Reviews from

in the past

And that's why you always tip the delivery person.

It’s really cool but I have to play it on my PC and I really don’t want to do that. I’ll finish it when it comes to Switch or something.

literally a surreal experience finally seeing this game release after like 5 years of patronage. This game pulls off 2d sonic like speed better than any 2d sonic game (even mania). Very worth the purchase.

I'm glad that I'm isolated from most online communities so I don't have preconcieved notions of this being a dumb Reddit game or whatever. Some of the jokes rub me the wrong way (like the native stereotypes in world 2) but on the whole I love this game's humor and art style, it's a perfect blend of 90s Nick and 00s internet. If I had infinite free time I'd 100% this game but my reflexes aren't what they used to be.

Extremely well polished and fluid 2D platformer with a really charming art style, fantastic level design and a banger soundtrack. Would absolutely recommend going for at least a few P Ranks because even though as of writing this I've only gotten a couple, the adrenaline rush of the second lap is matched by no other 2D platformer.


Best platformer I have played yet. Good graphics, fantastic music, cool leveldesign and funny humor. It's just perfect.

MS paint is truly the pinnacle of humor.

Love the visuals. Love the music. Love the theming. Love everything about it. Hate playing it, because I just don't like platformers in general apparently. I'd rather just watch streamers and YouTubers get P-ranks.

Insanely fantastic. Satisfactory physics, amazing music, iconic visual style... Everything that makes a great indie game.

Pizza Tower reminds me that I live for the privilege of using a computer for this much fun

really wanted to like it but unfortunately reddit slop

finally, media that explores what it's really like to be Italian.

Pizza Tower diagnoses you with anxiety, and then demands you weaponize it against what causes you stress.

getting a P rank on any level feels like doing a foot-long line of coke.

this game makes sonic look pathetic

Pizza Tower is prob- scratch that, by far the most relentlessly stylish, adrenaline-pumping game I've had the pleasure of experiencing in recent memory. A palpable, unmistakable energy is proudly displayed throughout every inch of this tower, elevated further by consistently fantastic level design and the intensely lovable Peppino's inherently fun, genuinely meaningful set of core mechanics - not to mention the cavalcade of increasingly awesome level gimmicks. A mostly bangin' series of boss fights, the legendarily-executed Pizza Time mechanic, and a magnetic desire to master every stage rounds out an unforgettable game I'll no doubt be comin' back to constantly.

I am aware that almost every game I've played for this account so far have been games that are personal favorites of mine, but I can't help it. I like playing games that I like!

...I mean what do you want me to say that hasn't already been said?? Pizza Tower is literally a perfect video game. One of the best soundtracks in gaming, possibly my favorite pixel art style in any video game ever, speedy platforming so fast it'll turn your bones into accordions, free dlc that adds a new playable character, it's surprisingly really really funny, oh yeah also ALL of it is themed around my favorite food of all time too??? Pizza Tower feels like it was meticulously manufactured to appeal to literally EVERY SINGLE one of my personal sensibilities. Like this was a piece of media made just for me and me only. I am OBSESSED with this fuckin game, dude. It's incredible to me how this game took that inspiration from Wario Land, and COMPLETELY SURPASSED EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE GAMES. Pizza Tower makes it look so effortless. If the Wario Land series never comes back and Pizza Tower takes it's place, I think I'll be okay with that. One of my new favorite video games of all time, and I MEAN IT

este juego es como los sonic en 2D pero si estuvieran bien hechos

- Hilariously frantic and fast game.
- Art style wasn't my thing at the start, after beating the game its the perfect art for this.
- Fun levels to navigate and master, challenging bosses and levels to high rank.
- Great OST.

I raced against my friends and won because I pulled off a glitch that I knew how to do. That is fair. Let me know in the comments below that I am right. You will like and subscribe

I played this again I raced against my friends and one of them won becasue he used a glitch that I was aware exsisted but didn't know how to pull off. Is that fair? Let me know in the comments and fon't forget to like and subscribe

Jogo extremamente incrível, tudo nele é muito bem feito
Unica coisa que me impede de dar nota maxima é que tem umas poucas musicas que eu não gostei como UTPC2 (que parece uma musica ruim de fnf) e Golf e Pizzascare são fases que achei bem medianas na minha opnião.

Really fun, love the fast paced gameplay, visuals, and unique levels, but sometimes the game purposefully stops you from speeding through the level design is in such a way where it completely stops your momentum to do something menial, which I think is stupid for a game that is reliant on speed.

…never watched it…
…never played it…

…lore goes crazy tho?

My blood and bones comes from the country shaped like a boot, so this games speaks to my soul on a personal level.

First off, this game is not an accurate representation of Italy as a whole: there is not enough pasta in this game compared to Pizza, and also.... nah that's about it.

But Peppino is the best italian rep in gaming: a man that sruggles with debt and finances, and can easily see its career ended in a seconds thanks to clowns that stands above him, so he screams a lot and turns into an Courage the Cowardly Dog character to stand out....... totally relatable ngl.

Pizza Tower is amazing. The idea of a Wario Land spiritual successor with a, incredible artstyle is already a perfect concept, but they you add incredible level design, an atmosphere that combines cartoony hijinks with striaght up horror, and a speed and adrenaline inducing movement that cna compete with the best Sonic titles.
To this you add a sprinkle os spice, with the incredible bosses and especially the amazingly spicy ending, to create one of the best meals in the Indie-games menu.

Incredible surprise from 2023. Recommended to everyone that loves videogames!

This game for me is like a dream game made up specifically for you but for me......most mecore game ever made ever its so worth it

came for the music, stayed for everything else

holy SHIT pizza tower is amazing. i love Fast things. pizza tower is fast. enough said

De los mejores plataformas que existen. Depende como lo juegues, se controla como un Wario Land o un Sonic (pero bien hecho).
El estilo visual emula muy bien el arte de Paint, con animaciones excepcionalmente bien hechas y con muchisima personalidad.
La música es muy buena también. Aparte de su obvia función de encajar con los niveles a los que acompaña, es muy dinámica y varias capas de música se van sobreponiendo conforme juegas y realizas ciertas acciones lo que te hace sentir más poderoso al correr a toda velocidad con Peppino.
Tiene tantos giros y detalles que hacen especiales a todos los niveles y siempre hay algo que hace especial el nivel que estás intentando jugar.
Fue un playthrough muy casual, pero en el futuro seguramente volveré por esos P-Rank.