Reviews from

in the past

Jogo q trocas as navinhas por um soldado pra fazer suas missões, é um gameplay mto longo até o final de jogo, oq não era um problema na época, o jogo envelheceu mal, e tem um flow de jogo chato.

Nota: 3/10 (★☆) - Muito ruim

You can see traces of Ikari Warriors, Contra and Metal Slug here all at once. The gameplay isn't that refined, but a serviceable vertical shooter.

Clearly unfinished and half-assed

[Played on Retron 5 with original cartridge]

Commando is a pretty great port of the arcade title. I've only really played Commando once before in an arcade, but I can tell that pretty much everything I remember from there is here.

I really liked that little underground passageways were added into the NES port. It feels like the beginning of the long trend of arcade titles coming to the NES as more original and exclusive experiences, even if the addition is rather small and very missable.

I think my biggest issue with this title is that you shoot in the direction you walk towards. Then again, I can't really expect twin stick on the NES controller. I just feel like the game would have been easier and more approachable with twin-stick controls. Maybe I just suck.

Also, it kind of bothers me that you can't hold down the B button to fire your gun. That plus moving in the direction you shoot somehow made for a game that actually hurts my hands to play. I think that bumps the game down a point, causing physical harm.

So overall, it's a pretty decent little arcade title. I found it kind of a hassle to play, but that's pretty much a flaw with the base game, something I wouldn't discredit the home port in particular for. Considering how cheap the game is, it's worth picking up if you find it out in the wild. You probably won't regret it.

This was Capcom's first NES game that they developed in-house, and it definitely shows with enemies randomly vanishing before your eyes and an overall jank feeling

I do have to commend Capcom for giving this port a bit more meat and adding secret areas where you can grab bonuses

IMO this is the best port of the game, pretty fun to play and it even has secret bonus areas like the NES port. Plus it's one of the few 7800 games with a POKEY sound chip so the soundtrack didn't suffer like most 7800 games

It may just be a generic army game for generic army people, but it is pretty good, I would say. You walk around as generic soldier man, you shoot enemy soldiers with a gun, as well as using grenades when necessary, and you fight different types of obstacles and ambushes of soldiers along the way. There is definitely a big case of arcade syndrome here, with enemies constantly surrounding you, but it is manageable if you have enough patience... and plenty of credits. It may be very simple, but it is pretty good overall.

Game #143

Played on Capcom Arcade Stadium.

Not bad for the year 1985

Shooter which is all about the multiplication of enemies and projectiles. Shots can only be fired in all eight directions, which sometimes causes problems. Grenades sometimes fail to hit their target, preventing to find ladders or power-ups. The repetition of the levels is certainly the most severe shadow for this title, as the difficulty only increases with the addition of projectiles per enemy.

The C64 version has great tunes and three levels of dull shooty stuff. Whatever, it is what it is. Did I mention the great tunes, though? There's great tunes in it. And dull shooty stuff. But there's great tunes.

It gets better after some time. The "Continue" option is a blessing, it helps to mitigate the hard difficulty. And can I say I actually like the music?

Puedo decir con orgullo que termine este juego, con lo estúpidamente difícil que es. Corto y no muy brillante jugablemente, pero tiene su gracia, no deja de ser divertido matar soldaditos, no deja de ser Capcom.

You just walk up the map while shooting guys. It's yet again a fine NES game.

A pedantic jerk would say something like, “the lineage of all modern military shooters points back to Capcom’s Commando”, but this game is basically unplayable — spinning in circles desperately flinging short range bullets as hyper-speed over-programmed enemies mob you in an unsatisfying onslaught. No one knows if there’s a second screen because no one’s ever made it that far.

Disappointed because there was no section of Schwarzenegger fighting a dude where someone was filming a porno. Oh wait, same name but not an adaptation of the movie.

No but really, this game is extremely clunky and beating the same four levels four times just with different enemy behavior is just there to mask the lack of content. There are literally fully programmed "normal" enemies that appear once in the game that I wish would have been there more instead of the annoying respawning vanilla soldiers as if this was SNK's Athena.

The Rob Hubbard theme is a bit of a jam but it's a bit too easy and having to hit the spacebar for grenades is annoying

Much better and more playable than I initially expected, I kinda enjoyed this port

[Capcom Arcade Stadium]
Played this on original arcade hardware recently and thought I did well to reach the end of stage one. I tried a few times at home to replicate that success but failed. Slapped on the invincibility cheat and spammed my way through the game. It was ok. I liked the little tune at the start, but like the rest of the game, it became rather repetitive.

A game that I always found to be very easy. It fast paced and keeps you on your toes at all times. The game does suffer massive amounts of flicker as it was one of capcoms earlier titles. If you like top down shooters, then i'm sure you'll enjoy this basic, but fun title.

Credible attempt at a home port of the classic shooter. Not exactly a NES beater, though the gameplay is tight the graphics have barely evolved from the previous iteration of the console. Probably given more kudos in its day, in hindsight there are better versions.

Status: 121,600 points. Beaten on Expert

when it isn't barraging you with cheap out-of-nowhere deaths, it has somewhat enjoyable raw energy. the main theme's also pretty catchy.