Reviews from

in the past

Para mim toda a quintologia de Super Bomberman no SNES é fenomal. Não consigo dizer qual eu prefiro. Ótimo para jogar com amigos.

I really enjoyed this one. All the ridable characters were very cool and added some nice variety to the levels. My only gripe with the one player mode is it feels shorter then usual. Also wasn't a big fan of the boss rush for the final 5th world. Besides that though, I would recommend this game. It's also got a nice battle mode as per usual though nowadays there's probably better games to play battle mode for but it's still really fun.

Esse jogo fez eu ter um dejavu todo dia por causa de uma música que me perseguia agora eu sei da onde ela vem agora posso relembrar do tempo do meu pai levando eu pro serviço dele e deixando eu jogar num computador antigo da empresa,sinto saudade daquela época e do meu pai

Ele parecia mais longo na minha infancia...

Eu acho que eu só morria MUITO!!!

i love to play bomberman games with my girlfriend :-)

Bomberman had every credential to be playable and Sakurai kicked him to the curb. like what more did Sakurai want out of Bomberman?

Unique gimmick, 30+ Nintendo exclusives and a virtual boy game, first ever third party crossover with a Nintendo franchise, his developers created Mario Party, he had 3 separate 52 episode shows, starred in a fighting game with Snake, Simon, and OPTIMUS PRIME, has existed since 1983 putting him with Pac Man and Mario in All Star if playable, and had a timed Switch exclusive in 2017 and was how Konami got on good terms with Nintendo again to have Snake, and also Smash celebrates Japanese gaming history and Hudson had a big mark on it with Bomberman as their mascot.

And the fact Bomberman represents multiplayer party games and even beat Sonic, Megaman, and Crash Bandicoot in Sakurai’s if there was a smash 2 poll, in R he even has 7 other Bombermen which could be his different outfits, and even was in Club Nintendo columns and comics alongside Nintendo characters, but nope, apparently that isn’t enough for Sakurai.

Bomberman could cure cancer and he still would not be in Smash.

Not particularly fond of this entry, to be honest.

The plot this time revolves around saving time (i guess? there's time travelling, basically) instead of the planet or planets. The gameplay is back to beating all enemies to gain access to the next section of a zone, and there's a total of 5 zones this time. New features have been introduced: Louies are now replaced by certain enemies which, when defeated, can become partners, made distinct by being either mechanical or organic; there's a good variety, each with their own ability that is the same as certain power-ups. There are cages that can be destroyed to release allies, who will destroy soft blocks for you. The music's alright, the visuals are similar to 3's but a little touched up if that makes sense.

The main antagonists this time are the four bomber kings and the Great bomber, who you have individual fights with similar to ones with the five dastardly bombers in SB2. They're a bit easier but it's alright. Defeating each one leads to the big boss of the zone, which are honestly probably the most fun part of the game? They're fun challenging bosses with interesting gimmicks.

I'm not really sure why but the levels just feel kind of off with this game. I wasn't really fond of the time-themed zones and the new partner system just isn't as fun as Louies were. I'm also not that into the antagonists this time.

The multiplayer system does let you play as the bosses though which is neat. There's also apparently bonus zones you can go to but its only really possible with 2 player mode, so I can't really comment on those.

Overall its ummmm, its ok. It's alright, it does what it does.

One of my favorites in the Super Bomberman series. This one is a lot easier to me and is just overall fun due to so many power-up options and the variety of mounts in story mode.

Uma das fitas que eu tenho pro SNES desde criança, aleatoriamente bateu a vontade de rejogar. Junto com algumas vezes onde aluguei Bomberman 64, é minha única experiência com a franquia.

É bem curtinho, tem 5 mundos com 8 fases cada, com um sub-chefe e um chefe ao final de cada mundo. Nada muito complicado. Muitos power-ups, alguns inimigos se tornam montarias com suas próprias habilidades. Adoro a trilha sonora e as sprites dos inimigos, tudo bem crocante e nostálgico.

A parte mais divertida é o modo batalha, que é um battleground para 5 jogadores com possibilidade de jogar contra CPU. Da pra jogar com os subchefes e cada um tem uma habilidade. É bem caótico e super divertido.

Dos Bomberman que eu joguei esse é pra mim foi o mais fraco.

you go through time in this one!!!

joguei incontáveis vezes, principalmente com meus irmãos, o bichinho que faz bico e solta aquela música que deixa o bomberman doido é meu favorito kkkkkkkk

um bom jogo do bombardeiro, ainda mais quando se joga o modo história com 2 jogadores

It's bomberman again so it's fun with friends. The need to break a bunch of walls in every stage got kind of annoying since I was only playing with 1 other person, and some of the stage gimmicks like the pits and speed changes could get pretty annoying. That being said, I appreciate it trying to be more creative than Neo.

Antes de mais nada, é necessário salientar que para a melhor experiência de Bomberman, é necessário que jogue co-op. É absurdo como este jogo traz momentos divertidos e memoráveis. Dito isto, é o ápice da franquia durante o Super Nintendo. O design é maravilhoso, e seu level design, juntamente com a diversidade torna tudo mais incrível. É um jogo que não cansa.

I like the new antagonist characters with their special moves and stuff in versus mode. The normal game is also a lot of fun to coop, love running over my friend with a minecart!

Pretty fun game, but something feels off, and I don't know what it is. The levels feel kinda shallow, there are some mechanics that are barely used, and there are enemies that appear in only 2 stages, which feels kinda useless.
But as I said, Bomberman is always fun, I especially liked the boss battles

Wow finally a Bomberman that isn't about saving the planet, it's about saving, um, time I think?

Man if it weren't for those damn boss fights it would've been my favorite Super Bomberman game. This time the game was developed by "Produce!" and not by the usual Hudson Soft, I was expecting a bad game honestly since the last time they let another company do the classic Bomberman formula it was Irem for the two Bomberman Arcade games and they made me mald with how not fun they were.
This is also the first Super entry that isn't based on a previously made Bomberman game since 1 and 2 were both based on Bomberman '90 and '93 and 3 is based on Bomberman '94, now that Hudson no longer makes PC Engine games now on all games will be originals and it's gonna start the big Bomberman mess of the 2000, be ready.

Gameplay wise it's just the usual Bomberman that goes back to killing all enemies on screen and finding the exit even though finding the exit isn't that annoying compared to the older games since it pretty much always is in the middle of the map. The main gimmick of this game is ripping off '94 instead of using the Louies as ridable things they made it so that some enemies are ridable after killing them, they can do absolutely nothing and are pretty much just a guaranteed extra hit to protect you but if they actually do something do tell me because I just used them as meatshields.

The 4 worlds are honestly very fun to go through and it's not really that hard of a game, the only issue is the god-awful boss fight I mean we are expecting them to be bad it's fucking Bomberman, quick name me one Bomberman game with a good boss fight, yeah that's right, none!
It works the same as how Super Bomberman 2 did it with the classic Bomberman fight with one of the bad guys then after you do the real boss fights. They have so much health! it's so annoying and you know what's the worst about this game, they pulled out a Bomberman GB 2 on us and made the last world a boss rush but this time it's a boss rush of the evil Bombermen AND the boss fights, it's ass!

But multiplayer wise you will be served, this game has three different game modes with rules and setting for the best Bomberman experience possible it's really neat, my only nitpick is that you can only play as the evil Bombermen and white Bomberman and I don't like their design, I wish they brought back the Panick Bombers W dudes.
Oh, and we can for the first time play the campaign with two-player it's really neat, they even have some secret zone only accessible in coop so I couldn't be able to test them but it's a nice addition.

This is the best Multiplayer Bomberman as of 1996 and it has a worthwhile solo campaign too, I really wish the boss fights weren't so dogshit so I could give it a higher score. But as something made by another developer, it still felt like good old Bomberman made by Husdson so they did a damn good job.

eu viajei entre o inferno, o céu, os prazeres, as tristezas, eu já vi de tudo nesse mundo, eu ja sofri de tudo que havia há ser sofrido

Nostalgico pra porra e um dos meus jogos favoritos pra desestressar, é curto e extremamente rejogavel, desafiador pra iniciantes e satisfatorio de masterizar

Esse é épico. Tinha a fita e foi o primeiro jogo do Bomberman q joguei, curtia mt o modo de batalha e fora q é legal pq tem vários personagens com aparência diferentes.

>> Prós
• BATTLE MODE : Joguei bastante o quarto game principalmente por causa disso.
• DESIGN : Os bosses tem designs interessantes além de q cada um tem poderes únicos para usar no modo de batalha.

>> Contras
• Nenhum.

>> Perso Favorito = Bomber astronauta.

jogo que me fez amar jogar videogames, memoria com a familia e amigos até hoje

I think this is the first Super Bomberman game that doesn't feature a godless abomination as a boss fight. I appreciate the restraint.

Jogão, quem diz que é ruim não sabe das maravilhas do Super Nintendo