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in the past

a pretty not great puzzle game tbh

Alright- I'm gonna be the one to say it- as the official Yoshi fan of Backloggd (the only one with a rating above 4 stars), this is an absolutely charming and addicting puzzle game that stacks up (pun intended) to Dr. Mario and Tetris, both of with I love. The mechanics of swapping the stacks allows for a lot of precision in how you control the board, the egg sandwiching mechanic is IMMENSELY satisfying, moreso than getting a tetris imo, and both the high score and challenge modes are a ton of fun, and are different enough to warrant playing.

There's also a lot of freedom in how you set your options before starting a game, including playing all of it in competitive multiplayer! Honestly I randomly selected this on NES Online the other day knowing nothing about it before hand, and I instantly was grabbed by the addicting gameplay loop and score systems and had played for well over two hours.

It might not be on the level of impact of Tetris or Dr. Mario, but I really do think Yoshi is great and totally worth putting a few hours into to see if the mechanics grab you like they did with me. Especially now that it's so readily accessible on NES Online, and is free because of that!

Yoshi is a game I really want to like but it's just something I can't really get into. It's a puzzle game similar to the later Yoshi game, Yoshi's Cookie. But unlike that game where I have some appreciation for it, not much of that is here.

So the goal of Yoshi is to stack enemies onto eggs and sandwhich them with the other half of the egg to hatch a Yoshi. You'll move Mario to move the 4 stacks around so enemies will land on the correct one but to me the problem I have is that it's just too boring, even when you get the best Yoshi possible to hatch, it's just not satisfying.

There's also another mode where you have to clear every enemy on a board and I have to say this, I swear it feels luck based, sometimes you'll have an easy time getting rid of all of them but sometimes the game just doesn't get me the right enemies to poof them away. I get this can be a problem in other puzzle games too but here it feels the most annoying.

There's also multiplayer that uses the 2nd game mode but I didn't play much of it cause the person I played with didn't have a good time.

The presentation is nice. It's got some decent graphics to it and the music is pretty good and is composed by the same person who composes for Pokemon. In fact, I have failed to mention that this game was actually made by GameFreak so that's pretty interesting to see them make games before Pokemon.

Yeah I don't really have much to say, it's not really worth your time nowadays to actually go play this game. There are much better puzzle games you could be playing now, it's honestly a shame Nintendo isn't legally allowed to rerelease Yoshi's Cookie because I would have definitely preferred that one on the NES/Famicom Online for Switch.

I had hours of entertainment with this one.

This game stinks there is almost nothing to it, no charm, I don’t even like the music. I have a reason to ever think about it ever again

A surprisingly fun game that gets really fun when you bring up the speed

This is like a less exciting version of Tetris. I got it as a part of the 3DS ambassador collection and was expecting a crude predecessor to Yoshi's Island but this is not that. A good way to kill time though I suppose.

funiest shit i've ever seen

It's a way to waste time, I guess.

It's easy to be kind to puzzlers from this era because they're always at the very least playable, but there are just so many better options than Yoshi

Of all the good puzzle games I wouldn't say this was one of them.

Surprisingly fun. Although, the win conditions make no sense and it feels like it is completely random unless one person screws up completely. Also I played it on NSO no idea why that isn't an option here.

This came out a year after Super Mario World.

it's fine but it's gotta be the worst Game Freak outing I've ever played. which I think is a pretty okay game to have as your worst, the baby Yoshi are cute enough

A bit of a guilty pleasure but it's pretty bland and has barely any strategy to it.

The puzzle mechanics are uninteresting, but the visuals & music are serviceable.

I played Super Mario World at a friend's house but didn't know what the game was called. Asked my parents to buy me "the game with Yoshi in it" for my birthday and received this instead. I learned to be more specific in future.

Significantly slower and more luck-based than Tetris, but it's impossible to hate a game that's all about hatching baby Yoshis.

Yoshi on the NES.
It's Yoshi on the NES

Hatching baby Yoshis is fun and cute, but other than that I can't fathom why anyone would ever play this game over Tetris.

I feel like I should give this game more of a chance than trying it like three times total but honestly I don’t really want to. It’s intensely boring Tetris that only accounts for vertical matches and is even more RNG dependent with its egg mechanics. No sir I do not like it.

I gave it a little wiggle room for the sake of it not being for me personally, but I wouldn’t consider it a good game that’s not for me. There are fairer, more interesting puzzle games out there.

Similar to Tetris and many other basic puzzle games, you either like Yoshi or you don't. It does exactly what it aims to do and I happen to really like its gameplay.

Puzzlecillo estilo Tetris con Yoshi y personajillos de Mario.

nintendo made super mario world and went "that dinosaur was fucking awesome. put him in hatris on our shitty other console"

the first in a long line of games i dont really like but appreciate them for trying to do

I’m so fucking good at this game it’s awesome