Reviews from

in the past

This game is just so cute and nice (:

This game is adorable and good fun, especially with a friend. It's accessible, has a fair difficulty curve, and is just complex enough to make you want to play it several times over. Konami nailed it with this one.

I am so glad this was eventually given an American release.

Good vertical SNES shmup. Really cute, some fun bullet patterns. Fun time if you like shmups

Update: Played a lot more. This shit rocks lol. Bullet patterns are insane, enemy design is really cool

To preface, I'm not a huge fan of shumps. I don't think they're bad but I never was interested in them. However, when Pop'n Twinbee got added to the SNES online app, I thought I may as well try it...

This game really outdid itself when it comes to the presentation. The visuals are striking and amazed me at every turn, and the music is just bouncy and fun. When it comes to the actual gameplay, way the "options" ala Gradius work in this game are very interesting, especially if you choose one of the other two modes for them. Surround effectively makes you a bullet spraying menace and Engulf puts up to 4 more mini Twinbees that, as the name suggests, "engulf" the screen. These put a twist on the otherwise normal (though really fun) shump gameplay. Multiplayer is also very fun and if you can give it a try, you should.

I can't really be an authority on this since I don't play many shmups and beat it on the lowest difficulty setting, but it was a pretty fun time. I'll probably come back to it when I get good, who knows.

Eh, not much to say here. I like the inclusion of a lifebar rather than having one-hit kills. Other than that, I've played so many better shooters. There's not a whole lot of diversity in power-ups, and you can see all the game offers in the first level. It also has the same problem as the first game where a lot of enemy shots blend into the background. There are less projectiles to dodge than in the average shooter, but that's offset by the fact that you can't see all too clearly. It's an uncomfortable design choice to say the least. The boss fights are actually a lot of fun though, so that's neat. 2/6

Very good cute'em up with 2P mode. Recommend for shooter beginners.

admittedly a lot of this game's design decisions are horrid: having a healthbar just feels like this game's excuse to pelt unpredictable and overly-aggressive bullet patterns at you, and the power-up system is obtusely bad. But the appeal of the characters and aesthetic are enough to make the trip worth it, and the weapons are fun when the game actually gives you a chance to use them

Played at Level 1 cause I just wanted to see colors go pew pew pew and died like 10 times.

i think i nearly cried from happiness when i found out this game was coming to nintendo switch. beautiful graphics, wonderful music, and accessible shmup gameplay combined into a super-charming package with some ingeniously themed levels. i wish i had the chops to finish it