Reviews from

in the past

Little sandbox skating game with 4 different types of ramps to mess about on. Pretty fun to just boot up and play around with for a few minutes if you have some spare time.

There's no flat land tricks just grabs, spins and grinds but I think that limited scope fits the idea or something fairly easy to get to grips with but you can practice the basics a bunch and try to string together some impressive jumps.

not gonna lie, in a way, I am
disappointed because i was expecting an ultra-physical toy, more robust and with less texture, maybe one in the line of Art of Rally, complex and distilled diorama, but is ok, it is honest enough to offer an innocent aesthetic pleasure and understand the art of skateboarding and the joy of the movement itself

Great "I just want to play something for a few minutes" game. No meta progression stuff! Just skate for a bit.

Barato, cortito y con un control muy cuidado. Ideal para desconectar.

Can we get a fully-fledged THPS GBA game out of this? I'd sure love so.

É muito estranho quando você sabe exatamente o que esperar de um jogo e mesmo assim se decepciona.

The Ramp é mais um brinquedo do que um jogo. É para ser uma experiência relaxante e gostosa de skate, sem objetivos, sem pontos, só pra você sentir o "flow" da coisa e se divertir. E ele realmente é isso. E realmente é gostosinho de jogar e o clima é agradável e tudo mais. Só que ele durou uns 20 minutos na minha mão e eu não tive mais vontade alguma de retornar. Em 20 minutos eu brinquei bastante nas 4 pistas disponíveis. Aprendi como jogar. Desbloqueei metade das conquistas disponíveis (são 12 no total) e ai meio que... acabou.

Eu já sabia que era simples e era isso que eu esperava. Era isso que eu QUERIA. Mas mesmo assim imaginei que teria pelo menos uma ou duas horas de diversão interagindo com ele e não foi o que aconteceu. Que seria algo gostoso pra ficar mexendo enquanto ouvia podcasts, sei lá, algo assim. Louvo a simplicidade e o estilo dele, mas não foi pra mim. Pra mim foi apenas decepção.

Custa baratinho também. Uns 10 reais. Paguei uns 8 na promoção, mas mesmo assim senti que meu dinheiro não se pagou e pedi um reembolso (por mais suja e mal que isso tenha me feito eu me sentir).

Faltou algo pra mim, pareceu mais um protótipo do que um jogo. Eu acho que a menos que você pague realmente muito barato, tipo uns 2 reais pra brincar por uma meia hora, não vale a pena.

This game would've been an amazing skateboarding game if it didn't only have 3 maps. Something like a map maker could be cool

You are skating on a ramp and do simple tricks while lofi music plays in the background. That's the game. I paid less than a dollar for it.

If you're into games that give you a space to just flow and relax for a couple of minutes this is a fun pick up. I'd been eyeing since its release and then added it to my library when it was given away. I'm a big fan of skateboarding games in general, so my time to 100% this and get all listed Steam achievements (less than 30 mins) may be faster than the average player.

Un juguete digital que te hace pasar un par de horas muy divertidas :)

iconic 7 grand dad-esque colors with a trailer that promised as little content as possible while still qualifying as a “game.” sure. an alright 20-minute time killer at 4AM.

lacks content but good for wasting time.

Para los que echamos de menos los juegos de skate es una bendición. Son pocos niveles, pequeños y tampoco dan muchas opciones jugables, pero la verdad es que el control está muy bien logrado y eso hace que te puedas pasar horas intentando superarte a ti mismo y viendo cuales son los límites a los que te permite llegar el juego.

Es muy recomendable y a un precio muy goloso.

A small, tight skateboarding game set in a few tiny, gorgeous, isometric skateparks. Learn the tricky mechanics of skateboarding to build up speed and give yourself the elevation to pull off bigger and better tricks. Lacks content, but still a couple of hours of chilled fun.

More a toy than a game, but a satisfying toy none the less!

Takes me back to the days of screwing around on school desktops trying to find something to play to pass the time while I was supposed to be working. Miniclip was usually my site of choice, and while it was reliable enough, it was usually filled to the brim with pages of crap to sift through. Occasionally though, you'd find that one diamond in the rough that feels like it was made by someone who, at some point in their life, probably dug through shovelware in the past looking for something fun to play. Someone who just wants to slip into something cozy for a bit and have a nice time.

Sadly, experiences like that are much harder to come by these days. Not only has Flash compatibility been scrubbed clean from modern internet browsers, but scrolling through community posted games looking for buried treasure on something like Steam to scratch that same itch has a bit of a stigma tied to it these days. Fundamentally, the process isn’t too dissimilar to the one in your old computer lab, but now that a price tag is usually involved on top of the responsibilities and time loss that come with adulthood, people don’t really want to bother anymore. Why would anyone want to sift through thousands of asset flip pieces of software when they can just download the latest Sony cinematic adventure?

I think the practicality of old browser games is mostly a thing of the past by now, but it seems as though that era will still live on, at least in spirit. At its core, The Ramp is just like Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater, with the caveat of being shrunken down to the size of a single screen from an isometric perspective. What does the game have on offer other than this? Nothing! If you’ve played THPS and have seen any footage of this game, you know exactly what to expect. It's more akin to a distraction than anything. I’m not familiar with the developers or their intent behind the game, but I suspect their goal was to create a simple pick up and play game not too dissimilar to the ones you might find on Miniclip or Nitrome. At its price on PC some players may scoff at such a package, and while it is admittedly a tough sell compared to most, I can’t help but adore how it recaptures the spirit of its contemporaries, whether it meant to or not.

Can't say this has too much staying power for me personally, as these days I'm usually looking for something with a bit more meat on it's bones, but I don't think it needs to. The Ramp exists in its own little virtual realm, somewhere between playing THPS and doing kickflips with physical Tech Decks on a coffee table. I wish there were more small games like this that are just comfortable being quaint little projects from passionate developers on the same wavelength as their players. It's a delightful little time capsule that takes me back to a simpler slice of time and space where games were past the point of being considered child’s playthings, while still holding onto a bit of that childish whimsy that came from playing with toys in your spare time.

Mediocre at best. Just for a few minutes until you realize there’s not much else to do besides the same thing again and again and/or just pay for micro.

Nice minimalistic graphics nonetheless, the reason I wanted to try it in the first place.

Great relaxing game for anybody searching for a sense of flow to be represented in a skateboarding game.
Definitely worth the cheap asking price!

it has potential, great flow and controls but the lack of content / more maps makes for you to get bored easily

Despite having mechanics that have the potential to be fundamentally fun and even more fun, the lack of content makes it easy to get bored during sessions and never return. Despite its wasted potential, it can be tried for short entertainment.

There isn't a lot of content here, but it's a fun time killer, with good physics. I'll probably revisit it from time to time, but I'd rather make progress in a more substantial game than keep grinding for the last few achievements

Real lack of content here. I guess this just qualifies as a nice time killer.

cute lil game, nothing more