Reviews from

in the past

Só joguei porque veio no bundle RACCON CITY EDITION junto dos remakes de Resident Evil 2 e 3.

É o Dead by Daylight da deepweb. Se eu consegui jogar mais do que duas partidas desse jogo foi muito. Um matchmaking tenebroso, talvez pela falta de jogadores (?), só sei que era comum haver partidas com sobreviventes níveis 1, 3 e 4 contra um killer nível 800. E o servidor era horrível também.

Capcom tava no pique de fazer merda em 2020, hein?

I had this since day one and I don't think I ever managed to find a full lobby

Not worth the electricity you'll use to boot it up.

shittiest game I have ever played, luckily my good friend Stephen bought it for me without asking if I wanted it.

cara a proposta do jogo é muito boa, bem divertida, porém começar o jogo sendo lvl 1 pra jogar com gente lvl 20 pra cima com vilão de lvl 100 não tem condições né? deixa o jogo muito desequilibrado.

I'm a newbie but I enjoy playing it with friends. My favourite character is January, I love her abilities.

There's this Mastermind player named "Dominic Decoco", it's hella fun to play against him, pretty good games even if I don't survive.

It's a shame the player base is too small, it's hard to find matches.

This game has a really cool concept, it's a shame that it's dead and full of microtransactions. It's not a very good sign when the first thing the game gets you to do after the tutorial is open a lootbox. This game is a good idea that was poorly executed

I swear it could've been at least enjoyable

Resident Evil and online multiplayer have had a spotty history with one another. Beginning with a bang with Resident Evil Outbreak in 2003, both games were great but failed to catch a mainstream audience despite initially strong sales due to the limited accessibility of burgeoning online technology for consoles. Resident Evil 5 was designed around cooperative multiplayer from the get-go and still has a dedicated multiplayer community despite its polarizing reception. 2016's Umbrella Corps was a barely-finished mess that everyone justifiably hated. Resident Evil Resistance, at the time of release, was Capcom's attempt to bust into the new asymmetrical horror genre, which had previously been popularized by Dead by Daylight a few years prior. Resistance has achieved a certain level of infamy within the community, which is deserved, but I didn't downright hate my time with it.

Resident Evil Resistance comes packaged with a compelling multiplayer concept: four survivors with gameplay similar to the recent remakes explore a large map filled to the brim with monsters while evading the tricks and traps of a player known as the mastermind. While this premise is great, the execution is lacking. It's plainly obvious that this is NeoBards' first game as the systems they've implemented feel clunky, unintuitive, and unpolished. Playing as a survivor is probably the best as it essentially lifts movement from the recent remakes, though the game's UI sort of throws a wrench into it. What previously was done in a paused menu is now done on the fly and this means that the gamefeel just lacks fluidity entirely. Even the many shortcuts don't help at all. It feels strange that Outbreak, a game for the PS2, did the typical Resident Evil formula on the fly much better than this one did. Once you get past how clunky the UI is, Resistance isn't exactly terrible from the survivor's perspective. It can be a decent bit of fun with the right group, though the map design can often be overly tight and limiting. While this works for the horror-based singleplayer titles, in an action-focused multiplayer game this means it's overly easy to get bunched into a corner by stronger foes such as Birkin or Mr. X. Playing as the mastermind, however, feels like failing upwards. Perhaps I didn't get good enough at the game within the hours I spent in it, but survivors almost always have the advantage it seems. Anytime I won against the survivors, it had been because I abused the game's mechanics to do so, not because of genuine strategy or competition. The UI troubles are the worst here - you'd think primarily controlling security cameras would mean that it wouldn't be as bad, but it just means you have to engage with the UI even more. It feels bad to play and makes the most appealing part of the concept perhaps the most frustrating. Granted, I can't say my experiences with other asymmetrical horror games have been much better, but there has to be a reason as to why Dead by Daylight remains popular while Resistance has faded into nothingness.

At least Resistance's presentation is mostly competent. Honestly, for a first-time project, I did expect a bit less. Running on Capcom's RE Engine, Resistance shares a lot of the same visual DNA as their remakes, but naturally being a multiplayer experience is much gaudier and flashier. The look of many of the levels, such as the casino, is quite cool and provides much-needed variety. However, other areas just feel like standard Resident Evil environments. It's all executed quite competently despite this. They're detailed and showcase high production values and there's not a whole lot more to say. The usual flaws are here, such as poor screen-space reflections and anti-aliasing, but the latter is mitigated by the FidelityFX CAS sharpening that RE3make had. Resistance does look slightly more dated due to being ignored when the next-generation patches came around, but that's hardly the game's fault.

The soundtrack, contracted out to Jeff Broadbent, doesn't inspire a whole lot within me. It is somewhat similar to the work done on RE3make but, as with the visuals, is much gaudier and overbearing. While the game's main theme is ominous and "The Pressure Is On" does a great job of making the final moments of a match feel tense, I honestly didn't recall any of the other tracks from the game once I sat down to listen to the album. The score "builds ambiance" in a way that feels like how a haunted house does without any memorable atmosphere generated or interesting melodies wormed into my head. Every cliche of modern classical horror scoring is present here, from the rising violins to the compositional style, and it is painfully generic while playing and while listening.

If you can't tell, I don't have a lot to say about Resident Evil Resistance. I put nearly 10 hours into the game and yet it failed to make a memorable impression at all. It instead often left me frustrated. The gameplay is a mess despite a lot of promising ideas. There's the basis for a great game here that could have been further improved had NeoBards and Capcom not immediately dropped support. It's very clear that this was NeoBards' first original project and I don't exactly know why they were given it considering their body of work has mostly been ports and remasters. While I root for them for their future projects, I do hope they take greater care with them, too.

Un jeu né pour crever déjà pour l'obtenir il fallait acheter un Resident Evil donc fallait pas s'étonner de voir le jeu sans joueurs très rapidement niveau gameplay encore une fois bon principe mais au final plus frustrant qu'autres choses ont a même pas l'occasion de jouer vu que chaque action retire du temps au compte à rebours bref nul

This game never should have existed and it's clear that RE3 remake was a side project - they put their time into this abomination of a multiplayer game no one ever wanted or asked for. It's almost like Outbreak, except Outbreak was innovative and good.

Bundled with REmake 3... played through the tutorial, and that was enough for me.

Was whatever for the one game I played

The idea of this game is pretty cool, but it was so poorly executed.

Esse jogo veio quando comprei o bundle Racoon City Edition, onde vieram os remakes de Resident Evil 2 e 3 e de quebra veio essa atrocidade aqui. Se não fosse um amigo precisar de uma pessoa a mais pra fechar um boost, acho que nunca teria encostado nele.

O jogo falha miseravelmente em tudo que se propõe a fazer. Os gráficos são fracos, os cenários são horríveis, os personagens são genéricos, sem carisma, personalidade e graça, sem falar que a jogabilidade não traz nenhuma mecânica interessante ou inovadora.

Durante o boost a gente passava horas tentando conectar com quem ia jogar de killer e levava quase 20 minutos pra gente se encontrar, caía todo mundo numa sala e o killer ficava sozinho e vice versa. O matchmaking é tenebroso e os servidores são horríveis. E a pior parte é o desbalanceamento extremo do game, meus amigos e eu caímos numa partida onde o mais evoluído de nós era lvl 22 e os outros todos ficavam entre 3 e 6. Caímos com um killer aleatório que era lvl 760 e outro que era 999 (!!!). As partidas não tinham nem tempo de começar, a gente botava o pé pra fora da safe room e os killers dizimavam nossa raça em questão de segundos. Não se conseguia cumprir nem um objetivo que fosse. E isso vale também pro outro lado, a gente tava jogando com um a menos e caímos com um random lvl 680 no nosso time de sobreviventes. O cara sozinho carregou a partida inteira. Ela foi completa em menos de 6 minutos. É tão discrepante as coisas que chega a ser bizarro. Se não fosse as boas risadas que dei jogando com meus amigos teria odiado muito mais.

Resident Evil Resistance é uma cópia sem vida, sem alma, sem carisma e atrativo que quis surfar na onda de Dead by Daylight (ou mesmo na do Sexta-Feira 13 lá), a Capcom conseguiu pegar um gênero simples, que é o Multiplayer Assimétrico, e criar uma verdadeira cartilha do que não fazer em um game MP nessa pegada. Qualquer dev que fizer exatamente o contrário do que essa patifaria da Capcom, com certeza vai entregar um game muito melhor. Esse evil ganancioso da empresa deu a luz a essa bomba e a única Resistance mesmo vai ser a que tu vai precisar pra durar mais que uma partida nessa bosta.

Capcom will do literally anything to avoid remaking Outbreak, huh?

So baddd 😭😭😭 but my pookie mr x 😻😻

This shit is hot garbage lmao!

Fuck asymmetrical horror games, all my homies hate asymmetrical horror games

Flemme de tomber sur un mastermind niv 200 apres 10 d'attente pour perdre en 2 minute

I had fun with this for about 15 hours. This is probably the best multiplayer RE game they've attempted (though Outbreak remake could be awesome)

não dá pra entender literalmente porra nenhuma, chega a ser injogavel, além de demorar 6 minutos pra achar uma partida e ainda tinha um maluco nível 586

Outro jogo online horroroso de Resident Evil.