Reviews from

in the past

cool game if it actually worked

For those wondering, it turns out you can break open a ribcage with a duck.

ainda quero descobrir qual é a dos puzzles desse jogo

I like this game a bit more than the first and its easy to have dumb fun on, especially with friends. It does get old pretty quick though.

"Lack of 'Surgeon' in this Simulator" | Surgeon Simulator 2 | VGBC Podcast #29 (REMASTERED)

When it comes to sequels for anything, whether it’s video games, movies, etc. - the first thought is to make a sequel that is bigger, badder, and beefier than the original. And Surgeon Simulator 2 does just that. The game has expanded from single player to full online co-op multiplayer (one of the main reason we decided to play this game in the first place), it has an incredible boppin’ soundtrack to mutilate limbs too, there are quite a few different levels and large expansive areas for you and your friends to mess around in - and the game even has an interesting overarching story. Visually the game has also gotten a complete facelift, and the overall design of the game is fantastic and appealing to look at - futuristic retro vibes everywhere.

HOWEVER; along the way, the game seems to have lost the core DNA and reason why so many people gravitated towards the first game in the first place… the surgeon simulating part of it. The reason why the first game was so appealing to many people is because the controls were intentionally made awful, which led to a lot of hilarious moments when trying to perform a surgical operation. Sure it could be frustrating at times, but that was the whole point - trying to perform an impossible task with impossible controls - that was the fun of it. Making a mess of the whole surgery, restarting and trying again.

This game seems to have forgotten that - and while I do like how it’s trying new things with the environmental puzzles, and brief platforming sections… it just doesn’t feel like a true surgeon simulator game. It feels like a puzzle game, with surgeon simulator elements sprinkled on the top of it. Once you’ve performed one surgery, it’s literally a rinse and repeat throughout the game. Nothing new is really added, and it’s more or less the same - the puzzles to get to the surgeries get more complex, but the surgery themselves remain the same.

Surgeon Simulator 2, apesar de ter dividido a sua base de fãs entre os que gostaram dessa sequência e os que não, para mim esse jogo finalmente conseguiu fazer sentido mecanicamente trazendo finalmente uma gameplay decente que não seja tão frustrante e quase que injogável a longo prazo como era na anterior, em que, além da sua gameplay ter melhorado consideravelmente se mantendo ao estilo que era no original de ser totalmente baseado no "arcade" e no "zoeiro", agora temos um modo história que conta mais dessa empresa e de quem está por trás dela (se inspirando bastante na trama do Portal 2, mas não se aprofundando tanto quanto e se mantendo na mesma base "rasa" de sempre), que por mais que ainda não seja o foco daqui (e de certa forma não mude em muita coisa ao finalizar o jogo e mal chegue aos pés de como é no Portal 2), ainda sim, funciona para te prender e claro te fazer progredir de forma efetiva no jogo com sempre uma opção vasta de equipamentos cirúrgicos, tipos de cirurgias variadas e agora a adição de alguns "puzzles" simples para, por exemplo, liberar uma sala que tenha os órgãos necessários para a tal cirurgia do paciente.

Com isso dito, eu realmente não faço ideia do porque uma grande parte dos fãs do primeiro jogo não gostaram dessa sequência em si, já que tudo só foi aprimorado na minha visão e ainda foi adicionado muito conteúdo exclusivo que mal tinha no primeiro game, como no caso do modo história que antes não existia e era só cinco fases sem contexto algum com apenas cinco tipos de cirurgias diferentes que após isso só mudava o ambiente em questão, e agora adicionaram tanto esse modo história quanto a opção de você mesmo fazer as suas salas de cirurgias e compartilhá-las para outros jogadores, além de também personalizar do seu jeito as roupas de um dos quatro personagens que você for jogar no game que com isso adicionaram o tal modo online para você jogar com até quatro amigos seus (que ainda sim, nesse sentido poderiam ter implementado também um modo Cooperativo Local em Split Screen e não só um modo online por internet que realmente faz uma grande falta aqui), por isso, na minha opinião esse game é infinitamente melhor que o primeiro por ter além de uma série de coisas para se fazer com desafios que agora sim, fazem sentido, ele finalmente tem uma gameplay jogável e decente que entretenha o jogador do início ao fim.

I wouldn’t trust a doctor who hasn’t played this game

It seems that everything is interesting and even fun at first, but you feel some kind of falseness, the game seems to be made purely for the sake of money, soul invested 0.

It`s Portal parody, BUT VER WEAK STORY+The locations are very monotonous, there are no interesting easter eggs, therefore there is no atmosphere, as if you are just playing auto-generated levels. the characters haven`t charisma, there is no ending in the story+ absolutely tastelessly levels in which there is no design (by the way, at the end of the game, the levels generally look like some kind of castle and it’s even unpleasant to be in them) + monotonous very annoying gameplay which starts to repeat itself in the middle of the game, and, the music is so so.

I loved the first one, but this is trash.

had a fun time with this cause i was playing with friends!

Impossible to control arms. Extremely hard.

Alone it's a meh game with friends it get's a little bit better.

Eu nunca vou entender a suposta graça desses jogos propositalmente ruins e impossíveis de jogar direito todo cagado e cheio de bug.
Só serve pra gravar vídeo pro youtube mesmo

Sometimes playing the tutorial is enough to make you realize that a game just isn’t going to be for you. couldn’t even get a mechanic as basic as grabbing objects to work reliably

Lets face it, it's basically 'what if overcooked was really bloody awkward to control' at this point, isn't it?

oooh you wanna be portal so bad ooooh

[its a better game, but that doesn't make it a better surgeon simulator. surgery takes a backseat for favor of puzzles, trying to find fuses or body pieces and can i just say how bullshit these are? my friend and i had to abuse the game even to find some of these. i would recommend it if you wanted to play someone on game pass with a friend but like you might get bored so if you like good games i wouldn't recommend it]