Reviews from

in the past

It was created for some gamejam, and it's free, so if you got like 10-30 minutes to kill have fun.

I like the idea of taking delight on a poetry piece by playing it.

It's cute and I like the art and music. but it definitely feels a bit style over substance.
The last puzzle is a bit silly if you don't realise you can grab the water, but for a free game it was worth my time.

joguin BEM bonito, bem curtinho. me deixou querendo mais, apesar de que eu ia achar insuportável se tivesse mais de 2h dessa mesma gameplay

Wish there was more to it and wasn't so short, but it was a really cute, chill free game

Resonance of the Ocean is a brief game about answering a mysterious entity beyond the sea by imitating the sounds that travel to you across the eternal, undulating ocean waves.

Despite being very short, I was absolutely enthralled by it, both with the visual and audio as well as the initial concept behind it. The soft, gentle colour palette and the purposefully punctuated sound design give the title an identity of its own and stands well as its own idea and personality.

And even though the game itself is perfect in length as a short story, a full-length release of this game would be incredible, in my opinion.

More than well-worth a try, especially since it is a free title.

very calming, wish there was more backstory

I wish there was more story to it possibly going from island to island to discover ruins of the past. The gameplay is simple enough to appreciate the environment and the ambience the music brings. This is a calming and nice short experience.

very cute game, simple but still worthwhile (:

A beautiful musical puzzle game with gorgeous sound design; very relaxing while still stimulating

Bem interessante pra um jogo curto.

Resonance of the Ocean - A Review

If I had to find a way to appreciate this game, it will most likely stay limited to its visual appeal as I have a soft spot for hand drawn games.

There’s merit behind the game’s design but the concept is so incredibly weak, it doesn’t have much to offer, even for those who like to play point-and-click games with a relaxing nature.

Eventually, the game leaves you with the desire to know and seek more despite its somewhat intuitive gameplay, which might be the only interesting aspect. Unfortunately, very disappointing!

A very short and sweet free puzzle game with charming art. Great for when you have 15 minutes to kill!

Very sweet little adventure game. Very impressive for a game jam game - it coheres and leaves an impression much better than a lot of game jam games I've seen. Beautiful artwork.

Resonance of the Ocean é uma experiência minimalista agradável. O jogo tem uma história meio vaga, mas não me incomodei ou dei tanta importância por ser mais sobre as vibes do que os eventos. O que ele se propõe a fazer é oferecer um ambiente sereno, proporcionado pelo local da ilha deserta, os sons e a arte, que achei bem agradável. Em jogabilidade não tenho muito a comentar, porque é so andar e pegar itens pra prosseguir e a falta de complicações é perfeitamente aceitável pelo minimalismo dele. Se eu olhar criticamente, esse jogo não é grande coisa e é apenas aceitável, mas não há problema nisso, e por ser descontraído e breve (dura uns 10-30 minutos), já é o suficiente.

a wistful little vignette. i like the sounds.... i like the waves...

Cute little puzzle(?) game. The island is very mysterious, it makes me wonder how the kid got there. I like the visual style so much, the animation is so smooth and charming, it's like I'm playing a cartoon.

Cute short free puzzle game. I wish it was a bit longer as I do see very good potential for a good story and the mystery of the sounds across the ocean.

"the lighthouse" but for indie people

joguinho bem bonitinho, bem legalzinho e bem rapidinho. me deixou querendo mais, mas eu ia achar insuportável se tivesse 2 horas dessa mesma jogabilidade


It's cute, but rather short and repetitive

a short, beautiful, musical game

que jogo lindo, me lembrei de algum filme que vi o studio ghibli

Resonance of the Ocean is a very pretty, yet cryptic music game that pressures you to use your ears to puzzle solve rather than your brain. There isn't too much story or content to be had here, but the animation and puzzles are stellar for what they are. Play it if you like the look of it.

Arte linda, puzzles bons, trilha sonora fantastica, gameplay boa. Mas poderia ser mais longo 8/10