Reviews from

in the past

I'll admit I'm not a big Pokemon fan. I've tried multiple times to get into it, but the gameplay loop has never grabbed me.

But holy shit, even I can tell this is insulting. I don't even mind the graphical style, but there was basically zero effort put in to remake this game. There's no content from Platinum, no Pokemon that weren't in the originals, and it plays like ass. I feel awful for all the Gen 4 fans who waited years for their remakes and had to settle for this.

I hated this game. It was so annoying to get through.

Half a star is without a doubt the highest raiting I could ever give this game.

Imagine making a definitive edition of Generation IV in Pokémon Platinum, and deciding NOT to use that as the base of a remake and instead using a far inferior version of those games as the base. Everything that made Pokémon Platinum good was left out of this game, and nothing of value was added to really make BDSP worthy of a remake.

The underground stuff is ok, it gave people the chance to catch a fair few Pokémon that you could use early on instead of having to find them a little further down the line. But it still isn't good enough, the main issue with this is that AGAIN they didn't add the evolution items until post-game only. So that Gligar you caught underground, guess what? You can't evolve it into Gliscor until after you beat the E4. Which is absolutely pointless and is a huge negative to the QOL purposes these remakes are supposed to add.

The chibi art style is nice, a lot of people didn't like it at first, but over time it definitely grew on folks.

Following Pokémon is an absolute mess. A lot of them are so incredibly small you'd think it was a little replica following you around instead of the "real" thing.

The same bugs that transpired in the original versions found their way onto the remakes. How hilarious is that? They literally released the same game twice and didn't even bother attempting to fix issues that were in the originals.

They decided to re-release the event Gen IV Pokémon again, IN THE EXACT SAME WAY THEY WERE INTRODUCED IN THE ORIGINALS. This would be 100% fine if there was a way to obtain the items within the actual game instead of relying on a WiFi event, because guess what? If you decided, for whatever reason, to buy these games today, you're unable to catch Shaymin, Darkrai, Manaphy & Phione due to them being WiFi exclusive events! Sure, Legends Arceus gives you these Pokémon without the need of a WiFi event, but that's not the point.

Overall, BDSP really did a number of the reputation of Pokémon. They have been on a downward trajectory ever since the jump to 3D back with X&Y. Each iteration of Pokémon has gotten increasingly worse since that point. The heart and soul from these games have been missing for a decade now, with no real sign of things returning until some serious change is made in regards to management and staff at GF.

Look, I stand by my entire review for the original Diamond. This game literally copy-pastes the code for that game and, while solving some issues like the speed or the Pokémon distribution... kinda, it still has many of the problems the originals had.
The only changes (Ramanas Park, Underground, Fairy type, Contests) are not nearly enough to make this a worthy remake.

Overall, the only reason to play this game is if you have not played the original Diamond and Pearl, want to try out Sinnoh and you cannot get your hands on Platinum. Which is very fair. Playing this game is better than playing Diamond and Pearl, but as remakes, it pales in comparison to literally every single other Pokémon remake (FRLG, HGSS, ORAS). A desperate cash grab that did not work nearly as intended and made everyone mad.

A remake of pokemon Diamond (and Pearl, in the case of Shining Pearl) that is just a little bit too faithful to the original games. Pokemon have received a lot of Quality of Life updates that are incredibly important to the fun of the game and from what I can tell, they literally remade Diamond in Unity with the same source code.

I didn't like the babified chibi sprites, and it really just makes me wish that we got a version of Diamond using the Let's Go! Pikachu & Eevee style. The actual models used in battles of the trainers do look pretty good though.

It baffles me that they didn't just remake Platinum. But maybe that's just because as a child I played Diamond and Pearl once each, and Platinum a hundred times. It was the definitive version of Gen 4 games for a reason.

Typical pokemon remake of Diamond verison.

I want to love it so bad but I just can't.

Extremamente mediocre, me forcei muito pra terminar o jogo

A elite 4 surpreendentemente divertida e desafiadora btw

No me molesta casi los pinipon, no es el estilo de chibi que tanto digo que quiero en la saga, esto ya es demasiado, pero aún se ven bonitos, y la región en si se ve bastante linda, aunque es verdad que no se siente tan diferente. Y de resto es que es literalmente lo mismo. Lo de los Pokémon siguiendote y los equipos un poquito mejorado de los lideres y alto mandos es lo bueno, un remake debe conservar la esencia, pero cambiar cosas, debe sentirse que es un nuevo juego en base al original, no lo mismo pero en 3D.

The laziest “remake” of a game I’ve played. It was so underwhelming and just a quick cash grab.

Nachdem was ich von den Haupteditionen der 4. Generation sowie den Remakes dieser gehört habe, bin ich dementsprechend mit gedämpften Erwartungen an dieses Spiel rangegangen. Und was soll ich sagen? Meine Erwartungen wurden ziemlich genau erfüllt. Es ist ein simples, relativ kurzes (zumindest fühlt es sich so an) Pokémon-Spiel, das gar nicht sooo viel falsch macht, aber das was es falsch macht ist horrend.

Das war kacke:

- Die Levelkurve ist furchtbar. Mit einem Team aus 6 Pokémon bist du eigentlich dauerhaft overleveled, bzw. eigentlich nicht wirklich, denn das Signature-Mon der Arenaleitenden ist oftmals doch dann wieder auf deinem Level, nur jedes andere Pokémon im gesamten Spiel nicht. Der einzige Vorteil davon ist, dass man den Level-Jump, den die Liga macht, damit abfangen kann, da ist man dann ausnahmsweise relativ even, wenn nicht sogar underleveled (Cynthia...). Auf jeden Fall hat mich diese Erfahrung dazu motiviert beim nächsten Pkmn-Spiel mehr als 6 Pokémon zu trainieren.

- Die Vielfalt an Pokémon ist absolut entsetzlich. Du wirst seltenst von irgendwelchen Pokémon überrascht, egal ob wild oder im Kampf. Besonders Team Galaktik leidet darunter, die im Storyfinale immer noch mit Charmian und Skunkapuh kämpfen.

- Ich mag die meisten der original ca. 75 (hab nachgezählt, ohne Legis) 4. Gen Pokémon nicht, weiß nicht, die sind alle irgendwie nicht so spannend. Auch die Starter mag ich alle nicht wirklich.

- Ich denke, ich muss nicht sagen, dass das ein ziemliches lazy Remake ist. Soweit ich weiß wurde wirklich nur sehr wenig im Vergleich zum DS-Original geändert.

- Geowaz wollte mir mein Taschengeld klauen

Das war ganz gut:

- Auch wenn es zurecht Kritik abbekommen hat, finde ich den Look des Spiels gar nicht so hässlich. Ja es ist sehr strikt grid-based und es sieht aus wie Animal Crossing, aber ich finde es passt eigentlich ganz gut, auch wenn es selbstverständlich Verbesserungspotenzial gibt. Ich würde so weit gehen und sagen, dass es IN den Kämpfen das bestaussehendste Pokémon Spiel ist. Die Umgebungen und Attacken-Animationen sind zumindest die Besten, die ich bisher gesehen habe. Sogar Heru hat gesagt, dass das gut aussieht.

- Die Arenen und Arenakämpfe sind, zumindest soweit es die Möglichkeiten hergeben, eigentlich alle ganz cool und spaßig. Hab mich meistens auf ne Arena gefreut.

- Die Story ist ganz nett. Nichts Überragendes, aber nett.

- Die Musik ist gut, ein paar Tracks bleiben auf jeden Fall im Ohr.

- VMs sind gut gelöst, was mich überrascht hat. TMs sind aber scheiße gelöst.

All in all ein okayes Pokémon-Spiel. Würde ich es weiterempfehlen? Nee, wahrscheinlich nicht. Aber es ist... okay? On to Legends Arceus!

5,5 von 10 Giftstachel-Punkten

What a Worthless fucking remake especially with the three Generation Remakes being so good. FUCK this game

Haha no way nintendo is getting me to play the same game twice.

Shining Pearl review:

In hindsight, while this game is only ok, was at the time an insult for people such as myself who were anticipating the Gen 4 remakes. Especially considering Pokemon Diamond was the first video game I ever played. It's basically Pokemon Diamond HD with almost no quality of life additions and nothing that was added in Pokemon Platinum like Battle Frontier or even the Distortion World.

one of the worst remasters of all time. who cares about the art style but the game itself is completely soulless.

Très mauvais et c'est honteux d'avoir raté un REMAKE autant

A bad remake of the worst mainline game.

Absolute disgrace to the originals. The animation is so fucking bad and that literally brings everything else down with it. How am I supposed to enjoy this amazing music when I don't want to look at my screen. For some reason this game just hits terribly and has such a bad place in my heart and I truly believe its all due to the animation.

Basically the same game as the original with only worse additions like the underground. Terrible post-game when Pokemon has been setting precedent for great post-games before that. SMH

Looks mediocre, friendship saving you or landing critical hits sucks as a mechanic, carries over the worst of D/P and learns very little from the successes of Platinum (or they didn't care). At least the soundtrack is good.

a not so brilliant cash grab to take after the two sinnoh games nobody liked

GooeyScale: 60/100

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Really dissapointing remake, WHY WAS THERE NO PLATINUM RELATED CONTENT??!?

This game is just better Diamond and Pearl.

But it's more like a polished piece of garbage where you realize that some of the things that were holding it back being gone reveal that it was worse designed than you remember. Not a good game.

Docked a star because its a little ugly but it's nothing more than a faithful (overly faithful at that) remake of the originals. I don't have any real issues with it other than its lack of adding anything new.