Reviews from

in the past

this game makes my brain feels funny, like, the combat is just so weirdly addictive and fun

The best roguelike I've ever played.

Dash-hit dash-hit. Funny.

An expertly crafted game that got me to enjoy a game in a genre that I don't really like. Super addictive.

A arte disso é algo que te impulsiona, saca

Probably the best rougelike/lite i've ever played super fun cant wait to play hades 2

One of my all time faves. Incredibly fun, fluid combat. Characters are effortlessly iconic, and it’s so gay and sexy. All the awards

Hades is a fantastic game, don't get me wrong. However, finishing it before the Hades 2 release (or at least playing up to the ending credits), I also saw some of the flaws in it.

While there is a wide variety of viable builds, some are just more efficient than others. Once I had finished a few runs and got closer to the ending, I found myself having to choose between established builds that work well but get boring over time, or more experimental builds that could potentially cost me the run in the last third. I found it hard to "trust the process" since some boons are just way too useful not to use all the time.

Again, this is a very specific criticism, and one I didn't have early one. The game's story progression does a wonderful job at always giving you new dialogue to listen to, even when you fail a run. In fact, the voice acting and story are simply incredible, even outside the context of the game's progression.

I also love the overall approach to Greek mythology and the colorful artstyle. Both Hades and the new God of War games have similar, often quite serious themes, but I enjoy how Hades still manages to embrace some of the more lighthearted aspects of the mythology.

Overall, Hades is an easy recommendation for anyone even remotely interested in roguelikes, action games, Greek myths, and/or bisexuality.

Pues me gustó mucho, aunque se me hizo muy repetitivo al final, ojala saquen hades 2

juego obligatorio para cualquier jugador, tiene mucha accesibilidad para los jugadores que solo estén interesados en la historia. 10 de 10

Played on both PC and Steam Deck, amazing game. Good story, interesting characters. Good soundtrack. I can't recommend it enough.

Perhaps one of the best roguelikes of all time.
Would recommend to anyone who likes roguelikes, or even greek lore.

Truly a remarkably fun game. It hooks you in with easy-to-learn, hard-to-master gameplay. Then, it provides you with small drops of story that come as you engage with the roguelike elements. It's a great first roguelike for people interested in dipping their toe into the genre.

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This game is such a interesting take on Greek myth and how it forms Zagreus story when he is such an obscure character in Greek myth itself. Super Giant brilliantly was able to turn Zagreus from a minor myth into an heartfelt and engaging myth of love, family, and persevering through hardship no matter the cost and ultimately being the god of blood. The games combat is so well made and is one of the only roguelikes I LOVE as it integrates storytelling into it beautifully. The weapons as are so fun to use with the Twin Fist being my favorite to use with the spear coming right behind. How each run is different and offers new and engaging aspects and boons to use makes the game always fresh and never a bore to do. Dying is never a bad thing either as there is so much to do in the House of Hades and I would never be angry if I died but instead just say "oh well, at least I can upgrade/build [insert thing you can upgrade/build] now" so that was really nice. This does have to be one of the best games I have ever played to be completely honest and I will stand proud to say that. Also everyone is just so hot in this game like what the hell... Dionysus, Nyx, Thanatos, and Megaera are the first to come to mind LOL. Play this game even if you don't like roguelikes, It might change your opinion like it did mine! I can't wait for Hades II now. DEATH TO CRONOS!!!!!!!

pure kino, the shining bastion of the roguelike genre, it truly doesn't get better than this😭😭

Great art, voice acting and story until your are on your 41st escape attempt. After that, it was placed on my chore list as follows:

Walk dog
Attempt to make it to Mom in Hades using shield
Take out trash
Load dishwasher

I finally made it to Mom, to only find I was 1/16 toward finishing game.

Counselor told me that games are for fun only.

jogando o jogo dnv e fazendo todas as conquistas so me fez gostar mais ainda do jogo , que jogo lindo pqp

I enjoyed this one fairly enough but this is not my genre.

For people this kinda genre/game appeals to, I wager this is among their very favorites and rock on! For me? Ugh, maybe I'm just getting old but I don't have the patience for the perma-death thing and having to start over from the beginning for the next 'run'.

I have bit played a lot of roguelites but I feel Hades is a near perfect example of the genre, with every system just playing so well into the appeal of doing run backs. I mainly just used the spear the entire game but even then, every run felt incredibly different due to the different gods and items granting different effects that really change how damage is done and you approach combat. The game is also pretty hard but also have a lot of safety nets and short runs that make run backs a lot less of a headaches than they could be. Personally, this game definitely makes me want to dive further into the genre after Balatro initially got me to enjoy a game in that genre. Overall, great game with incredible design that is worth playing even if you don’t wanna beat it.

é impossível a combinação de rock e roguelike dar errado!

possui uma história interessante sem desgastar a gameplay com muitos diálogos. é sutil e agradável e dá pra acompanhar ao longo da porradaria.

gameplay viciante ao nível "só mais uma tentativa", depois de ter jogado horas sem parar.

e sim, a trilha sonora é incrível!

Super fun, all characters are incredible, and the story is AMAZING. As expected from Supergiant, in love since the first minute.

Rolled credits after picking it up and putting it down several times since release. Always a pleasure and each time I picked it back up wondered why I didn't play it more frequently. With 2 on the horizon I got a little more consistent with my sessions. Even though credits rolled there's more unlockables and character interactions to see. Hades 2 entered early access today and I plan to keep dipping into Hades while I await the full release of 2. Bastion was one of my favorites and this was a cool spiritual successor. Looking forward to the sequel!

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Truly one of the hardest choice games ever. My ass has to pick between Aphrodite my beloved or Dionysus my boy, my homeboy my straight up king.

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This game is fuckin peak. IIRC this is the first game I played after building my first pc, either this or Paper's please. Not sure if it has a true ending but I have met Zagreus mom couple times. This game fuckin peak cant wait for Hades 2