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This might be Ubisoft's best game, an underrated gem that just keeps on giving with it's fantastic story and writing, immersive open world and tons of side missions to do. I do not want to talk about this one for too long, because this game is something that everyone should experience at least once, so..

If you ever had any problems with Far Cry 3, try this game. Far Cry 3 might be the game that set the foundations for this franchise but this game was the one that perfected it.

Me diverti muito jogando, Muito criativo todo o mapa de Kyrat, a gameplay com o Ajay é simples mas divertida e as side quests são bem meio a meio. A história no geral me agradou, mas tiveram várias partes que me pareceram inúteis.

Jogando agora eu percebi que far cry 4 tem muitas coisas feitas da forma certa e certamente não é um jogo ruim em nenhum parâmetro. Mas não há nada novo sobre o sol e as idéias novas construídas encima de FC3 quase sempre são meia boca ou não funcionais.

While it's not too different from Far Cry 3 in terms of gameplay, I did enjoy this one a little bit more. I think this could be due to the setting, since I can't recall playing another game set in the Himalayas region.

I also enjoyed the option to choose who you want to side with during the campaign, it reminded me a bit of Far Cry 2 in that regard. Though I wish this feature was more meaningful, since in the end, it didn't feel like the choices mattered all that much.

Aside from the repetitive gameplay, I have to say that by far the most annoying part of this game like many others, is the obnoxious characters. The siblings you do campaign missions for or the "funny" weed guys, are extremely unlikable. I really do wish that a game that covers serious topics, would follow by having a serious tone throughout. Unfortunately this is a problem that has plague all the recent Far Cry games.

If playing on PC, I would recommend using the "Golden Path" mod, since there are some nice fixes and additions you can activate to make the gameplay more enjoyable.

jet wang, i cannot for the life of me fight off all these tigers with how little rocks you gave me.

go off into your riche house and drink tea, while i booze out here with this tiger (mentioned earlier) i actually made good friends with.

bom jogo, a história é meio estranha, de certa forma ela é boa mas ai vc chega no final nao tem tanto impacto, o que no 3 tinha bastante. a parte da historia da noore por exemplo acredito q foi má executada, acredito que poderia ter sido de outra forma a parte dela. em gameplay tudo certo, so o stealth que eu acho que o do 3 é melhor do que esse. de resto joia bom jogo

Die open world ist langweilig, die story ist langweilig , das gunplay ist okay, grafik ist ok für 2014. Alles in allem meiner meinung nach das schlechteste far cry es steckt keine einzige originelle idee(bis auf das setting) im spiel. Und die drogentrip missionen gehen einem echt auf den sack

un refrito de far cry 3 si, puede ser, pero el nivel de graficos y jugabilidad es una locura, paisajes excelentes, es como el 3 pero mejorado, mi favorito de la saga sin dudas

Not as ground breaking as Far Cry 3, but it does everything a little bit better.

Pagan Min is a really charismatic villain.

Setting is spectacular and the graphics are beautiful.

Havent played Farcey 6 but Pagan Min in probably the last iconic villain. Greatest map to ever exist in a fucking game♥️♥️♥️

- Single player has lots of diverse content, such as races, the Arena, Shangri-La missions, and other stuff
- Other content includes co-op. a map editor and (probably defunct) multiplayer
- Setting is absolutely gorgeous and believable
- Weapons are numerous and super-satisfying to use and customize
- stealth works better now that you can pick up bodies
- buzzers are the fastest and most fun way of traversing the map
- Pagan Min (the antagonist) is a better antagonist than Vaas imo, yet unfortunately he is rarely encountered
- Different endings that make you think about what you've been doing this whole time
- Ability to choose between two different Golden Path leaders is an interesting choice, which has consequences for the end
- That hidden ending :)
- Way better optimized than Far Cry 3

- Ajay Ghale (the protagonist) has practically no character development, and his backstory is almost non-existent. You actually have to read a wiki to somewhat understand why he's so proficient with weaponry
- There are few interesting story moments, as most of the story involves you doing things simply because you are fighting "bad guys"
- Unskippable and unpauseable cutscenes
- Some of the sidequests such as the Longinus and Yogi & Reggie missions can be extremely boring, especially with the pointless cutscenes
- Being a 100% freak, I didn't mind the numerous collectibles. What I did mind was that there was no meaningful reward for them. Seriously, what happened to getting some real cool, almost easter-egg-type rewards for completing tasks that the average player wouldn't do?
- Wingsuit is the most annoying thing ever, as it has the same key as sprint, so you gotta be extra careful that you don't accidentally "sprint" while in the air. Also touching even the smallest branch mid-flight is an instant kill
- some buggy undiscovered location markers that only seem to unlock if you go under the map
- some side quests either have missing voiceovers as the subtitles appear, while some quests have voiced lines that cut to the next before the sentence is finished, no matter what you do

I just can't find it in myself to enjoy Far Cry.

Man I love pagan min I kinda like him a lil bit more than vaas ik ngl but that's only cus he fruity with it and he had the same effect on me as vaas like how you gon write this kinda consistency for your villains and still not learn to give em like 2 minutes of screentime man that's crazy but yeah I hate the golden path tho ion know if like it's a 4d chess move and there purposely like that annoying and unlikeable on purpose like for the fuck of it or too make you like pagan min even more but either way I'm still dealing these annoying ass charcters at the end of the day so like yeah not that fun but the combat and grinding and allat is way better in this game fo sure like air traversel still feels the best in this game than all the other far cry's like it's just got the sauce also really like the gun selection in this one specifically ion know just felt like mentioning that but yeah great game 9/10

Um dos melhores Far Cry, a história e boa, gameplay nível Far Cry de ser, sinto que antigamente os Far Cry eram bons , até chegar no 5 foi bom mais depois achei que piorou um pouco.

I decided to re-play Far Cry 4 for the fourth time. But this time, I finished this amazing game. This is perhaps Ubisoft's last solid game. The game is the pinnacle of the Far Cry series, and the antagonist, Pagan Min, is one of the best characters that I've seen in any gaming series.
The world is wonderful to explore, the side missions are enjoyable, and you can complete them in any style you want, and my favourite way was to use the Bow and move stealthily.
Riding an elephant into an army base is just something you can do...
The game forces you to choose between two sides, but once you realise that everyone in the game is fucked up, the story telling makes the playing experience much more enjoyable.

This game can be quickly summed up: it does everything better than its predecessor and Pagan Min himself gives a great antagonist.

This review contains spoilers

Excellent beginning, touching ending, and a remarkably short 15 minutes of gameplay! I'm replaying to see everything that I missed in my first go through.

Far Cry 4, lançado pela Ubisoft em 2014, transporta os jogadores para Kyrat, um país fictício nas montanhas do Himalaia. A história segue Ajay Ghale, que se vê envolvido em uma guerra civil ao retornar ao país natal de sua mãe. O vilão, Pagan Min, é carismático e memorável, trazendo profundidade à narrativa.

A jogabilidade mantém a fórmula de sucesso da série, oferecendo um vasto arsenal de armas e veículos, além de novas mecânicas, como montar elefantes e usar o wingsuit. O mundo aberto é incrivelmente detalhado, incentivando a exploração e diferentes abordagens para completar missões.

Os gráficos são deslumbrantes, capturando a beleza e a periculosidade do Himalaia. A trilha sonora e os efeitos sonoros aumentam a imersão, tornando cada momento do jogo envolvente.

Far Cry 4 é uma adição robusta à série, combinando uma narrativa envolvente, jogabilidade expansiva e um mundo aberto deslumbrante. É uma experiência imperdível para os fãs de ação e aventura.

sei lá, o jogo é muito divertido, mas acho que qualquer um dos finais passam a sensação de ser paia
o jogo inteiro se passa numa puta revolução, coisa pra caralho rolando e no final vc acaba o jogo com um tiro...
pelo menos juntei as cinzas da mãe do Ajay com as da meia irmã dele

Far Cry'ın dördüncü oyunu. Büyük ihtimal bunu şu anda oynayan biri üçüncü oyunu oynayıp bu oyuna gelmiştir. Ve size üzücü bir şey söyleyeyim. Bu Far Cry serisi cidden dedikleri kadar var. Önceki oyun üzerine hiç düzgün bir yenilik yok. Cidden aynı oyun. Sadece hikayesi farklı. Hikayesi de gene alakamız olamamasına rağmen bir şekilde kendimizi Afrika'nın ortasında buluyoruz. Bu seferki nedenimiz annemizin küllerini doğduğu mekana getirmek.Geri dönüyoruz ve bu mekanı yöneten diktatör abi bizi evine alıyor. Sonrasında evini isyancı grup basıyor ve bizi bir şekilde kurtarıyorlar/kaçırıyorlar. Ne isterseniz artık. Sonrasında öğreniyoruz ki bizim peder bu isyancı güçlerin kurucusu ve bir şekilde bunların tarafında olarak oyuna başlıyoruz. Amacımızsa klasik şekilde bu diktatör abimi outpost'larını felan ele geçire geçire görev yapa yapa tahtından düşürmek. Ana kötü karakterimiz 3. oyundaki villain Vaas gibi çok orjinal değil. Gene var çılgınlığı felan ama oyun dünyasına ismini yazdıracak kadar bir orjinalliği yok. Neyse oyunun hikayesi kısacası böyle. Çok orjinal olmasa da güzel bir kaç yenilikle hikayeyi ilgi çekici hale getirmişler. Mesela isyancı grubu 2 kişi yönetiyor ve bunların arasında bir güç çekişmesi var. Bu ikisi de birbirinden uç insanlar. Biri töre , din diye kafayı bozmuş biri salsak yeni bir diktatör olacak bir kadın. Oyun bunların arasından bizden çeşitli yerlerde seçim yapmamızı istiyor. Ve bu oyunun hikayesinin içine girmene yardım ediyor. Bunun dışında güzel side-story diyebileceğimiz tatlı görevlerimiz var. Önceki Far Cry oyununda olduğu gibi super natural temasına sahip bir kaç kısım var. Bunların dışında her Ubisoft oyununda olan klasik şeyleri kafamıza atan bir FPS oyunu. Git kule aç , collectable topla , outpost bas , random event olarak karşına çıkan şeyleri yap felan. Yani özellikle anlatabileceğim bir mekaniği yok. Klasik bir Far Cry oyunu klasik bir FPS oyunu.

Zaten bu Far Cry oyunları aslında çok iyi oyunlar. Ama bu sadece her oyuna kendi çerçevesinde baktığında geçerli. Tek sıkıntıları yeni Far Cry oyunu olarak çıktılarından orjinal olmayan ve rutin bir oyuna dönmesi. Kısacası ben bu oyunu öneriyorum. Ama bir önceki oynadığınız first person shooter oyunuyla arasına biraz zaman koyup oynamanız sizin için daha iyi olur. 🥈🅖🅤🅜🅤🅢🥈

Far Cry 4 is lauded as a game that didn't try too much by its community. It is noted as "too safe" and "too samey" by many, yet I cannot for the life of me see as to why this is the case. The Far Cry 4 I played was a grand improvement to the last 3 games in the series in pretty much every department. The gameplay loop is much more tight, the levels and open world activities are actually built without the "one size fits all" mentality that plagued FC3's early game with the added benefit that it ties into the game's narrative. Even speaking on that narrative, this game had the unwieldy task of making a fictional culture based on actual Nepalese and Himalayan culture, while also finding a fine ground in its worlds politics between multiple characters and personalities, and it did so with flying colors.

Far Cry 4 unlike its predecessors is a game about rebellion, about not being complicit and striking terror down while the iron is hot. You play as Ajay Ghale, the son of a legendary revolutionary, going back to his cultural roots in Kyrat to scatter his mother's ashes. Along the way you are stopped by King Pagan Min, the dictator of Kyrat and former lover of Ajay's mom. He kidnaps you and tells you to sit down, to enjoy a platter of Crab Rangoon while your tour guide is being tortured for information on a revolutionary cell called Golden Path. The player has two options, be complicit, or take matters into your own hands, but the latter is easier said than done. Ajay finds himself in the middle of the Golden Path and while on this journey, he meets countless characters, all with their own motives and beliefs in how Kyrat should be ran, whether with or without Pagan Min.

Far Cry 4's biggest call to arms in its story is within the two characters Sabal and Amita. Sabal was Mohan Ghale's brother-in-arms, the proponent of conservative culture in Kyrat, believing that tradition should come above all else and that the present is more important than the future. Amita is the opposite, believing the views of Kyrati religion to be backwards and demeaning to women and children, and wants to push Kyrat into modern times. The game does not sugar coat these two at all and I love it for that. Both leaders have strong beliefs, plans, and yet have their drawbacks to them too, and it is done with such nuance. Far Cry 4's theme of "ideology" is played out strong between these two.

As to not spoil too much, the gameplay is crazier in this game. While I found the side content lacking in the third entry, this one doesn't have that problem. It smooths out all of the issues I had with the last installment and makes everything feel to be a part of this massive, beautiful world. Towers are re-contextualized to be traditional structures ravaged by Min to feed his propaganda machine. Outposts have multiple ways of engagement and escalating difficulty as you move up the map. The standard side activities are given narratives, whether its just simple hunts and assassinations, or meeting genuinely interesting and charismatic characters, like Min's old fashion assistant, a youthful radio rebel, or a self-made pornstar looking to cash in on other film genre opportunities. This is nothing to say about the actual side missions introducing bombastic and out of this world characters, like a warlord from the time of FC2, two British dudes who sound like they came straight out of a Edgar Wright movie, and uncovering the lore of Kyrat's first ultimate warrior. All of this and I mean every single one connects to the main narrative unlike any open world game I have ever played.

Far Cry 4 is a marvelous game that I implore everyone to play. I can't sing its praises enough. It's got something for everybody, and that something for me was an open world experience made with tact I didn't think was possible.

the game begs for a mission replay system. having something similar to GTA 5 would be perfect.

although I was a bit let down by the ending, the more I think about the game's nuanced take on war and rebellion, the more I think this game was ahead of its time. The gameplay can become a bit repetitive (I barely touched the "mini" side missions), but is fun enough and keeps giving you more guns and perks to improve your skills. It's definitely not a game that should be brushed off just because of the game that came before, as in many ways it exceeds the highs that game had.

For how cheap you can get this game nowadays, it's worth a shot.

The fights between the two rebel characters throughout the story were actually so face-palm inducing that it killed the vibe for finishing the game for me, despite having fun with the quests and exploration. The game's fun, but the story is a drag. It's no Far Cry 3.

They really said, let’s take the same map from Far Cry 3 but add a little snow.

Gráficos fortes pra época de lançamento, e que possui um dos vilões mais icônicos da saga Far Cry
O modo história é meio duvidoso

segue os mesmos passos que o far cry 3, mas coloca mais mecanicas, excelente game.

aucun souvenir donc ça devait être mid