Reviews from

in the past

I imagine the menu theme for this game is what plays when you approach St. Peter

They didn't have to put Ristar on this but they did and I thank them every day for it.

A flawless collection that gives you some of the Blue Blur's earliest/best experiences. The music is phenomenal (especially the Extras menu), and I found myself just getting lost in there looking at all of the old Archie Sonic comic covers.

It's just Sonic's genesis library + flicky/ristar on a disc but they're presented in such an evocative way. The menu music will forever be some of the most emotional music to come out of the franchise.

GOAT collection game. The extras were so neat!!!!

Not particularly a fan of playing these games with a gamecube controller but it's one of the better game compilations I've played.

You literally have most of Sonic's Big Classic Hits all in one game, along with a whole ton of extra goodies to enjoy like comic covers, art gallery, a few videos, and some information. One of my most defining games of my childhood, and the very first introduction I had to Puyo Puyo in the form of Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean machine.

How I played most of the sonic games while the sega was in storage.

the greatest Compilation of game ever released

I really wanted to give 2D Sonic a chance, but I just can't get into it. So many of the stages have traps & platforming that kill any momentum you're trying to buildup with Sonic. Unless you have the stages memorized you're always going to run into obstacles since there's not enough time & draw distance to react organically.

This game was my childhood

El mejor recopilatorio que se ha hecho jamás de Sonic, con todos sus juegos clásicos sin excepción. Recomendable para todo el mundo.

Oooohhh my god... Yeeesss!!! So much Nostalgia with this one!! I love Sonic Mega Collection! This game, was my gateway into discovering Sonic 3, 3D Blast, Spinal, Flicky, and Ristar. I love this game to death so much, and it brings back a lot of Nostalgia. Now, I can't remember for sure, but it's possible we also had this game for Christmas.

A really cool compilation with neat extras like the games' original instruction manuals. Unfortunately has less content than the Xbox/PS2 versions.

Not my preferred way to play these games, but still admirable.

So many games, tons of extras, this is how you do a proper anthology.

Very good game compilation which was rare for its time

Literally all I would do in this game as a kid was replay the Sonic CD intro with "Sonic Boom" over & over again in awe. Occasionally I'd wonder why there was no game in the compilation called Sonic CD. Many years later I found out why & had my heart broken.

I also played the fuck out of Mean Bean Machine.

decent collection, with a good selection of games

5 stars for the music alone. When I was a kid, lonely and isolating myself, this game and Shadow the Hedgehog were all I had to occupy my mind. I remember flipping through the gallery for hours and hours just thinking up the plotlines for the covers of the comics in my head. Good times.

This is probably the last time Sonic 3 & Knuckles will ever see a rerelease. Think about that.

Update: This is probably the last time Sonic 3 & Knuckles will be rereleased with the original MJ soundtrack. Think about that.

Really good collection of sonic games

when i was in second grade, i begged my mom to invite two twins from my class over to play sonic with. they ended up playing with and breaking this disk. chase and logan, you may have ruined my life. i cried for weeks about that.

A good collection of classic sonic games. I was too inexperienced to beat any of them but I remember still having fun despite some of the unfriendly level design of the classics. Menu music and bonuses were nice too.