Reviews from

in the past

this one dlc really shows how outdated that gameplay really is.

Caramba, eu gostei bastante dessa DLC. Após zerar a história principal do jogo, achei que não haveria mais como prolongar a história sem ser com o ''Alan Wake 2'', mas acabei descobrindo sobre as DLCS desse jogo. Fui jogar com um pé atrás, pois tinha medo de eles simplesmente tentarem prolongar a história com coisas estranhas. Porém fiquei bem surpreso com a forma que eles prolongaram o jogo sem ficar estranho ou chato. Conseguiram criar um ótima DLC.

The worse of the DLC, it leans into my least favorite aspect of the original game—the combat. It throws interminable waves of obnoxious enemies in areas that are largely retreads.

always appreciate dialogue and story in Alan Wake but I couldn't get through how unfair I felt the enemy AI was

This was a fine but mostly pointless feeling DLC, very 2010 vibes.

I don’t hate the combat of Alan Wake like a lot of people seem to beyond thinking that it gets kind of boring, so didn’t mind the fact that this was a bit more challenging than the main game at least. Exploding words mechanic is kinda neat

The Signal only being around an hour and a half long and about an hour and a half of that being recycled areas and assets, and the story only ever progressing in the opening minutes and at the very end is pretty bleh

Didn’t have a bad time with this but not something anyone needs to go out of their way for

Another chapter yeah just as good as the game really.

This was a short dlc experience filled with combat. I personally dislike the combat in Alan Wake 1 so this was not very fun for me though the story bits were good and it kinda redeemed it. Looking forward to playing the next one

Um dos principais pontos fracos de Alan Wake sempre foi seu combate. A genialidade por trás das mentes que decidiram fazer uma DLC focada nisso e extremamente rasa em história só me faz pensar que isso aqui não teve a maior atenção do estúdio. Com uma das piores boss fights que eu já vi, o que se salva é a criatividade de algumas partes da DLC, que eu considero tão boas que deveriam ter sido da própria campanha do jogo. De resto, ela é extremamente esquecível e se você quiser passar ela, só veja um vídeo no youtube que está tudo certo.

Had a lot of fun with this one because of the more challenging fights.

This special doesn’t add too much to the narrative but the glimpse we get is still worth checking out and I’d never complain about more AW content.

This would've been a good DLC, if it weren't for the final boss sections. MY GOD ARE THE SKIBIDI TOILET TV LOOKING THINGS SO ANNOYING. The enemy spawning is insanely bad, and the combat isn't hard, it's just stupidly annoying.

Comparado com o quão bom o jogo base é, essa DLC é só um gostinho a mais.
Infelizmente não adiciona muito coisa, a história é bem rasa e as batalhas, mesmo dando uma melhorada em questão de poder ter mais interações com o cenário, não carregam a qualidade dela.

Sam Lake in the studio like "yeah this adds absolutely nothing to the story and is just boring fights. Release it."

This was alright. It was just a series of combat challenges back to back. The story is light enough as to where you could skip/watch a video on it if you want.

El juego original tiene como punto positivo la historia y como punto negativo la jugabilidad. Pues este primer DLC empeora lo primero y se centra completamente en lo segundo. Te sientes todo el tiempo rodeado y te acabas frustrando.

Não acrescentou em nada, mas o final até q é interessante.


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The Signal… Yeah this wasn't very good. Seeing how Alan fared during his time in the Dark Place is really all I can give this episode. Other than that, it's more of the same from the base game, with somehow even worse gameplay and a less gripping progression. It was ok, but somewhat unnecessary, ultimately leading to more frustration than exposition.

Honestly just slogging through this to learn more about the story. Though short, I found this DLC to be quite a bit harder than the mainline story.

This DLC don't add anything to the original game. Just more repetitive combat

More combat focused than I would've expected from this game, but it was alright. If you're not a fan of the combat though you're probably not gonna have a fun time with this.

Hope you like the combat in this game

I played this a few days after completing the main story of Alan Wake. It picks up right where that game left off and does some interesting things within the world. The difficulty spiked up. I died more playing this first DLC than I did in the main game.

I found this DLC to be a bit on the difficult side, focusing more on combat than additional narrative. Luckily it’s short, so if you’re a completionist or a trophy hunter it’s probably worth a quick play. I’d suggest using a guide just so you don’t miss anything and have to run through it a second time. If you’re coming to The Signal for more narrative, maybe watch a YouTube video about this one?

An awful DLC that takes the worst parts of the main game while doing nothing with the good parts, the story i basically non-existant, it put you in close spaces with lots of enemies and doesn't give you complete set to battle them. There where a few interesting uses of the enviroment but they were better employed in the other DLC.
You can skip this one without a problem.

This is handily the worst thing I've played all year. It's just all of Alan Wake's worst design tendencies condensed down into a maze of formless slop. It feels like every encounter is worse than the last, and considering the game it's attached to was already pushing the boundaries of tasteful combat design, that's quite an admonishment.

Barebones, with honestly annoying design. There's some fun stuff, and some funny moments, using some of the late game mechanics again, but the encounters feel challenging in unfun ways, much more so than the main episodes. Incredibly short if you can overcome the annoying combat encounters.