Reviews from

in the past

games that I cannot play nowadays

auto-generated bullet hell that seems like a novelty nowadays

Played it for a while, but any song with slow or quiet parts makes it quite difficult to play.

i got to know The Killers through this game whoops

I think I damaged both my eyes and ears 10/10

Meh, it's just really basic. I had some fun though.

The track algorithm was a bit hit and miss, but overall a very fun experience. Needs mp3 files tho, with music streaming probably redundant now.

Beat Hazard is "an intense music-driven arcade shooter." What this means is that it is a reskinned version of Asteroids that looks like the love child of a fireworks show and a rave and that allows you to play your own music in-game (as opposed to just cranking up Spotify and then running the game on mute).
I received this game for free, and I enjoyed the 20 minutes or so that I played the game, but it's ultimately a very shallow, though flashy, experience. If you've played Asteroids or any Asteroids clone, you've seen most of what this game has to offer. The music integration doesn't add much to the game as far as I can tell. It's not a rhythm game, and I didn't notice anything syncing up with the tracks in the few sessions I played. Playing re-skinned Asteroids with HUGE EXPLOSIONS with your own music in the background is fun for a few minutes, but ultimately, the game is too shallow to hold my attention.
Also, there are a ton of flashing lights in the game. Don't play it if you have issues with this.

i love the concept, but it gets pretty samey.

it crashed because I had too many songs

Kinda scratched the same itch as Audiosurf but in a twinstick shooter format, and with a bit flashier visuals. A lot harder too.

a novel concept, but at the end of the day i'd rather just play a better shooter with its own soundtrack

A pretty fun way to get epilepsy with your friends.

This game is a must for anyone remotely interested in both music and simple arcade games. If you pick the right tracks, you could very well end up with your very own New Year's Eve fireworks display, set to the beat of your favorite music, while playing a hugely satisfying and challenging game.

Beat Hazard is a Asteroids-style shooter that utilizes your music in generating levels, but runs into the problem of not really tying the music to the gameplay all that well, at least not to maximum effect. BH tries to hide this issue behind a blinding amount of particle effects; to this end, if you have even the slightest hint of epilepsy, do not play this game!

There's something weirdly formative about this game for me. I think the freedom to insert your own songs felt especially life-changing at the time. Much like Audiosurf, it's a great time.

algorithm not the greatest but a really neat game!!

Стало понятно зачем мне на самом деле дискография The Prodigy на компьютере

i knew like 70 motherfuckers on Black Ops 2 with this triangle as their PSN avatar


Beat Hazard tries to have more complexity than something like Audiosurf. But unless you're a serious nut for shoot-em-up games, Beat Hazard's offerings are pretty barebones and feature uninteresting enemies that take away from the core gimmick. I'll give it points for presentation: it's flashy enough to distract from how shallow it is, and you can pump up the frequency and intensity of the flashing lights featured for the true Gaspar Noe experience. Even with the flashing lights at their lowest value, this is still not a game I'd recommend to you if you have epilepsy, and the game is not shy about letting you know that.

Overall it's okay, and if you want to try out more of these games, it's an interesting diversion from the standard Audiosurf clone.

Way too simple, this paradigm is probably inherently unworkable.

It's alright but it feels much more limited than Audiosurf and much less of a game to just zone out and feel the music to.

The game idea is just fantastic! Only problem: Not working for calm music...

Dropping a bomb right when the beat drops in a song is the coolest feeling ever.