Reviews from

in the past

So funny looking through my screenshots - for a game I've continue to pump in 300+ hours of, I started and rolled credits within my first week.

Probably my favorite game of all time, and my first (and far from last) taste of Supergiant's incredible storytelling married with gameplay, mechanics, and music. Near infinite replayability from maxing out everything, and it rarely felt like a chore to me because I was trying new builds and unlocking new hyper-specific dialogue.

Could go on for 2000 more words like I did for BotW and TotK, but gotta get back to playing Hades II.

The biggest thing this inspired for me as well was a love for indie games - dove into so many after experiencing this one, from the rest of the Supergiant catalog to Celeste and A Short Hike. Thank you Supergiant for this gem <3

Amazing game! I still haven't completed it but I know that it's wonderful. Great story, a lot of mechanics, it hasn't disappointed me once. Absolutely endearing voice acting, and the boss fights are fun even when they get easy.

Um dos melhores roguelite já feitos.
A melhor arma a lança 😎.

Really good rougelite, I had never played one before this and it always makes me want to keep playing. Adore the character designs as well.

A simple isometric hack n slash roguelite, well packaged with good musics and arts but that's all.

Incrível como no jogo você faz a mesma coisa diversas vezes e não enjoa, o jogo é incrível e a arte é de brilhar os olhos.
Com certeza um dos melhores jogos indies já feitos!

Gameplay is fun and the loops are quick once you've got the hang of it. How many times can you try to get to the surface? How many times will you say "oh, I can try just one more time." I know in my experience that the first time I made it to the surface it was between classes in college on my Switch, and I very nearly missed it because I was so engrossed in the story. The characters are lovable and fun to get to know.

la paso tan mal jugando esto pero el diseño de personaje hace que siempre vuelva

Frenetic action, weapons to swap, good art, great gameplay, this is a good one


Possivelmente o melhor Rogue-lite para recomendar para uma pessoa mais casual ou que não conhece o gênero de Rogue-likes, tem uma história boa, gameplay ótima e é responsivo.
Os únicos pontos negativos do jogo é que ele tem poucas variações, maioria dos rogue-likes/lites tem várias armas e bosses, nesse sinto falta disso. As armas possuem upgrades que alteram um pouco a jogabilidade dela, mas os bosses são poucos 4 (removendo um secreto) e desses 2 tem 3 variações, mas que não muda muito.
Adorei que, depois, dá para aumentar a dificuldade do jogo com alguns modificadores. Acho bem necessário porque o jogo fica bem fácil de masterizar por não ser aleatório.

Astonishing how much the game faceplants at, as literally as possible, the final step. When I finally beat it this year after six years of on and off playing, I was more than ready to mark it down as one of my favorite games of the year. It's a blast just to play, the depth in the gameplay systems and the structure of the gameplay loop is consistently enjoyable, the characters are likable, and while the writing is overrated the game is still genuinely funny and does such a good job at capturing the vibe of a Saturday morning cartoon. I thought I'd be playing it a lot going forward!

Until it became apparent where the story was going. To be clear at the outset, Hades (the character) is an abusive father. This is the way the game frames it, thematically and narratively, and it is clear in the way the game is written that Hades is coded to read as an abusive father. Because Hades is a cartoonish, generally not overly serious game, Hades' mistreatment of Zagreus is written in the earlier parts of the game using an exaggerated, stereotypical depiction of the language of abusers and abusive parents.

This isn't a problem in itself because the game was clearly leading up to the idea of Zagreus defying the idea that there is no escape from his horrible home life and cartoonishly abusive father. But, for whatever reason, Supergiant Games didn't want to end it that way. Instead, at the very, very last minute, Zagreus starts to make excuses for his father, goes on a stupidly written quest to prove to his mother that his father still loved her, and then the game ends with a boat ride where the vocalist sings about how you can't run away from your family because you're tied to them by blood.

My least cynical read is that this was just total cowardice, because they wanted the player to continue playing the game indefinitely and an ending where Zagreus escapes the underworld doesn't make sense for that. My more cynical read is that nobody on the team had an abusive parent so there was nobody to tell them that the ending was horrifying.

Either way, for me, it killed any desire I had to touch the game again anyway. Knowing how it ended, I'll never want to continue my save, and knowing how it ends, I'll never want to play the start of the game again either. I'm still tentatively holding out hope that Hades 2 doesn't double down but I can't say I'm confident.

Não sou o maior fã de rogue-likes (e sou bem ruim neles), mas esse aqui conseguiu me prender por bastante tempo. Eu cheguei a concluir duas runs, mas não cheguei no final certinho do jogo, e mesmo assim amei praticamente tudo o que eu vi!

É um ótimo jogo, imagino que seja o melhor "rogue-lite" para quem quer começar no gênero. Até porque eu gostei e quero sim dar uma chance para Hades 2, mas ainda devo esperar ele sair do Acesso Antecipado

Good but I got bored after forty hours.

Title: “A Mythical Escape Worth Dying For”

🔥 Introduction: As the son of Hades, Zagreus embarks on an epic journey through the Underworld in Hades, a captivating rogue-lite game developed by Supergiant Games. With its engaging combat, rich narrative, and memorable characters, this game has left an indelible mark on players worldwide.

🗡️ Engaging Combat and Diverse Weapons: Hades delivers combat that feels as smooth as the Styx’s currents. Whether you wield the Stygian Blade, the bow, or other Infernal Arms, each weapon offers a distinct playstyle. Dodging, parrying, and unleashing devastating attacks create a symphony of chaos and strategy. Zagreus’ dash ability adds an extra layer of finesse to the fights.

🌟 Story and Characters: The game weaves Greek mythology into its narrative tapestry. As Zagreus, players strive to escape the clutches of the Underworld. Along the way, they encounter gods, shades, and other denizens, each with their own quirks and motivations. The colorful cast includes Hades himself, the enigmatic Nyx, and the mischievous Hermes. Relationships evolve over time, even after each inevitable death. Spending time with these characters is like sipping ambrosia—rewarding and addictive.

🎙️ Voice Lines and “Guide” Mode: While the voice acting in Hades is divine, more lines would enhance the experience. Picture Dionysus offering witty banter or Athena sharing her wisdom. A “guide” mode could assist players struggling to decipher the intricacies of boon synergies, mirror upgrades, and infernal pacts. Imagine a spectral mentor whispering, “Zagreus, focus on that Zeus-Artemis combo—it’s electrifying!”

💰 Weapon Upgrades and the Currency Conundrum: Ah, the dreaded dilemma of upgrading weapons! Darkness, keys, and gems—the currency trifecta—beckon players to commit. Each upgrade path feels like a pact with the Fates. Should you invest in the Stygian Blade’s critical damage or opt for the shield’s bull rush? The scarcity of resources adds tension, making every choice count. It’s like bargaining with Charon at the River Styx—choose wisely!

🌌 Conclusion: Hades is more than a game; it’s an odyssey. Whether you’re battling the Elysium champions, uncovering hidden chambers, or savoring Nectar-fueled conversations, the journey is intoxicating. So, fellow escapee, keep pushing through the Underworld’s depths. Victory awaits, and perhaps even Hades himself will crack a smile. 🌟

May the Fates favor your escape, and may the gods grant you epic boons! 🌟🔥🗡️

The difficulty is so meticulously perfect that it seems like magic.

Reminds me of the time I was in the underworld

This game is an extra large gyro sandwich of content. Every bite is so flavorful, you just can't stop going in for more. And when all that's left is the greasy wrapper, there is still excitement for the next meal.

Excellent game and the best rogue-like I've ever tried with a greater incentive to keep retrying and improving as the game has a great sense of progression after every run. The combat is really fun and the boons offer so much variety with each run that I just had a lot of fun expirimenting with different weapon types and boon effects for different attacks to see what would be most effective. It did feel like some boons and weapons were way more powerful than others but as I got better I learnt how to take better advantage of the others. The presentation is simply fantastic with gorgeous environments, awesome character designs and such an immersive world they've built with so much character and an insane amount of dialogue that really makes you feel like you're really experiencing this in Zagreus's shoes making the story all the more resonant. After beating the main story there's still a lot of things to do with more side quests and social links that I'd be down to do if I didn't have other games to play lol.

I did sometimes struggle with the enemies overcluterring the screen/attacking from off-camera which did get annoying and at times playing through the same four areas did get tiring. However all in all Hades was an absolutely superb experience and a fantastic experience that I loved getting through.

Eu amo todos os designs e personagens desse jogo

I have a fundamental hate toward rouge likes

i couldnt get into it gameplay wise...however the art direction and style this game has is unmatched in its area

Never thought this would be one of my favourite games ever, since combat generally makes me panic and fumble. Yet! Incredibly mysterious, detailed and charming from head to toe, and endlessly rewarding. Don’t be shy about putting God Mode on - it reduces stress and frustration and the game becomes significantly more fun then, in my opinion.

I think it says a lot that despite annoying late-game areas and not much variety in runs this game manages to be this incredible