Reviews from

in the past

Doesn't really add anything new to the plot or go anywhere. We spend the episode following a signal and when we get there pretty much nothing happens. Alan is in the dark place, we already knew this, and they didn't make exploring it interesting as it's all locations we have been in before. It's also too combat heavy to the point where the amount of enemies is just frustrating. Skippable.

nussa senhora que trem chato, acrescenta em basicamente nada, é só mais repetição da fórmula batida do jogo

It's really weird, I guess. Interesting new mechanics and I liked the Alan Wake on the TV bits, but jesus, was this way too hard compared to the base game. I get the developers want to make it more of a challenge after beating the story, but it was just janky hard more than anything. Stuck in tight spaces really was not as fun with the encounters compared to how fun they were in the main story.

Good enough if short, specially this time that just comes included with the Remaster, the words mechanic is pretty cool and could have been great on the main game.
Necessary to continue the story if doesnt give you too much.

Barry is the kind of character that is usually annoying but I love him.

so theres a part of me that still wanted to enjoy alan wake as a whole experience more than i actually did but this is definitely not it

for as much as i enjoyed the original game somehow i was definitely not well versed to the idea of MORE od what i already played lets be real this is a DLC for people who do really loved alan wake and wanted some more to the story of the base game

as an addendum this didnt do much for me the gameplay is untouched apart from adding some nice words mechanics here and there that are thematically entwined with the whole “its all a manuscript” but since the basic gameflow was already pretty weak i sure wasnt a big fan of doing it all over again for the sake of some more insight to the story

and if you somehow wonder if this is gonna add anything to the original story i kid you not you will have some momentary explanations but shits gonna get more convoluted than it really is because wow they sure love going over and over again on the same concepts until they start making no sense anymore

focus of the DLC is following a signal and going through levels that feel cut out segments that didnt make it to the original also am i the only one or this felt way more difficult i dont know guys

anywho after some tedious fights and flashbacks and shit like that you find the signal and nothing of note really happens . the end ?

guess the other DLC will expand on this but wow this is probably one of the weakest additional contents ive ever played in years somehow the best part was barry acting like a cunt which was definitely entertaining

doing all of this just to play AW2 can you believe that

honestly considerably better than the base game! i think this dlc does a really solid job making an interesting story out of asset reusage and it has some cool ludonarrative play going on with the GPS. the combat still isn't very good but i think they make better use of the flashlight mechanics here and the setpieces encourage the player to do things other than shoot down waves of enemies much more often.

Barebones, with honestly annoying design. There's some fun stuff, and some funny moments, using some of the late game mechanics again, but the encounters feel challenging in unfun ways, much more so than the main episodes. Incredibly short if you can overcome the annoying combat encounters.

This is handily the worst thing I've played all year. It's just all of Alan Wake's worst design tendencies condensed down into a maze of formless slop. It feels like every encounter is worse than the last, and considering the game it's attached to was already pushing the boundaries of tasteful combat design, that's quite an admonishment.

An awful DLC that takes the worst parts of the main game while doing nothing with the good parts, the story i basically non-existant, it put you in close spaces with lots of enemies and doesn't give you complete set to battle them. There where a few interesting uses of the enviroment but they were better employed in the other DLC.
You can skip this one without a problem.

I found this DLC to be a bit on the difficult side, focusing more on combat than additional narrative. Luckily it’s short, so if you’re a completionist or a trophy hunter it’s probably worth a quick play. I’d suggest using a guide just so you don’t miss anything and have to run through it a second time. If you’re coming to The Signal for more narrative, maybe watch a YouTube video about this one?

I played this a few days after completing the main story of Alan Wake. It picks up right where that game left off and does some interesting things within the world. The difficulty spiked up. I died more playing this first DLC than I did in the main game.

Hope you like the combat in this game

Definitely one of those DLCs where the developers don't really have time to work on it so all the assets are just re-used from the base game.

It's remarkable uninspired. A short decent Alan Wake chapter. Bummer that it doesn't really add anything to the ongoing narrative other than reinforce the base game's ending.

Only thing I really remembered about the dlc was being disappointed when it came out that it didn't really follow up the ending to the base game. Not bad, since it's basically "more of the same" but with a few fun, visual flourishes added into the mix, but also, it's more of the same, and doesn't add enough narratively. Half of a cool idea that doesn't go anywhere.

I liked the challenge this DLC presented, but that’s about it. It was fine.

I'm really glad we got to see the "words" mechanic used in actual gameplay, and there are some great setpieces here framed very cleverly though Wake's subconscious's aggressively bad writing that seeks only to hurt Wake, with no further purpose beyond that. Pretty short but a very good DLC chapter, and hard to complain about given that the only currently available version of the game includes it and its sequel as a pack-in rather than offering them as separate purchases.

Wow! This was terrible. "What if we put worst parts of the game in a DLC and use them even more!". Puppets and awful combat are back and more annoying than before if that's possible. I am having hard time recommending it for the tiny bit of more story. It was not long at least.

A história engaja demais mas esse combate, que é o foco principal dessa DLC, é muitooo repetitivo

A história é excelente assim como no jogo base, mas o combate ( que n é bom ) é excessivo demais e acaba cansando muito.

Some levels have been made much more creative and fun than the main game. But why was there a need to do these sections separately? Yes, the main game ends as if it was left unfinished, and these so-called "extra" chapters are the ones that need to be played. "Signal" is the first part you have to play after the main game, and unlike the main game, there are some creative gameplay mechanics where you shed light on some words and turn them into reality. Even though this is at the end of the main story, it does not appear integrated into the gameplay. In this regard, there were parts that I enjoyed more than the main story, especially in the combat parts. I recommend you play this episode, which has a gameplay time of approximately 1 hour, if you do not want to leave the story unfinished.

This was alright. It was just a series of combat challenges back to back. The story is light enough as to where you could skip/watch a video on it if you want.

Sam Lake in the studio like "yeah this adds absolutely nothing to the story and is just boring fights. Release it."

Comparado com o quão bom o jogo base é, essa DLC é só um gostinho a mais.
Infelizmente não adiciona muito coisa, a história é bem rasa e as batalhas, mesmo dando uma melhorada em questão de poder ter mais interações com o cenário, não carregam a qualidade dela.

This would've been a good DLC, if it weren't for the final boss sections. MY GOD ARE THE SKIBIDI TOILET TV LOOKING THINGS SO ANNOYING. The enemy spawning is insanely bad, and the combat isn't hard, it's just stupidly annoying.

Had a lot of fun with this one because of the more challenging fights.

This special doesn’t add too much to the narrative but the glimpse we get is still worth checking out and I’d never complain about more AW content.

Um dos principais pontos fracos de Alan Wake sempre foi seu combate. A genialidade por trás das mentes que decidiram fazer uma DLC focada nisso e extremamente rasa em história só me faz pensar que isso aqui não teve a maior atenção do estúdio. Com uma das piores boss fights que eu já vi, o que se salva é a criatividade de algumas partes da DLC, que eu considero tão boas que deveriam ter sido da própria campanha do jogo. De resto, ela é extremamente esquecível e se você quiser passar ela, só veja um vídeo no youtube que está tudo certo.

This was a short dlc experience filled with combat. I personally dislike the combat in Alan Wake 1 so this was not very fun for me though the story bits were good and it kinda redeemed it. Looking forward to playing the next one