Reviews from

in the past

this game was probably terrible. but the uber-expansive recreation of LA was so cool to me in 2005 that i just spent all my time driving around, even though the size of the map doesn't serve the game in any way.

I honestly thought this was the coolest game ever when I played it during the mid 2000s - and it's definitely one of those games which exists as this weird time capsule of the time, like an open world GTA-type game where you play as a cop and there's a bunch of Hong Kong martial arts style action in it - very much distinctly it's own thing.

There's still a lot of fun in this game, but it's also one of those games that comes across as janky with just how many mechanics it balances at once - and I remember not being the biggest fan of the fighting game mechanics in this - but it's kind of saved with just the inventiveness and what it does. Also features a bunch of great voice talent from the likes of Gary Oldman and Christopher Walken, although I really liked the lead voice actor Russel Wang - who plays the wise-cracking Nick Kang, and some surprisingly decent production values.

I will say this game is a tonne of fun even if it's admittedly a pretty flawed game - although I might just be making excuses for it because of the nostalgia I had for this game. Another thing is that I always had my license plate spell out 'Jackass' and there's weird segment that props up straight out of Big Trouble in Little China where you battle Chinese demons, zombies and someone who has apparently lived for hundreds of years - when like the rest of this game has a (relatively) grounded gritty action-comedy vibe to it, at least where it doesn't directly invoke the supernatural.

Huge world, enticing story, good fighting - awful gunplay.
But the real highlight is the car on car violence:
You can shoot tires out, which made cars crash and/or flip over
You can shoot fuel tanks, which made them explode
You can drive in front, do a handbrake 180 and then shoot the enemy driver in the head
You can then go on two wheels and turn really sharp corners, just because...
Honestly, this is a great fun game - shame they dropped the OTT arcade stuff for Sleeping Dogs (which is good, but dry AF and has 0 exploding fuel tanks).

a decent gta clone, and my first as being the cop instead of the criminal, which was a decent idea that would be rarely made in the future

What have you got there, brother? Okay, you're a 3/5, keep it that way, huh?

Awful controls, voice acting, combat, etc. Very terrible game, but honestly an incredibly charming snapshot of the culture of the time. Dumb as shit but still worth a try just to see how absurd the dialogue and cutscenes are.

This may single-handedly be the worst game I’ve ever finished.

Trying to fight in hand-to-hand combat in this game requires no real sense of skill. It’s all a crap shoot. It’s mashing the same three buttons hoping something good will come out of it, and praying that the only button for defense will actually work. But this is unlikely seeing how unresponsive, unreliable, and under developed this broken unholy combat system actually is.

The shooting gallery is a different kind of nightmare. Auto lock is somehow unresponsive too… which is so funny considering it can’t do the one thing it was designed for. It’s also remarkable how long it takes to actually lock onto a target.

Stealth missions? Can you even call them that? They’re like a parody of what stealth missions are supposed to be. Jaw droppingly bad. Don’t get me started on the driving. It’s one thing that doesn’t feel as horrible as it could be… but when you’re trying to get away from a car with an ungodly amount of health that’s firing fucking nukes out of their tiny pistol, it’s like trying to drudge through quicksand while being chased by a cheetah gassed up on coke.

It seems as though the developers thought it’d be a fun idea to make a game that resembles the kind of police movies that came out in the 80s and 90s with the “loose canon” cop and the partner he butts heads with. Well it didn’t really work for those movies, and it works even less here.

What a waste of an awesome cast. It’d be nice if the game was the slightest bit of fun… but this game being a technical failure in just about every department surely ruins all hope of even cracking a smile.

The open world feels empty, the environments are bland and nothing more than an eyesore to look at for too long. The variety in level types are monotonous, repetitive, and severely underbaked. The protagonist is unlikeable and one dimensional, just like everyone else in the game.

The voice acting is bad, and even offensive at times. This game is just a remarkable achievement in poor game design. It takes all of the elements of a game that should be fun, and shakes them right out, leaving only the carcass and framework to excite its players, and ultimately disappoint them at every turn when hoping to gain anything meaningful, or exciting from the experience.

Play Max Payne, or L.A. Noire, or Sleeping Dogs, or any other game that had a cop as the protagonist better than this.

FUCK YEAHHH WOOO. NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE GTA YET SO THIS SHIT HITS. (I like how it can corrupt your save data)

This game was sick, won't let anyone convince me otherwise.

I had quite a bit of fun with this game. A time when open world was figuring itself out.

True Crime: Streets of L.A é bem datado que mesmo na primeira vez que o joguei, eu achei ele um game esquisito, com uma jogabilidade bisonha onde acredito eu que, até para sua época, ele já nasceu datado, com uma trama sem tanto carisma assim, mas nesse lado é o menor dos problemas desse game. Sua mira é estranha e nada responsiva e seus inimigos não perdoam, sua dirigibilidade é arcade e estranha demais, mas nisso também eu já vi piores e, mesmo lançando com dois anos de diferença do GTA 3, consegue fazer com que o GTA 3 pareça um jogo mais atual que ele e bem melhor desenvolvido mecanicamente até para os dias de hoje, coisa que também não é, e que para quem já o jogou também sabe que é o que mais envelheceu mal de todos os Grand Theft Auto.

   Claro que tem coisas boas aqui, sua ideia é interessante e é o que o torna mais diferente de um Grand Theft Auto, em focar na perspectiva de um policial em vez de um criminoso, ter todo esse sistema de "carma" no game que pode conduzir a um final de um "policial mau" ou de um "policial bom", que nessa segunda jogatina eu acabei fazendo a do "policial mau" que não esperava que iria virar uma história de vingança, e achei interessante também, fora que são vários finais alternativos neles, alguns bem estranhos, mas a ideia em si é ótima. Tem essas atividades secundárias no mundo aberto de resolver crimes comuns pela cidade que tenta dar uma certa vida a esse mundo aberto vazio e alguns locais que você pode ir nessa Los Angeles fictícia para aumentar os golpes de kung fu do personagem ou outra coisa do gênero, o sistema de combate de dar chutes e socos com o mouse direito e esquerdo em um combate direto com um inimigo, é bem daorinha também e tudo isso dá a cara que precisa para um jogo autoral. O problema vai mais para o sistema de tiro, a qual é a pior mecânica de todo o jogo, ter que ficar se mexendo com essa movimentação bugada, além de ficar pulando para desviar das balas que são sempre precisas demais sempre tirando muita vida sua, e um sistema de slow motion ao pular para frente ou atrás que é nada eficiente como foi bem estabelecido em toda a trilogia Max Payne, mas aqui não dá nem tempo para você mirar que o slow motion acaba rápido demais para você mirar e definir seus tiros. Ah, e outra parada bizarra é que você pode continuar o jogo mesmo fracassando/morrendo em uma missão, sem a necessidade de concluir a fase por mérito e assim ir avançando de qualquer jeito, que algumas vezes ele te obriga se não dá um certo final alternativo ruim, mas é algo curioso de se ter nesse game.

A campanha então, nem preciso falar muito sobre, é a mesma história que já conhecemos desse gênero de filme policial de forma estereotipada repleto de momentos cômicos, em que é um filho de um policial famoso que desaparece por vinte anos e ele segue o legado de seu pai de ser um policial comum até ser demitido, daí aparece uma oportunidade para esse policial fanfarrão chamado Nick Kang trabalhar para a "Elite Operations Division" a fim de investigar uma série de atentados em Chinatown, e se provar como alguém competente tentando derrubar essa onda de crimes. A campanha é toda dividida em capítulos e são 7 ou 8 ao todo, onde cada capítulo sempre tem várias missões dentro, normalmente não passando de 6 ou 7 missões. As atuações e toda a história como dito antes é cômica e cheio de momentos que certamente te tira algumas risadas como o cara entrando numa sauna e brigando com um monte de idoso de toalha e o chefão final dessa fase de "tanguinha" para cima de você lutando Kung Fu, bem bobinho, mas ainda, sim, engraçado.

Enfim, a melhor coisa desse game é a trilha sonora, que possui muitas músicas legais e frenéticas para entreter o jogador, que inclusive salvei algumas para ouvir depois. Mas, se tratando da história, ainda que tenha uma ideia cômica e tosca que, de certa forma, entretenha e não seja um jogo de todo ruim, não se torna tão relevante para segurar essa gameplay meio esquisita.

THIS GAME NEEDS TO BE REMASTERED OR RERELEASED! Honestly, this game kicks ass man! Great beat'em up mechanics, fun gunplay, and the signature 2000's wannabe matrix bullet time. The story gets the job done, the soundtrack is full of bangerz, and the gameplay loop is hella replayable. I wish I still had this game cause boy it was a helluva alot of fun. If John Woo played this he would be proud.

This game allows you to cause Civil Unrest and this the objective funniest thing I have ever seen in my entire fucking life.

Rating: ???
Genre(s): Open world

GTA as a cop. Ambitious open world recreation of L.A and a branching storyline with multiple endings. Good gunplay but some really difficult hand-to-hand combat. Also very glitchy but to be expected from such a large game map.

Don't really know what to say. Awful all around, the game is only enjoyable when you're experiencing funny glitches and bugs secondhand. It is absolute dogshit otherwise. Awful gunplay, awful melee combat, awful game truly all around. If this was my only game as a kid, I don't think I would be a gamer today.

Esse jogo é um absoluto kino, é como assistir um filme de comédia policial dos anos 80, mas com um asiático boa pinta que resolve os crimes de Los Angeles da maneira mais clichê possível. Mas o que realmente me atrai nesse jogo é o humor, tudo nesse jogo é estupidamente engraçado que se torna algo muito bom no decorrer do game, os diálogos, os personagens que são completamente esquecíveis, mas fazem parte da trama só pro Nick meter o cacete neles. Eu admito que seja um mundo aberto bem simples e sem muito o que fazer, mas puta que me pariu, o mapa desse jogo é extremamente gigante, não sei o que deu na cabeça dos caras de criar algo tão EXTENSO e até mesmo enjoativo, tirando o fato de que é literalmente Los Angeles só que em baixa qualidade. Tenho um carinho enorme por esse jogo, fez minha infância ser divertida e mesmo zerando anos depois, consigo realmente ver o que Luxoflux queria fazer na época, algo muito grandioso, mesmo sem muita experiência nesse ramo, ficou realmente incrível, eu adoro como esse jogo é realmente retratado como um jogo horrível, mas só zerando e fazendo todos os finais, você sabe o quão esse jogo é hiper divertido de se jogar.

Thought this was a pretty cool and unique game. An open world where you play as a cop instead of a criminal, though you can be a bad cop in how you deal with crime. The choice is yours. Story wasn't a high point for me but I like the "action movie" flavour that it has. However I do appreciate the branching paths and 3 different endings. Most of the voice cast are celebrities, I think Christopher Walken and Gary Oldman do their roles the best. I'm glad the cast at least cared a little bit, and not just for that sweet paycheck. Gameplay is pretty good I liked upgrading stuff. You can dual wield AK's, which is one of the few things I remember from this game.

HUGE TIP for fighting missions, use punch and low kick you'll kick ass.

A sloppy game with wonderfully phoned in voice performances by various A list actors, and horrific dialogue from Nick Kang, the worst cop in an ocean of bad cops.

Though I do give this game stars due to it's immersion with performing police work, turning on your sirens, chasing a gang car shooting you with uzis, getting them to crash their car, hop out and take the gun fight on the street and shooting back, and trying to arrest the guys that aren't immediately gunned down for bonus points.

You're also able to frisk random passers by for contraband/weapons which in real life is a horrific gross invasion of privacy and agency, but in this game it gives you a little bonus when you frisk a random old lady and pull out an ak-47 from thin air and arrest them, and throw them on the ground like a sack of potatoes.

While the dialogue is ham-fisted with varying degrees of racist accents, the story escalation gives me cozy vibes from old 80s/90s loose cannon cop movies, as well as John Wu because Nick can dual wield weapons which is so much fun and you can upgrade his pistols to the point he is dual wielding .45 caliber desert eagles and just obliterate goons while diving in slow motion, the only thing missing is a flock of doves flowing from you as you do it!

Starting from following random gang bangers ending with stopping an international communist conspiracy to end US banking, there is fun to be had.

Though all that sounds great it's held back because the controls are very stiff and has horrible auto aiming.
Not as bad as something like Drake and the 99 Dragons but still very poor. Driving feels like you're on ice and there's combat thrown in because this game didn't have enough to juggle, boils down to hopelessly mashing until you get the prompt to mash in buttons more to perform a special move.

Sloppy, sloppy PS2/Gamecube/Xbox era gameplay, absolutely the game I'd recommend you rent from Movie Gallery for a weekend back in the day!

Rough. Glitchy. Unappealing to look at years after release. But so weird and with a strange personality. Played this a ton back in the day.

An early 2000s Sleeping Dogs, but worse in every conceivable way. Props go to the absolutely fucking insane plot, though.

Beta version of Sleeping Dogs, cereal box version of GTA. The story was fun, the soundtrack was dope, and I did have fun with the hand-to-hand combat. I just don't care about it enough to replay it.

toca uns nu metal enquanto tem uma boss fight vsfff

lots of cringe and meme moments but pretty fun good for a laugh

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This game used to make me feel like a badass. Also Minerva playing during the final battle was awesome. I have a lot of good memories tied to this game and fear that if I take my nostalgia glasses off, I may see a game that aged like milk…..and that’s why I will keep my glasses on…for now…

Story/Presentation: Christopher Walken
Open World: Christopher Walken
Gameplay: Christopher Walken
Soundtrack: Christopher Walken
Graphics: Christopher Walken
Overall score: Christopher Walken

Such a shit game, but if you can find me another game where you Tekken fight a North Korean general on a rooftop while Deftones blares, please point me in the direction of it.