Focuses heavily on 3D platforming rather than gimmicks
+ Mini - games are unlocked with level scoring
~ Dialogue is humorous
~ Story is confusing yet none existent
- Dialogue usually doesn't have subtitles / feels forced at times
- Some levels are too bright

While the HD upgrade does little to hide the title's age, the gameplay is strong enough to ensure that Rayman 3 has stood the test of time. As one would expect the change in console generations has allowed for new additions such as achievements and leaderboards. There are some omissions in the form of the original's intro and the "Wanna Kick Rayman" bonus videos, but they don't make this 360 port a lesser version.

The gameplay takes a much more linear approach than most 3D platformers. Rather than throwing you into open areas where the goal is to collect everything in sight, Rayman 3 breaks the experience up into more traditional levels. It allows for a more action-oriented approach. Levels are littered with gems so the genres collect-a-thon nature is still present. The well-crafted boss battles, regular enemy encounters, and platforming challenges make for some occasionally tricky segments that can push you further than you were expecting without ever really becoming too difficult. The well spaced out mini-game diversions do a great job of providing breaks from the main gameplay segments. I do think that the "Funkyboard" stages go on for a little too long, mostly due to their stiff controls, but I appreciated their funk soundtracks.

The music in the game is a treat to the ears and very memorable. The dialog not so much. The game tries to have a self-aware, sarcastic tone but is never as funny as it thinks it is. Oddly enough there are some sound design issues that will actually prevent you from hearing most of it's jokes. The characters can rarely be heard over the levels themselves even with some adjustments being made in the options menu. Graphically you can tell this is a game from the previous console generation. Bumping the game up to 60 frames per second, in up to 720p has made it easier on the eyes, but just know Ubisoft didn't go the full remaster route. The colorful and sometimes outright magical level designs themselves can still leave you gawking regardless.

Amassing as many points as possible will open up bonus levels and the achievements themselves will extend the life of the game as they will require you to find everything and perform at your very best. Rayman 3 is still a worthwhile 3D platformer after all these years. Even in the face of the occasional difficulty spike with a boss or two, the hardest thing to deal with is the camera which can sometimes obscure your view, make it difficult to lock on to a target, and has a tendency to hung on the geometry. Yet, it plays well and features some very creative environment designs. Its imaginative world and goofy sense of humor reminded me of the Oddworld series, only not as dark. Something that makes it perfect for all ages.


murfy pulling out the manual to explain the tutorial is such a power move

Played the first Rayman as a kid, loved it. Played Rayman 2 as a teenager, loved it. Played Origins and Legends as an adult, loved 'em. Finally got around to playing this, aaaaaaaand...

This is definitely the weak link in the main Rayman series.

Another hot take incoming, because I can deliver those every once in a while; I actually liked this a bit more than Rayman 2. Both are great, don't get me wrong, but this one VERY SLIGHTLY edges out 2 for me. The combat feels a bit smoother, and I think it benefits a bit more from the linear approach. Now if only Ubisoft would try another Rayman 3D platformer...

Echo de menos los Rayman en 3d y este sin duda es uno de los juegos que marcó mi infancia. No es un plataformas que destaque especialmente en ningún aspecto jugable, pero tiene una atmósfera imbatible y su música y ambientación me transportan a tiempos mejores.

Me encanta, ojalá Ubisoft se olvide de los rabbids del demonio por una vez y recupere esto porque es oro puro.

Top tier track: The Fairy Council - Entrance Hall

A decent 3D platformer with a dose of combat. The platforming feels neat and challenging, the combat even tho repetitive, always gets me on the edge and provides enough fun during combat sections.
Overall a solid Rayman game, even tho, a bit inferior than Rayman 2. The HD port could've been released onto different platforms rather than being stuck on the PS3 and XBOX 360.

Story is servicable gameplay really good and graphics ahead of its time

not the best rayman game but its still solid

Wish they didn't made PS3's PSN inacessible because I really wanted to keep up with this from there, but apparently only Xbox is the way for this specific remaster. Wish they will port it.

From what I played from the demo: it's an ok 3D platform with wacky nonsense dialogues you would('nt) expect from a Rayman game.