Reviews from

in the past

Simple auto chess for my pea brain to comprehend and it's broken as hell so it's great

(im only reviewing 1st pack) fun but im stupid

10/10 would summon 8 sheep every round to power up my dog again

A slot machine disguised as a skill based game

Autobattler pequeñito pero sorprendentemente dificil, it's ok, sin mucho mas, poco profundo y una vez pillas el ritmo, es repetir sin mas.

Fun if a little tiring. The gameplay is cool but gets repetitive too fast. A rare chill multiplayer game.

about as perfect as a mobile-ish game can be. the PERFECT way to enjoy an auto-battler that's super accessible

Born in the pit to fight endless battles for my Master I am but a Chimp who has grown weary of war.

fantastic, great game, love to open up this bad boy on steam during my research class

I find the genre of "auto battlers" to be somewhat puzzling. Like, on the surface these are the most hypercasual of casual games. But when you try playing one it becomes immediately clear that they are actually an exercise in hyper optimization, the mathematically perfect team exists and will win every time. With that clear, any semblance of strategy is thrown out the window, it's just a matter of getting the right rolls. After realizing this, I started to wonder. If it's all just RNG, then why does anybody play these games?

The way I see it, the player base is ultimately split into 2 camps: those who have googled the optimal build, and those who have not. For the former, it's simply a matter of going through the motions, an experience devoid of all humanity. Now no more than a beast, they must subsist off the dopamine they get whenever they win the funny animal game. The latter must repeatedly contend with the limits of their own humanity. Each new scheme they concoct is an exercise in futility. Soon enough, they are either forced to seek that same forbidden knowledge, or continue on in hopes that the machine will allow them a sliver of that same funny animal dopamine.

This has absolutely NO RIGHT to be this fun
"Local man discovers auto battlers" you bet your sweet ass I have

EDIT: THE ENTIRE META changed overnight, crab is in, kangaroo is out

I've played quite a few rounds of Super Auto Pets on android and it's pretty fun for a phone game.

It seems like there is a developing meta which is always neat to see, especially for a relatively simple game. However, I am sort of bored with it for now. Maybe I'll pick it up again later.

For those that are afraid it is "pay to win" because it has paid dlc, no need to worry. It seems people who have the dlc play against only other people who have the dlc.

Each time I finally get a build I like rolling I lose and I wouldn't have it any other way

a little juice and a little squeeze

Super Auto Pets is a decent enough auto battle thing where you shove your turtle in front of a chicken and start slapping each other in front of your extended family.

While I do enjoy the lessened complexity vs other auto battlers, it loses a lot by taking away being instanced with other players. Being instanced allows you to share resources with others and see other player's builds. These things allow you to adapt and make smarter decisions because you know what your enemies are doing. Super Auto Pets lacks this depth, you simply queue up your funny animal squad and hope you don't run into some smarmy prick with a 50/50 dog that will shit down your chimney. Could you have avoided this fate? Maybe next time, bitch.

roll me freeze me pill me squeeze me harder better faster stronger

I don't get it.
Played it a few rounds, it's hard as shit and I can't get past the second enemy even after trying several times.
Seems like just another phone game.

I love it when the bunny fights the whale

juice me squeeze me roll me freeze me
you piece

perfect amount of brain usage! combos are very satisfying to pull off

Somewhat fun, but nothing you want to play more than a few days. The bare minimum.

i play this game way too much

Very cute, but incredibly frustrating. Between extreme RNG and pet interactions that don’t make sense, it felt like every victory was unearned and every loss was bs

Fun and charming game, just a bit too much RNG to 'optimize' your team. Good introduction to a game like TFT or Underlords.