Reviews from

in the past

Review PT-BR / English

X-Men: Primeiro Arcade

Sou fanzasso dos X-Men e não poderia perder a chance de jogar o primeiro arcade/beat ´n up que saiu deles lá em 1992, E oque eu posso dizer do jogo??? Bom....o jogo é legalzinho, da pra se divertir por meia horinha(extremamente curto), mas achei que por ser um jogo da Konami famosa na época por seus Beat ´N Ups das tartarugas ninjas ele é bem fraquinho, os graficos são bons mas não são lá o primor da época, a trilha sonora é totalmente esquecivel, e os personagens apesar de ter uma boa variedade(podemos escolher entre Ciclope, Wolverine, Colossus, Noturno, Tempestade e Cristal) cada um com seus poderes especiais unicos são basicos demais, consistindo em alguns movimentos bem genericos e repetidos de socos e chutes, a historia é totalmente esquecivel tambem sendo o velho embate entre os X-Men e a Irmandade dos Mutantes liderada por Magneto. Em jogo legalzinho, mas só isso.
English review

X-Men: First Arcade

I'm a huge fan of the X-Men and couldn't miss the chance to play their first arcade/beat 'em up that came out back in 1992. And what can I say about the game? Well... it's kind of fun, you can enjoy it for about half an hour (extremely short), but I thought that for a game by Konami, famous at the time for their Ninja Turtles beat 'em ups, it's quite weak. The graphics are good but not top-notch for the time, the soundtrack is completely forgettable, and the characters, although having a good variety (we can choose between Cyclops, Wolverine, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Storm, and Dazzler), each with their unique special powers, are too basic, consisting of some very generic and repetitive punch and kick moves. The story is also totally forgettable, being the old clash between the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants led by Magneto. In summary... a decent game, but that's about it.

boring ass game + it is a coin sponge

Uma coisa é ser papa ficha e divertido outra é ser papa ficha e chato pra caralho

I'm gonna give two arcade games I finished on the same night the same review. This style of beat-em-up is trashy as all hell and not fun to play unless you do it in multiplayer, which 95% of the time I don't have access to.

You ever have that word that you hear and, whenever you do, you just groan as an automatic response? Like, you are so sick of hearing this word due to certain elements surrounding it, that you ultimately distance yourself from whatever is related because of it. For me, that word would be Marvel. Not to say that I hate Marvel, or any of their various properties (don’t worry, I too am a Spider-Man fan), but given how oversaturated Marvel products have become over the years, I am incredibly hesitant to check any of them out, given how much people won’t shut up about the product, regardless of quality, and I am just generally uninterested in them as a whole. This sentiment, however, primarily is directed towards their movies, TV shows, comics, and what have you. In terms of video games… that’s a bit of a different story.

There have been MANY video games based on Marvel’s various heroes and properties, ever since the early 80s, and as you would expect, they all range wildly in quality, either being titles that do a spectacular job at making you feel like you are these superheroes, or ones that make you want to put these superheroes out of their misery. For my personal experience, I have had a hand in both the good and the bad of Marvel games to some extent, having played through the amazing (ha HA) Spider-Man games by Insomniac in recent years, as well as… sigh... the recent Marvel Avengers game (live service games are the Devil’s games). Over the past year, because I am a complete loser with nothing better to do, I have been curious as to the many other Marvel games that had come out over the years, so I decided to start by picking a game completely at random from the list, and I ended up with X-Men for the arcades.

Before I jumped into this game, I didn’t really know too much about, or cared too much about, the X-Men franchise as a whole. I hadn’t seen any X-Men TV show, read any of the X-Men comics, or played any other video game centered around the team. The closest I have come to experiencing the X-Men would be with both the Deadpool movies as well as the Deadpool game, but then again, those are primarily focused on Deadpool, who is not in this game, so needless to say, I am the proper candidate to judge a proper X-Men video game. Thankfully though, this game is pretty simple all around; it’s a beat-’em-up, it’s was made by Konami back when they didn’t suck, and based on previous titles from them in the same genre, I knew what to expect, and thankfully, I wasn’t let down because of that. It is all around a good game, even if it lacks several features that titles in this genre should have to begin with, but it makes up for it in other ways.

The story is your typical comic book plot, where Magneto is trying to destroy the world, and the X-Men have to go stop him, which serves it’s purpose for the kind of game it is a part of, the graphics are very good, not only having the style that Konami arcade games of the genre usually do, but also having a comic book aesthetic that doesn’t feel obnoxious or slapped on, the music is good enough, giving off the vibe that a game about comic book characters should give off, paired alongside some comical, yet enjoyable voice acting from the characters, even if the dialogue for the characters is… strange at points (man, I’ve always wanted to go to Die), the control is exactly what you would expect from a beat-’em-up, and it feels solid and fluid enough to where it doesn’t feel like a slog to carry out attacks, and the gameplay is… pretty much exactly what you expect, which is both a good and a bad thing in this case.

The game is your typical beat-’em-up, where you take control of one of six X-Men, go through plenty of stages from cities, forests, caves, and space fortresses, beat up many different enemies and goons from the comics, gain use to special moves to use towards your advantage along the way, and take on plenty of supervillains from the comic, such as the Juggernaut and Mystique. Now, judging this game is kind of hard, because on one hand, this game does nothing new for the genre, and it even has some thing missing (which I will get to later). But, with that being said, I think what we have here is another case similar to that of The Simpsons Arcade Game.

In order to truly enjoy this game, you would need to be a fan of the X-Men to some extent, and considering how long they have been around, and how well-known they are, it is hard to find someone who would say they absolutely despise them. So, there is plenty to enjoy about this game, given how there is plenty for X-Men fans to enjoy, such as, once again, the appearance of many familiar faces from the comics that you can play as and take on throughout the game. Not to mention, in my case, I played the game on a deluxe cabinet that allowed six people to play at once, and while I played by myself, I imagine that the game’s value would increase tremendously when you play with a group of friends, each playing as your favorite X-Man, and kicking ass with them to your hearts content.

With that being said, if you aren’t a fan of the X-Men, or you just simply don’t care too much about them, there is nothing here for you. It is as basic as beat-’em-ups get, to the point that I would consider this THE MOST BASIC that I have ever covered from this genre so far. What doesn’t help that is the fact that this game is missing one central element that is essential to beat-’em-ups: the items. In literally any other beat-’em-up, there are usually items that you can pick up along the way that can help you out in some way, such as giving you more health, allowing you to use a temporary weapon to deal more damage, or just simply giving you points, and these items tend to add to the enjoyment of the game. Here, however, there are no items at all in the whole game, which is strange, considering that in the Japanese version of the game (which released two months before the other versions, by the way), there actually ARE items that you can pick up to help you out. So… why would you remove a feature like that before you release a game in other territories? Man, even in the 90s, Konami made dumbass decisions that make no sense.

Overall, despite how basic the gameplay is, and the sheer lack of items, this is still an enjoyable beat-’em-up, and a pretty good starting point for me in the world of X-Men games. I would recommend it for fans of X-Men or Marvel as a whole, but trust me, if you do plan on playing this game, make sure you get a group of friends to play with you. It will make the experience a lot more enjoyable if you do. You know, after two of you spend the first five minutes of the session arguing on which out of the two of you should be Wolverine.

Game #334

Playing with six friends is fun as fuck

X-Men (1992): Que una máquina de arcade permitiese 6 jugadores simultáneos y coordinar dos pantallas me parece un prodigio técnico. Aparte de eso, es un juego sólido dónde cada personaje tiene un poder diferente, dando algo de variedad. El resto bien, pero sin más (7,15)

Beat this shit at a barcade. Probably cost me $10 but fuck it, it rips. The Mystique plot twist at the end had me hootin and hollerin. Shoutouts Bonebreaker, I don't have an action figure of him. Shoutouts Dazzler, should’ve been Rogue but whatever. And Cyclops runs around in his little diaper.

I actually played the first half at one barcade and the second half at another barcade in a different time zone. This happened less than one week apart by pure coincidence. Also if you're gonna play this at a barcade prepare to use the stickiest joysticks in your life.

A Konami brawler, so not a lot going on mechanically. The central gimmick of mutant powers is cool, but then they're screen-clearing moves that drain health, so you're endlessly punching all the Sentinels and molemen or whatever for most of the game. Having done this in multiplayer, I can now confirm that it doesn't add a whole lot, you just have four (or six!) players doing the same thing over and over again. There is some fun with some of the enemy encounters (mostly Mystique), but otherwise... eh.

Being a casual X-Men fan, I guess Dazzler has her fans, but she definitely feels like the odd one out in this line-up.

I generally don't care for beat 'em ups, so I was quite surprised by how much I got into one. Probably because I had unlimited credits, though.

Played this a few years ago on a real 6-P cab with a full squad and even then, I didn't like it. Played it this time around w/ Jenny and co. It's so fucking button-mashy, we had an entirely unrelated conversation running the ENTIRE game, so much so we missed most of the voice lines.

I think this is my least favorite of Konami's licensed brawlers. I don't like how they play as a rule of thumb, but they usually have really amazing spritework to make up the difference. But for 92, X-Men just looks flat and unanimated.

I don't know how else to elaborate on it, it's just not my cup of tea. My brand of scotch. My scented candle fragrance. My rodeo. My walmart dine-in burger king.

Very beautiful but too difficult and incredibly repetitive like most arcade beat em ups are. Extra point for making kicking someone on the floor an extremely pleasurable experience.

Loved this game as a kid. Would replay it to see what all the other heroes could do.

Thank You Disney+ Ads for reminding me I finished this game. Not Sponsored, just surprised is all.

For some reason Dazzler's side never worked in the arcade place where I played this.

I love this game, colorful, beautiful and it's X-Men! And the first game I played on my PS3. I played both the JPN and USA Cabinets included in it, use 6 player mode for maximum resolution. USA has the typical bullshit of the era like GAME IS NOT OVER (even tho it is) and cutting heart refill pills that were in the Japanese version. But hey, still a great, I dig the inclusion of Dazzler and I love how it used Pryde of the X-Men pilot as reference. Cutscenes in general rule, great Arcade superhero game.

Some of the best lines in any beat ‘em up game makes the repetitive combat worth it. Never got to experience a full 6 player game on this game’s giant cabinet, which would have been another plus. NOTHING MOVES THE BLOB!

Its been forever since I've played this but the game looks great and gambit is the best.

Confuse not my rating for my enjoyment. Played on a real 6p, double screen cab with 5 friends, it's a blast as much it is mind numbing lol

Beat this shit at a barcade. Probably cost me $10 but fuck it, it rips. The Mystique plot twist at the end had me hootin and hollerin. Shoutouts Bonebreaker, I have an action figure of him. Shoutouts Dazzler, should’ve been Rogue but whatever. And Cyclops runs around in his little diaper.



I use to play this game a ton on an actual Cab and then on the re-released version too. Really a lot of fun.

insert 25 cents to hit the special button while you are colossus and go "hell yeah"

Coloso está rotísimo lo quiero con todo mi ser

(played with MagneticBurn)

Fun for a while, but only recycles three or four enemy designs for the duration of the game. Gets pretty monotonous towards the end. There's some bad English thrown around, which is always fun I guess.

I wonder if I should finish that (unrelated) awful X-Men game for the Genesis. Would you believe that shit is one of the best selling games for the console?

Was always one of my favorites at the Chuck E. Cheese, too bad all of them have been wheeled out to the fuckin landfill to make way for the 7 foot tall flappy bird machines