Reviews from

in the past

This game has a very cool and interesting concept but as I was playing I felt that everything was going downhill except the story, certainly the story is the most positive point of Remember me.

Another cool thing is that the game is very immersive, the graphics are beautiful but nothing surprising for the time, the setting and the scenarios along with the story really captivated me in the game and that's why I wanted to finish it.

But as I said at the beginning, not everything is perfect and there are many things that Remember Me leaves something to be desired, the three things I least liked were the repetitive combat, the camera angle at certain times and I also had the misfortune to witness some bugs that made me go back in some checkpoints.

I still think Remember Me was worth playing, this game really surprised me in some ways.

Um hack and slash incrivelmente bom, falha um pouco na sua mecânica de manipular memórias, mas ainda sim é muito bom.

this game is so like.... eh,but why?
let me see what DONT NOD made.
uhmmm ok now it makes sense

Incrivel. Cara, não tenho palavras para descrever Remember Me. Jogabilidade, gráficos e principalmente a história são espetaculares. A única coisa que não curti foi a duração do game, mas tirando isso é maravilhoso.

gorgeous world, but you cannot really interact with it, which ruins its charm. still, i enjoyed my time with the game, its combat is simple but mindless kind of fun of combo beat'em up, and i enjoyed the story for what it is. i just wish there was more meat to it. more npcs to talk to, more set dressing like... just being able to go into the stores you see. small things like that. i also remember side characters just being vastly underdeveloped, which is a pity bc the game has a sizeable female cast

I was surprised for this. even if the combat is bland, at least it has some impact to it, and the rest of the game makes up for it.

I wanted to like this one more, because the concept is interesting and the world, the setting and the gameplay are good too. The core concept of the game just doesn't feel utilized enough or at least I hoped there was more of it and that it had an actual impact on the story. Also some of the boss fights are bullshit. I hate a boss, when it has to be taken down by doing certain things (other than fight) and maybe in a certain time window as well, because it doesn't require creativeness and skill from the player, it only forces the player to follow along with the battle.

I thought this game was neat. honestly could have been two different games tho. the brain-scramble detective shit could easily have been a whole ass game on its own with way more depth, and the build-your-own beat-em-up absolutely deserves it's own dedicated game.

Had some neat ideas but towards the middle of game you get bored because combat repetitive, platforming is way to linear and the coolest idea of the game "going to someone memories" becomes a guessing game rather then a puzzle game like they attended.

i only play it little bit it controlls like poo poo

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Really fun beatem up game by the "Life is Strange" developers. Memory mechanic was cool too. Loses a star due to the car crash plot twist at the end of the game.

Tengo todo el DLC

I love cyberpunk, and this game does do cyberpunk well in atmosphere, but that's it. Everything else about this game is awful. We've already seen the story a billion times and it doesn't do anything new. The real issue, though is the incredibly bad gameplay. There's a lot of good ideas, but it's just so badly implemented. My big issue is that you can still get hit while dodging, which is game breaking. You also spend most of the game trying dodge all that attacks instead of playing the game.

Game with cool art and a story concept let down by bland repetitive gameplay that doesn't offer the variety it needs. Despite being able to make your own combos, never becomes more than a button masher.

Conceptualmente interesante, pero terriblemente ejecutado. No hay nada rescatable de lo que toca la superficie. Agradezco que haya durado relativamente poco porque creo que no hubiera soportado ni media hora más.

The concept was cool but I never felt like I was having fun playing it. Kinda interesting to see a pre-Life is Strange Dontnod, though; would've never expected they'd make a game like this.

Nilin is a memory hunter trying to remember who she is. You have a set of moves you can customize however you want. And at times alter the memories of people to advance. In my opinion it speaks about an artificial world that she tries to bring down.

If you are looking to play a PlayStation 3 game you've never played or heard of I would recommend this game.

A great hidden gem.

Italian review first, English review is right below~
Spoiler free!


3,5 su 5, solo perché dare 7,5 su 10 mi è impossibile.
Giocato su Linux (Pop_Os!), tramite Proton 7.0-6 su Steam, non ho notato alcun problema.

In breve? Il concept è ottimo, la realizzazione lascia un po' a desiderare.
In dettaglio.
La trama (così come gli argomenti trattati) è interessante e particolarmente attuale, tuttavia ha dei buchi che non vengono mai risolti o spiegati, lasciando solo più confusione nel giocatore.
La meccanica di combattimento è un po' legnosa, tuttavia era interessante. Avrebbero dovuto comunque curarla di più, sopratutto dando o togliendo del tutto il controllo della videocamera al giocatore - la via di mezzo è estremamente fastidiosa e crea spesso problemi nonché confusione.
Il movimento stesso non era male, tuttavia in un gioco in cui ci si deve muovere così tanto - non poterlo fare liberamente è molto frustrante.
Ci si potrebbe quasi aspettare che il gioco sia stato chiuso velocemente per mancanza di tempo o fondi o personale.
Rigiocherei? Ora come ora non so come rispondere a questa domanda.



3,5 out of 5, simply because I can't give it a 7,5 out of 10.
Played on Linux (Pop_Os!), using Proton 7.0-6 on Steam, no issue detected.

tl;dr? The concept is great, but the game doesn't get even close to that level.
More specifically.
The plot, as well as its subjects, it's interesting and a very current topic nowadays, however there are several plot-holes that are never taken care of in any way, leaving the player confused.
The combat mechanics are somewhat stiff, but overall interesting. Nonetheless it needed more thought and work, especially regarding the view and camera control: either the players have total control over it or none - an half-baked camera control is obnoxious and tends to cause more issues as well as confuse the player even more.
The movement itself wasn't that bad, although being unable to move freely becomes extremely frustrating in a game where movement is critical.
One could even think that the game was done quickly due to the lack of time, funds or personnel.
Would I play this again? I currently do not know how to answer this question.

Has it's strengths that elevate it past the wave of forgettable 360/PS3 era action adventure games: Cool art design, some parts of the graphics still hold up despite being mid-budget for its time (one of the first games, if not the first, that used PBR helps it immensely), memory remixes are a neat idea, setting is cool, etc. However, it is bogged down by the moment to moment story being weak as well as 95% of the gameplay being a pretty mid 2013 era action adventure style. If it was a pure adventure game that quadrupled down on the Memory Remixes probably would of been much more fondly remembered.

Not something I'd exactly call original, combat feels very stiff only as good as someting of a weekend distraction.

Unfortunately. The title is the most memorable part of this game.

This game is so mediocre it's fascinating

Por uma ironia do destino, quase ninguem se lembra mais de Remember Me, o que é uma pena, mas se a Dontnod encontrou sua galinha com os ovos de ouro com Life is Strange, good for them, até parece que teve um esboço de fazer o segundo mas acabou não rolando.

O que eu mais queria era começar um negócio "video games nostálgicos", essa safra de jogos dos anos 2010's é algo único. são uns jogos de 10 horas, de ação e aventura, com uns conceitos originais e o mais importante: artes conceituais e modelagem 3D dos personagens nos extras.

Neo-Paris é linda e é incrível isso se manter 10 anos depois, uma imaginação do que seria uma Paris cyberpunk e o centro da tecnologia na Europa e se reerguendo depois de uma destruição total. Cada vez que a cutscene abria a câmera para mostrar a cidade de fundo era um negócio mágico mesmo.

O combate também é legalzinho, tem uma ideia boa por trás, montar seu combo com qual atributo você quer é interessantíssimo, uma pena que fique repetitivo ali pela hora 8 de jogo.

A história me pegou um pouco, ela parecia ir para um lado depois foi pra outro. o jogo tenta fazer você se conectar com os personagens, mas é meio vazio, ninguém tem muita personalidade, eu estava só assistindo sem sentir uma unidade de emoção. entretanto, esse conceito de mexer com memórias é uma ideia muito forte (e como tudo nessa vida, Doctor Who tocou por cima nesse tema na temporada 3 episódio 3, Gridlock, mas isso fica só de curiosidade). esquecer seu passado, ou momentos da sua vida é o caminho correto para superar a dor? outra pessoa fazer isso com você, remixar a sua memória para você fazer o que ela quer, quão assustador é isso? é realmente brincar de deus como a protagonista coloca. senti falta de uma discussão sobre a ética mais aprofundada sobre por parte do jogo, as vezes ele tava quase lá, Nilin fazia um comentário sobre, mas não avançava muito. acredito que não ia para frente porque poderia quebrar a ideia central do jogo.

Escrevi tudo isso só para dizer que "ah, bom jogo", no meio desse mar de AAA's que saem hoje em dia, falta espaço (ou vontade) de saírem uns AA's despretensiosamente. bom ótimo jogo de 2013 e que se sustenta em 2023.

PS.: o negócio de Doctor Who é literalmente uma única cena

Yeah, I remember you. You were fine.

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Definitely feels like someones first game. It has jank, the gameplay is not very varied or engaging. Boss fights were tedious at worst and passable at best, so not very good. Luckily there weren't too many throughout but I never felt good entering a boss arena. Last boss = shite. The memory altering segments were cool at first but after the first one it just halted the pase to a halt. Again, luckily there weren't too many. (Making your mom think she got you killed is very messed up). Traversal was not fun either, felt like Uncharted but worse.
The game's visual design is pretty cool though. The enviroments were cool, Neo Paris was nice to look at. Characters were meh, but the main character's design I liked a lot. Except for following orders blindly from people she don't know, but hey, I don't know what I would do if my memory got wiped. Music was pretty good while playing, nothing that I can remember now though.
The good: Visual design was cool. Sound was pretty good.
The bad: Game design so, so rough that it's hard to believe it passed testing. It was another time back then I guess.

Fun action futuristic game about getting your memories and punching people, it had some generic DNA to it in some places but I enjoyed it when I played it, I'll definetaly take it over Life is Strange any day

One of the most ironic titles ever, and a really nice ass.

Despite the negative opinions about the game, I really liked it. I loved the world and atmosphere they created, the idea of the future here is unique and I loved seeing the small details of the streets. The boss battles were unnecessarily long and hard though and there was more story and less gameplay which was a bit annoying/boring.