Reviews from

in the past

It’s Sonic the Hedgehog so it’s a banger, but is an extremely barebones collection, but at least it has extra games.

This game was one of the first compilations I could remember. I grew up with all these games on the sega and to have them all on one disc was awesome! You can’t save in the games(unless it’s Sonic 3) so that’s kind of rough. The unlockables are good but l feel like they could’ve added more. You can unlock some extra games and that’s it. The game where are all solid. You get Sonic 1- knuckles in their complete state with near perfect emulation. You also get 3d blast, Spinnall, and mean bean machine. The presentation oozes with nostalgia. It’s probably one of the best Sonic compilations out there.

The gold standard for compilation games

Time and time again, I try to play Sonic games. It just never works out. They're always unfun. This is no exception. 2D Sonic games give me physical pain. I don't want to play a game where I can't see where I'm going. Oh yeah, it's so fun to consistently get flung blindly in to walls and have the momentum of the game keep crashing down to a halt.

This is one of only a few games where I will usually idle to let the opening play out. The music, and the presentation of this collection in general, is just that good.
But featuring the standalone versions of Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles, with the combined game being an unlockable, was an idiotic move in hindsight.

A great collection of great games. The games in the collection work flawlessly. This collection also has a ton of great extras such as trailers and comic covers that are interesting to look at. One of the best game collections ever made as there was a lot of effort put into this collection.

This collection has so much good stuff in it. It has all of the great early Sonic games, which allowed me to understand how the series started, as well as some of the middle entries and then some random assortment of games. I liked playing them all and getting a feel of how they would change between entries.

the people that made the menus for this retro game collection did not need to go that hard... but they did. respect.

the way i grew up with the classic sonic/sega games. i was so young i never really understood what i was doing but running around all 3 sonic games were a blast and fucking around with games like sonic spinball and Flicky were very fun. the presentation is top noch, this collection include so much goodies like comic art, illustrations, and legacy trailers. this collection has so much style, presentation and contend that's well worth the money. only problem is that you can save in older games like sonic 1 and 2, otherwise a perfect collection.

this collection made me appreciate sonic as a kid, and 3d blast.

Some amazing games, some dogshit games, nice menus, a lot of extras, pretty decent value

Joguei tem muito tempo, mas lembro que gostei de ter esse gostinho dos jogos antigos do Sonic.

games but you unlock them weird i think

A goof collection of sonic games with some nice bonus content. Sadly this collection is heavily overshadowed by Mega Collection Plus, so not much reason to play this one anymore.

yet another compilation title done right. The game selection is great, the mega drive emulator is great, the bonus materials are great, the presentation is great, If you need a way to play the original sonic games, this is definitely as good a way as any to get into the series with as it contains everything you'd need to get started. One of the best compilation titles.

The perfect encapsulation of Sonic's Genesis days

This is one of those time that putting a bunch of games together actually works out, I mainly played this version for the spinball but the mean bean machine was fun too.

great collection of games that I used to waste a ton of time on but still make no progress

This is the collection I am using to play the classic Sonic games because I dislike the plan Sega has for Origins and Sega's controversial decisions with that collection in particular though I as of right now I haven't played it so I can't say if things are better now or not. Besides that and back to this collection in hand, this is a nostalgic game for me and I had this copy on my shelf since I was eight and I have to say that the music and emulation are really awesome and capture the genesis really well! Also, I think the museum is really cool and I remember watching the few movies in the collection and admittedly I watched the trailer for Sonic Adventure 2 Battle the most though I never got the chance to got it then, I now own it on PC however! :D

Back to the review though, One thing I could say negatively is I felt the way to unlock games like Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Ristar to be really strict for some odd reason but I won't dock points for it though I wish this collection was in the oven for a little longer for games like Sonic CD, SegaSonic, and Knuckles Chaotix.

Besides that this is an excellent collection and I really recommend that you play this collection over Origins even if Origins is newer.

A rock solid collection, even without the extra Game Gear games. The presentation here is a lot better than the Plus version.

Plenty of good Sonic games to choose from for history's sake but...everyone's said it before but it is nevertheless worthwhile saying: The extras menu for this collection is one of the most beautiful selections put together by Sonic Team/SEGA.

Going through so much concept art, designs for characters used in press releases is so fascinating to see what they changed for Sonic and all the other characters as the years went by, along with insight from Sonic Team themselves is genuinely enlightening as someone that loves seeing the people behind the games maybe more than the games themselves.

This collection also offers many comic book covers and even some entire comic books from the then long running "Archie" comic series. Flipping through, seeing the wildly varying artstyles, being able to really zoom in and take in every detail...all the while the most beguiling melody ever put in a video game is playing

You feel like all the emotions, the peaks and valleys you've went through, flood your mind and tug on your heartstrings. This Extras section is a wonderful little museum, going back and forth from playing the games to mulling over the concept arts/the character reference sheets/the Archie comics just brings back that childlike curiosity in me.

Thank you Sonic Team for putting this together, I know that you have gotten a lot of flak...even I've given you that flak...but you view Sonic as more than just a Mascot for a big game publishing entity, you view him as the rings of a tree stump, showing how you began, and how far you've come, and how much further you can go.

I wish Sonic Team all the best. I wish you the best for reading through this (probably overly) sentimental review/look back.

There's... A lotta games on here. I have played almost none of them.

they didn't have to go as hard as they did with the music for this port

All of the Sonic games in one mega game plus redone and better music for all? Heck yeah!