Reviews from

in the past

Que du plaisir, quelle OST ! Un Gameplay au poil qui donne une aventure Rogue-Lite super fluide et narrative. Très fort.

De los pocos Roguelike que me han gustado :) Fluidísimo y muy, muy bonito. Y eso que es un género que no me gusta demasiado.

Não sou de jogar roguelike mas até que me diverti jogando. O jogo não me pegou, mas não posso deixar de citar que é um jogo exelente, pela, hist´ria, personaagens, dialogos e jogabilidade. Não cheguei a completar o final verdadeiro simplesmente por que eu já não estava animado, não quero forçar terminar o jogo pelo tempo que sera gasto. Mas tá ai, um ótimo jogo de qualidade.

Good but I got bored after forty hours.

This game has everything, from the dialogues to the combat everything.

Frustrante e viciante na medida certa

It's a fun game with a lot of charm. It's alright.

Very messed up that I never logged this……..zag is great but Melinoe is too please calm down ppl

Not a fan of the genre. Looks nice though.

A fine, if completely too easy, roguelite. I had a decent bit of fun with this one and the art was incredible, but after beating it I had absolutely zero desire to go back.

Я уже говорил тебе, что такое безумие? Безумие — это точное повторение одного и того же действия, раз за разом в надежде на изменение. Это... есть... безумие... Когда впервые я это услышал, не помню, кто мне это сказал эту хрень, я — бум — убил его. Смысл в том, окей. Он был прав. И тогда я стал видеть это везде, везде, куда ни глянь, эти болваны... Куда ни глянь, делают точно одно и то же. Снова и снова, и снова, и снова, и снова, и думают — сейчас все изменится. Не-не-не-не, прошу, сейчас все будет иначе. Прости. Мне не нравится, как... ты на меня смотришь! Окей? У тебя проблемы с головой? Думаешь, лапшу тебе на уши вешаю? Вру? Пошел ты! Окей? Пошел на хуй! Все в порядке... Я успокоюсь, братец, успокоюсь. Смысл в том... Ладно. Смысл в том, что я тебя убил. Уже. И дело не в том, что я ебнутый, усек? Фьююють... Это как вода под мостом... Я уже говорил тебе, что такое безумие?

I think it says a lot that despite annoying late-game areas and not much variety in runs this game manages to be this incredible

Ooh this is going to be a controversial one. I really wanted to like this game, but I just don’t think it’s for me. Hades was my first roguelike and I don’t think I’ll be playing another one anytime soon.

I struggle to understand why people adore this so much when it’s just doing the same thing over and over and over. Fighting the exact same enemies, in the exact same patterns, in the exact same rooms, and then fighting the exact same bosses hundreds of times.

Anyway, to be nice I really did like everything about this game besides the gameplay. I’m a sucker for Greek mythology and it’s done very well here. The characters are fun and brimming with charm, with some of the most relaxing and comfy voice acting I’ve ever heard. The story is interesting too, the slow reveals and new dialogue throughout the entire experience goes a long way.

Perhaps I just don’t like it’s genre, but to me Hades was all style and no substance.

if god of war was made by homosexuals

Melhor roguelike que ja joguei, quero muito jogar o 2 fr fr

amazing game, one of the best rougelikes ever

kox ale za drogie i se zwróciem

Um dos melhores e mais bonitos rogues que ja vi

Direção artística ABSURDA

How this shit is a indie game?
Peak of roguelike.