Reviews from

in the past

i couldnt afford a ps2 as a kid so i rented one from the game store before for a week on spring break and i beat this game during that time had tons of fun

Lo de transformar un final boss de un hack and slash en una batallita de disparar me lo van a tener que explicar

They made resident evil so straight it loops back around to being gay

Resident Evil de porrada, só esqueceram de trocar a câmera

Much of what was achieved in DMC 1 would be done better in future instalments, especially 3. Still, the groundwork here is really solid, and no other DMC game has a killer atmosphere like this one.

this game is good but aged REALLY badly, the controls are ok but the save points oh my god... still a good game to replay

Difícil, em absolutamente todos os aspectos

Pretty good! Cheesy dialogue, stiff but cool combat and an incredible setting!

Like a fine milk.

DMC was a groundbreaking release early into the PS2's tenure who's influence can still be felt today. Bayonetta, God of War, and of course later DMC titles were shaped by the dual-wielding hero's first violent romp. Capcom deserves credit for revolutionizing, if-not inventing, the hack-and-slash genre, and DMC is an important game for that, but...

I didn't enjoy revisiting this game at all. The combat mechanics are shallow, the enemy and level designs are nothing special, the voice acting and dialogue are painful, and the dated graphics sting my eyes. DMC fails to deliver timeless art, compelling narrative, or enduring gameplay. Because of that, I cannot recommend another trip through Mundus's castle for any reason apart from perspective or nostalgia. Be that as it may, I am excited to delve further into the series, as I know later titles will fair better when held to the standards of modern media.

Most later titles.

For its time this is a DAMN good action game however nowadays it is a bit dated and knowing how complex combos can be in future games it made the first game seem a bit more repetitive however that doesn't mean it wasn't fun

the first game I played on MY PS2

I played this about 100 times when I was a kid but I've never played it since and so I have no idea if it holds up or not.

I am not really a "New Game Plus guy." Usually, I finish a game (rarely at 100%) and move on to the next one. I absolutely do not disparage this way of playing; quite the contrary, I have played and replayed the same games for years on end (like the 10,000 hours spent on vanilla WoW, oops). Over time, I have increasingly wanted to explore new games from different eras and styles, not necessarily staying stuck in a comfort zone or the same genre. With Devil May Cry, I discovered another approach, another perspective on playing a game: some games simply become better in New Game Plus.

I still have my physical PS2 copy that I bought almost on the day it was released, thanks to the rave reviews of the time. Without the memory cards from back then, I can’t say how far I got, but I doubt I got past the first boss. If I’m not mistaken, GTA 3 was already announced, and I then spent a good part of the end of 2001 traversing the streets of Liberty City.

The game is simply incredible. Its gothic and cool style is unique and holds up from beginning to end with its very "cheesy" side. It's primarily its combat gameplay that is very addictive: it's both easy to get into but difficult to master.

I never would have thought I would like this very arcade-oriented type of game. As soon as I finished (with difficulty) the game in normal mode, I immediately started again in hard mode, something I almost never do.

Having tried to replay it with my PS2 copy, I highly recommend the HD collection, which fixes almost all the framerate issues.

Jogo legal, começou até que bem a franquia, mas sentiu o peso do tempo, 20 anos depois o jogo envelheceu um pouco mal

Obviously combat is gonna be clunky and dialogue is cheesy but this game is really fun. It makes you master the game over several harder replays and its a great first game.

8,5/10 - Length
8,0/10 - Enjoyment
7,5/10 - Perfomance/Bugs
7,5/10 - Story/Experience
7,0/10 - Gameplay

Score = 7,7/10

Devil May Cry resulta ser un buen videojuego, su combate frenético y la variedad con la que podemos afrontar los desafíos lo vuelve muy disfrutable, sin embargo, peca de monótono en el ultimo tercio del juego, reciclando elementos anteriormente vistos, y presenta picos de dificultad irrisorios por momentos. Al final, sus méritos eclipsan por mucho sus defectos.

as sessões de plataforma são insuportáveis e a câmera parece que ta bebada em alguns momentos mas GAME OF THE YEAR 2001

a versão deletada de resident evil 4 que virou outro jogo incrível

Why is the very first room so hard to figure out?

I'm not sure I get the hype behind the original. Often times it's more frustrating that it is fun. Combos don't really work and the Resident Evil camera does nothing for this kind of game.

Видит Вергилий, я пытался.
Но грёбанные схроны в начале уровня и два жирных босса в конце - это смэрть. Я просто устал бегать. А спускаться в лёгкий уровень сложности я не буду.
В остальном игра прикольная. Побегать по готичным локациям под эмбиент. Боёвка +- может фана принести. С павуком было прикольно дратся. И с шакалом. Но когда появляются летающие мобы и боссы, то я сразу потерял интерес. Я в ДМС или как? Почему я должен бегать по карте и выстреливать нечисть из гранатамёта.
Сюжета ещё наваливают только под конец, до которого я не дошёл, но ладно.

6 желтых камней из 10

Ok puta merdakk eu realmente tentei gostar desse jogo mas ele foi simplesmente a minha decepção mais sincera q eu tive em relação a videogame. A internet inteira trata essa porra como se fosse a melhor coisa do mundo mas no fim só é mais ou menos mesmo. A estética é maneira mas nada q já não tenham feito na época, a história é bem mediana sem contar a bosta do final q pareceu mais um final de filme fodase q passaria no sessão da tarde. Fora isso a trilha sonora e as boss fights sao legais até

This game has clearly aged quite a bit and i am not gonna force myself through it but seeing how the series started is a sight to behold

jank ahh resident evil camera but for the time it came out its pretty good and i can tell its really old but i love that!! final boss is assss though

let's rock baby, but not too hard. i'm glad not all action games are EXACTLY like this, but hey this is still pretty dang rockin' to play. some absolutely batshit awesome ui.