Reviews from

in the past

This should be something like 80% visual humor and 20% dialogue, but instead it's 70% momentum-breaking dialogue that, while amusing, isn't as witty as the prime-rib Double Fine games it takes inspiration from, and 30% truly hilarious visual humor, which is a natural byproduct of what is probably one of the most expressive, singular, richly illustrated art styles in all of gaming. The game itself: basically point-and-click rub-object-on-other-object mechanics carried by light stealth/puzzle-platforming. Thankfully you can beat it in one or two sittings.

- Handcraft -
Pensé que iba a a ser un juego malo, pero me sorprendió mucho, su arte hecha a mano es muy bella, tiene unos diseños bien raros como el de ciertas caricaturas de los 2000.
La historia es medio simple y la mayoría de puzzles son simples ya con muy poca dificultad en ellos, pero eso no impide que de vez en cuando te puedas quedar atascado en algunos.
El humor es bastante bueno y tonto, me gusto mucho que todo el juego tenga diálogos con voz.
En general me gusto casi todo y en especial su arte, es lo que me hace darle ese casi 4.

A lot funnier than I thought it would be, though the whole mental asylum section isn't great.

The example of a good indie game: very well written,it legit made me laugh all the way through, fun and innovative gameplay and a very distinct style. Little Big Planet's sticker system was a starting point to mashing 2d platformer with point and click and I love it. It had a lot of polish and only one slightly clunky section I could think of. Very enjoyable and charming, with a subtle but good critique of healthcare and mental health treatments (or at least that was my take).

super strange story, i don't wanna spoil anything

got this for free, got stuck, never played again

Plataformas con control mejorable donde hay puzzles curiosos. Es bastante feo, que no feísta, si bien es raruno, cosa que unido al humor mola. Muy cortito y con un control bastante malo a veces, sobre todo si quieres ir rápido.

Interesting concept: you read people’s thoughts, some of these thoughts turn into stickers, and as the world is made of paper, these stickers have some effects on it

Loses a few stars due to some technical issues and not having variety on the stickers that affect enemy guards

Fun and funny. Writing and concept triumph over actual game play and puzzles. An easy afternoon game to blast through and appreciate double fine level comedy.

Hilarious game! :D
Couldn’t stop smiling whole way through! Usually never experience that in games. Smart writing too and tongue in cheek humour lol
Some smart jokes too, really enjoyed this short game! I loved it! :)

An earnest and funny game that is let down by terrible stealth. Half of it is sort of an adventure game where you run around, listen to peoples thoughts and randomly combine items to get hilarity to result. This is great. But the other half, the half between the funny bits, are monotonous, annoying and terribly dull stealth sequences. These parts kill the experience and make the game a horrible slog. It's a real shame, as the parts that work here are super good, but the stealth ruins it.

A kooky game with an endearing art style, especially for those that appreciate that gross 90s feel that was pretty common during that generation. Stick It to the Man has a fun little story to tell full of charming characters in what I can only assume was an allegory for empathy in society.

Even if it wasn't, I laughed a lot!

A bit lacking mechanically but the art and humor compensate for it.

You'll only play this for the artstyle and humor, if any of those are up your alley. Gameplay is very barebones.

The soundtrack kinda slaps for no reason, but other than that it’s just a fine puzzle platformer. The art style is pretty unique and the writing is fun but it’s still pretty basic overall

this was ok for what it is
pls do stick it to the man though

One of those games that was free in the launch year of PS4 so I tried it out.

I didn't get an ounce of enjoyment from it. I recall it being boring and not particularly nice to look at, either.

I got this game just because they used the song "Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)" by Kenny Rogers and The First Edition in the trailer.
Turned out to be an okay game. Mastered

pleasantly enjoyable little puzzler to blast through in a sunday afternoon - it has a lovely art style and is often funny but the gameplay lets it down

It's like Psychonauts and Monkey Island had a freaky little alien brain baby

Some times you just gotta slap shit with your big brain arm.