Reviews from

in the past

Capcom has made more good games they've forgotten about than most studios have made good games.

The word that kept coming to my mind as I played Maximo was "deliberate". This game forces you to be thoughtful in your actions. You need to be precise in your platforming, as levels rise and crumble around you and platforms roll down rivers like Frogger. Failing a jump often means instant death, although the game is fairly generous with extra lives and continues. There is no manual camera, only a button that will attempt to center the camera behind Maximo. Honestly, this may be because I’m from a time before manual cameras (you merely adopted the dark etc.), but I felt that the camera was generally good at being where I needed it to be. And I love the slight Dutch angle its tilted at, it adds so much to the feel of the world.

Combat is just as deliberate. Your sword bounces off of rock and metal, making Maximo vulnerable for several excruciating milliseconds. Swing at wood, and it takes even longer for him to remove it. The biggest combo is a two-hitter perk you could potentially not keep in your permanent list, and it has a noticeable wait after the 2nd attack, so with multiple enemies approaching performing the combo could leave you open.

Enemies are incredibly varied in the best way to dispatch them. Even the duck button, which seems worthless at first, is crucial to destroy certain enemies without taking damage. There are these pirate enemies that are easy to knock down, but when you ground pound them you will take damage because they’ve been skewered through with a cutlass that is now pointing up. What you need to do is jump over them and knock them down from behind, which allows you to finish them off without getting hurt.

Maximo is full of little decisions like these. Do I tank this attack with my shield or do a ranged shield throw, both of which lower the shield’s durability? The shield is incredibly useful, and when it breaks you’ll be defenseless until you find another one (Maximo’s blacksmiths took Hyrule correspondence courses). Do I do this difficult platforming section to get one of the incredibly powerful temporary sword upgrades? Do I use one of my keys to unlock a gate or chest, or save them for later?

All of this adds up to a game that I enjoyed so much I beat it in a fever rush of two days. And after playing the first level of the sequel, it turns out they removed everything that made the first game work in order to make something that plays like… (checks notes) MediEvil? That can’t be right?

My favorite 3D platformer. When I was a kid I couldn't get past the first world, this game was just too hard, but as an adult the challenge is just perfect. I also love the ability system, it gives you so many perks and options in combat and losing all of them makes dying PAINFUL. Imagine that, having stakes and punishment for death.

It's also just the right length, long enough to feel like a proper game, but not so long that it's not repayable. Going back and replaying to find all the treasures and abilities is a blast.

A 3D spin off of the Ghosts N Goblins franchise, and a very worthy one at that. Maximo is one of the most punishing games I have played - and let's not confuse hard with punishing - compared to it's big brother franchise, the gameplay of Maximo is challenging and very fair. There is no bullshit in it's design, it is a well designed 3D action platformer at it's best. The punishing aspect comes from the fact that if you want to actually beat this game, you cannot make many mistakes; this is because the game actually has limited continues, in the sense where if you lose all your lives you have to start from the beginning of the game (or your last save)... The problem is that if you want to save your game, you need to pay 100 coins each save, which is not quick and easy to get. However if you take your time to learn the game, you will be able to get through with no issue. If you just want the challenge without the worry that you'll need to replay the game again if you die enough times, I recommend using an unlimited continues cheat which actually makes the game still challenging but less punishing. It's a shame Maximo didn't quite take off like Ghosts and Goblins did as I actually prefer it to it's big brother. It is a true underrated gem on the PS2.

Pretty good for its time period. More interesting than I thought as a kid. Back then I couldn't get much past the first level.

Difficulty feels a bit unfair at parts. And can be very frustrating. You have to commit to playing through a lot of the game at once to get to a save point. Very confusing mechanics that it doesn't explain well. Once I looked up "how to play" basically, it all made a lot more sense.

The cutscenes and character designs aged very poorly (the female character designs are absurd). It is very obviously pre-feminist video game critique.

Classic review move, but it honestly feels like a really simple, arcade-y Dark Souls. There are long sections between checkpoints, so you memorize the level layouts and enemy locations, and how to easily defeat them.

Strangely, the bosses are really easy, especially in comparison to the regular levels.

They put a spin on the Ghosts N Goblins series that was quite good.

The camera is weird as hell. It tracks around really lazily and twists a lot as if its first priority is to set up nauseating shots. It absolutely accomplishes that goal and I'm convinced that it's an artistic choice. Surprisingly this doesn't interfere with gameplay almost at all, but some of the platforming in the final levels is pretty unforgiving and eventually the seasickness got to me. Which is a shame because this game definitely has a neat personality.

Has that charming thing where the voice actors talk over each other slightly during the cutscenes as if they're dubbing over some really fast Japanese and they couldn't fit all the words into their allotted time.

My 6 year old self remembers this game as great fun

Me: l LOVE Super Ghouls and Ghosts, it’s one of my all time favorites, I’ve played it a million times, love it!

Also me: ah, I guess these games really are hard when you have no rewind available to you

It can be a fun time with pals but the jankiness of the controls and some platforming portions rly kill what could have been an amazing game. :(
Do love sassy death though. You automatically get a point for the grim reaper/death being sassy :3

Straightforward, difficult, and satisfying. It could be frustrating sometimes due to Maximo's pathetic double jump and a few wonky hitboxes but once you get in the groove and get a hang of the different mechanics, it's an enjoyable romp that moves at a quick pace and never hits the level of frustrating difficulty you might expect from something like ghosts 'n goblins. The only thing that never stopped bothering me was the inability to control the camera with the right stick. I also found the little bit of story with its macho hero, fanservice-y damsels, cartoonishly evil villain and cheesy voice acting to be a pretty endearing.

I don't really remember what exactly prompted me to pick up and play Maximo, but 300 yen was too low a price to turn my nose up at at the time. The result of an effort to bring Ghouls 'n' Ghosts into the 3rd dimension, Maximo began life as an N64 game before being converted into a Dreamcast game and then FINALLY being turned into a PS2 game once the Dreamcast was deemed too dead to release it for. This strange life cycle leaves its marks all over Maximo, but this weird freak of a game still manages to be good fun regardless. It took me about 10 hours to beat the Japanese version of the game.

Maximo, a brave king, gets back from the war to find an evil wizard has kidnapped his queen. He's struck down at once, but the friendly grim reaper saves him, telling him that the evil wizard is stealing dead from the underworld and putting him out of a job. The two team up and get to work freeing the four sorceresses and saving the queen from the wizard's evil clutches. It's a pretty simple story, but it's just Ghouls 'n' Ghosts. It doesn't have to be complicated, and it does just what it needs to while succeeding to be entertaining in its brief, silly cutscenes.

Maximo is a 3D action platformer of five worlds of five levels a piece with a boss at the end of each. The bosses and stages are quite fun and well designed, if pretty brutal in their difficulty at times. Instead of the "two hits and you're dead" thing of its retro inspiration, Maximo takes a more generous and clever approach to updating that old health system. Now you still have armor, and you can even get a third piece of armor, but these each have a health bar. If you find a potion, the health bar of your currently weakened armor will be refilled, but if that armor breaks, it's gone and you'll need to find more armor. There is also a system of powerups to make your weapons swings and shield more powerful, ranging from a sword range extension to being able to throw your mighty shield (just don't use to it too much, or it'll break!). As nice as these things are, you just need to be weary of dying, as take too much damage or fall down a pit and you'll lose nearly all of your powerups and gotta start collecting them fresh, although they thankfully drop fairly frequently.

There's also a money system where you can buy more health, armor, or even collectible underwear (changing the type you have when you lose your armor) when you find the little single-use kiosks in the stages. You could also horde that money for saving (it costs 100 gold per save!), or try to collect fairies from glowing fountains in each stage, as 50 fairies gets you another continue. If you're feeling really up to a challenge, there's even a special reward for collecting 100% of the treasure in every stage. I wasn't unhinged enough to try that, but honestly the game was so fun to go through once, I haven't totally dismissed the concept of going through again and trying for 100% completion someday XD. All in all, it's a really nice upgrade of the old 2D games, keeping the difficulty and iconic elements while upgrading it to make more sense in both 3D and in the world of game design in 2001.

The biggest control and design issue is a relic of this game being a Dreamcast game: the right stick does nothing. Maximo must've been basically finished on the Dreamcast before they decided to make it a PS2 game, because the right stick doesn't control anything, let alone the camera, so the only way you have to redirect the camera is by holding R1 to slowly realign it behind you. It isn't a game breaker, and the game generally does a good job at keeping the camera behind you, but getting used to realigning the camera is a must for conquering this game and its oodles of platforming. Other issues the game has are some bosses that have pretty poorly signposted weaknesses, and the difficulty curve is good but starts pretty darn high as you get used to the controls. It's a game you really need to get into the spirit of trying to beat, as it's not gonna hold your hand through things as you learn the ropes of how best to approach platforming and combat with the somewhat particular way Maximo controls.

The presentation is really nice. Enemies and allies alike have very distinct designs to them, and the homages in especially Maximo's design to original Ghouls 'n' Ghosts aesthetics are really fun. The music is also excellent, with tons of new takes on old Ghouls 'n' Ghosts tracks populating each world.

Verdict: Recommended. The awkward way that the game controls, particularly its camera, will likely turn off a fair few people, but if you're a 3D action platformer fan, there's a lot to enjoy with Maximo. It may have its fair share of problems, but its very deliberate design makes it work well within the confines of its own game, and it's well worth checking out~.

Whenever Maximo swings his sword, it can either rebound off of hard surfaces or get stuck in wooden ones as he has to take a second to wiggle it out again. It begs the question: why’s this niche 3D platformer from when the PS2 was still new, about a cartoon Roman fighting the skeletons from Army of Darkness, making me think more about when and where I swing a sword than most games wholly predicated on smacking things with a sword released in the decades since?

This emphasis on positioning’s essential to what makes Maximo such a great translation of Ghosts ‘n’ Goblins into 3D. As early on as its second set of levels, which introduces barriers of thorny vines you can only safely cut down from a certain range, it becomes apparent that the difference between life and death’s often something as seemingly negligible as knowing that Maximo remains stationary if you slash once but takes a step forward if you slash twice. Even small interactions like that distinguish themselves from equivalent moments in other platformers because you can’t rely on your depth perception as much, given that Maximo’s camera is at a Dutch angle, sprinkling in perpetual spatial discomfort just in case the trademark difficulty inherited from its sister series wasn’t already giving you the business. It sounds dissimilar to how slight inclines or dips in the road often spell doom for Arthur, as does stuff like luring enemies out into open areas to minimise the risk of Maximo’s sword getting caught on something, but these things are really just a different execution of the same key principles – making virtually every second of getting from point A to B an exercise in problem-solving and demanding an intimate level of familiarity with your character.

To go along with its extra dimension, Maximo adds an extra layer of decision-making to the above in the form of its randomised ability system. It’s drowning in bonus moves you can obtain as random drops from defeated enemies or chests, which range from making your ground pound’s shockwaves do damage or unveil hidden treasure to turning your shield throw into a lingering hazard by holding down the button and transforming into an invincible skeleton who dishes out OHKO contact damage, among enough others that I was still finding new ones in the final levels. There are two catches to this, though, the first of which being that you can only have up to 12 abilities at a time. It seems more likely that this limitation was created intentionally rather than a result of technological restrictions, given that it might detract from the difficulty if you’d access to them all at once and forcing the player to adapt through RNG elements is G‘n’G 101. Even if the latter’s the case, though, the game still deserves credit for how they’re designed in such a way that none are unambiguously superior to the rest and all are heavily subject to the player’s circumstances. I regularly decided to forego abilities (or locked treasure chests which might’ve contained some) in certain stages where I might’ve coveted them in others, which speaks both to that quality and the wealth of variety present in its level design too.

The second thing to consider is that all abilities you haven’t selected as permanent are lost upon dying (which happens, a lot). Losing them, a life and your maximum health limit definitely makes you feel about as helpless as I felt in the car accident I had the morning prior to writing this, the frosty field I stood in for an hour afterwards incidentally giving me a greater appreciation for Red Dead Redemption 2’s shrinking horse bollock technology, the random nature of these drops counterweights frustration in that there’s inherently always a chance you’ll end up with abilities more appropriate for the situation at hand than those you had initially. As much was my experience with the final set of levels, in which an abundance of enemies whom you have to repeatedly stun with ground pounds were made significantly easier to deal with after I’d died and subsequently got one that increased my shockwave’s radius. Dynamic or what? If that sounds exploitable then worry not, because losing all your lives results in having to pay the medium’s most charismatic interpretation of Death an increasingly high amount of special coins each time it occurs (and which each take collecting 50 other items to obtain). They were one step ahead of us, gamers.

Charismatic’s a good summation of the whole package, and not just thanks to the cartoony art direction which is realised fully enough to be used as a selling point on the back of its PAL box. As indicated by the tagline at the top, the love of all things old school was one of the core sentiments behind Maximo, such that its director David Siller (whose role in the creation of Crash is keenly felt) went as far as illustrating the design of each of its levels on pen and paper like some kind of scribe. Enough time’s passed since its release that Maximo itself, and contemporary reception of it, now feels representative of that on some level; as standardisation's entrenched over time, you have to wonder if current audiences would be as open to a game so boldly off-kilter that its camera isn’t even screwed on straight.

It all makes for some short, sweet, replayable arcadey goodness wrapped up in the same wonderfully slapstick spookiness that makes Medievil such a visual delight. Start your year off right: the next time you come across some old game on here with a (bizarrely, as per) subpar average rating and a number of plays fun-sized enough to suggest it wasn’t a big deal in its day, please take a chance on it regardless, because you just might walk away with a new favourite.

The best way to approach this rather difficult 3D platformer is to remember that it actually began development on the Nintendo 64 despite being a PS2 game. Yes, the camera is admittedly pretty crappy and you'll need to get used to tapping the shoulder button to re-center it, but there's a fun time to be had here once you get used to that. Although the hero is different, this is quite literally Ghouls n Ghosts in 3D and considerably more forgiving.

One other criticism commonly brought up with this game is that you have to pay coins to save your game. I thought this was stupid when renting the game as a kid, and I still don't think it was a smart design choice. That said, the game rewards exploration in a way few in the genre do. As long as you're not bum rushing, you'll be able to find plenty of armor as well as perks and coinage.

One other thing- don't forget to "lock" the perks you like. You can store up to three to hang onto upon death from the start, and you'll be able to save more as you rescue the maidens at the end of each world. This is one thing I really, really wish I would've paid more notice to on my first run!

Very solid and challenging 3D platformer, fond memories of this one.

Thought it was very funny when he got hit and had to run around in his undies. Death was also pretty cool.

Ghouls and Ghosts 3D - hard game with not much in terms of flare of catchiness. Didn't do it for me.

Oh, shocking... this game is GOOD!

Out of everything I've decided to revisit from my childhood, Maximo is the one that has held up the best thus far. It's absolutely frustrating, incomprehensibly meanspirited, and immensely janky without proper camera movement... buuuut, the stages, enemy designs, general atmosphere, and progression systems are all SUPER memorable.

Weirdly, this game has that Dark Souls style of combat where you're mostly expected to attack once or twice, move out of the way (or block) and wait for your opportunity to strike again. Some enemies have unique ways in which you must dispatch of them (like jumping over them to hit them in the back or crouching to smack at their legs), and there is ZERO tutorials that help you learn how to play, tell you what to do, where to go, or how to deal with foes. It definitely shares that Soulsborne ethos of "until you learn how to be patient, you will never succeed."

It's very much a direct translation of old arcadey game design into a 3D space, and it's a little bizarre, but it works super well! As a kid, I'm pretty sure I never even got past the first fucking level, and there are 30 in this game, so it's safe to say most of my journey was spent playing an entirely new game pretty much!

I really enjoyed how the player improves themselves/progresses. You have a certain number of "locked" slots that allow you to pick up modifiers which can alter how you play. Some let you attack twice, throw your shield like Captain America, have a stronger downwards smash attack, or turn your imbued weapon into an elemental bullet.

You can have as many of these on you at once, and they MASSIVELY change your capabilities in dealing with certain enemy types. You can swap around which ones are in your locked slots, and you get more of these permanent slots every time you defeat a boss. It heavily encourages playing well and it makes loss even more frustrating, as anything that isn't in your locked slot gets lost.

Certain attacks, like a downward strike that causes a shockwave of swords to appear around the player, are vital in determining your victory. I really enjoyed getting these little buffs and bonuses that changed what I'd do, and I love that by the end of the game, they just get stronger and stronger. One in particular causes enemies to get completely knocked backwards when you use your shield and it is SO USEFUL.

You also collect gold, spirits, extra lives, keys to unlock chests (or doors), elemental weapons, armor, and maybe more throughout a level. There's TONS of collectibles to encourage exploration. The thing is, you can ABSOLUTELY get away with running past tons of enemies (which I sometimes did), but there are so many alluring secrets that it's genuinely hard to resist checking as many nooks and crannies as possible. Even then, I rarely got above 80% level completion on any levels, it was usually around 60-70% SOMEHOW, even though I felt I combed through them quite thoroughly. Goes to show how many secrets there are, I guess!

The final region is actually my favorite, as it's an awesomely- designed labyrinthian castle with great hedge mazes, creepy dungeons, gorgeous regal interiors, and dope ass courtyards that evoked a super solid medieval aesthetic. But also like, why is that place is such a nightmare to explore? You need a certain number of keys to proceed to each level, which kinda forces you to go back to older levels, replay them, and stock up on keys. It's fucked up!

All the areas in general are well designed and evoke different feelings. Whether it be an old graveyard, a frozen over wasteland, a dense swamp, or hell itself, each feels really solid and every level does a good job striking its own "idea" within that aesthetic. It's an awesome cartoony world to look at and explore. And it's great that the enemies adapt to the regions they're in. It's not just skeletons over and over.

Overall, I really like Maximo. It's genuinely quite good and although it is VERY frustrating, there's tons to appreciate here. Also, that final fucking boss??? I C O N I C.

Maximo is one of the most literal translations of 80's 2D action platforming gameplay to the third dimension I've ever played. It manages to capture a lot of what made those retro platforming games so addictingly brutal but often doesn't account for how an extra axis can affect those design sensibilities.

First, let's just get the camera out of the way. Maximo doesn't make use of the right thumbstick. Straight up. It's a baffling omission and the only camera control you have is being able to center it with L1, but only when you're not moving the left thumbstick. Combine that with the one-of-a-kind decision to deliberately have the camera at a tilted angle, seemingly done to put the player at unease, and there can often be a lot of self-doubt when trying to aim at enemies or jump onto tiny platforms. Sometimes I'll see reviewers complain about a game's camera when said game is something like a kid-friendly 3D platformer. Like, who cares if the camera requires manual control in Sonic or Sly Cooper? You're not doing anything too taxing that'd prevent you from dual-tasking both your character and the camera. That sort of handwavy defense doesn't work so well when you're playing a more demanding title where the smallest of mistakes can lead to disastrous losses.

Maximo doesn't present the most complex challenges gaming has to offer but instead gives the player relatively basic hurdles to overcome and punishes the player severely for every misstep. Enemies and environmental hazards behave with the kind of rudimentary language you'd expect from old NES games. Maximo's arsenal of abilities is microscopic compared to other action game stars at the time but his move list can be expanded by finding Ability pickups from slain enemies. A lot of these are immensely useful, to the point that you'd feel naked without them... and that's when Maximo(the game) kicks your sorry ass by revealing the punishment for death: All abilities you're holding onto will be lost upon death, outside of the few you're allowed to "save" in your special "Locked Slots". It's like losing all your options in a bullet hell shmup. As the game progresses, more and more enemies and hazards will start to expect you to be equipped with certain abilities, making a parade of quick deaths likely unless you can find a workaround. For example, there's an enemy who chucks bombs at you who, if hit with any non-projectile attack, will explode in your face and deal massive damage. If you don't have a projectile-related ability of any sort (not something you're given by default) then you can't defeat them safely and must run around them entirely. Hell, even your shield is a commodity. Truly, nothing can be taken for granted in the world of Maximo.

That's what makes the rudimentary camera and lack of a lock-on or any other kind of Quality of Life feature an issue. Maximo has a lives system and requires you to pay Koins(yes, it's spelled with a K) to save your game and while I didn't ever have to use a continue(which, in theory, are also limited) a few of the deaths I had didn't feel entirely my fault, which doesn't sit well when dying has the potential to set you so far back and make you feel like utter shit.

So why do I like Maximo? Well, sometimes it's fun to play a no-frills 3D action platformer. Not many of those truly exist and it's nice that Maximo sticks to its guns and knows when to roll credits. It's not a terribly long game, and its pick-up-and-play nature harkens back to the days when you could waltz into an arcade and just give any game you saw a shot. You'll lose everything when you die in Maximo, but you've got nothing to lose if you decide to give Maximo a play.


Just wanna add that getting the "Mastery" label for every level looks nightmarish. You have to collect every koin, defeat every enemy(can't let them die by their own hands), collect every stationary power-up, open every chest, and break every interactable object in a level to get it. Try doing it yourself, you won't, coward.

Amazing platformer with great design of levels, enemies and places.

If you like videogames that poses a challenge then Maximo is for you. If you prefer games that could be completed by a little kid then search for another one.

In fact it's not that difficult, it's just that almost any modern game outside Souls saga could be done just by advancing and always pressing the attack button.

Fuck soul-like penalties, fuck credits, fuck yellow orbs, fuck purchaseable save slots, fuck Oneshot, fuck Ink Ribbons and fuck games without save systems.

THIS game right here, has the most anxiety inducing save and lives systems I've experienced in my entire lifetime.