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in the past

Really good rouge like. cant go as crazy as like ROR2 or Isaac but the gameplay loop is very fun and has a good bit of replayability with weapon variety and different builds can make the same weapon feel just as unique. I kinda lost interest after beating the main story and getting most of the upgrades doe.

ben bu oyunu tanıdığı içerik üreticilerinden "rogue-like türününün en iyisi" diye pohpohlanarak duyunca gerçekten büyük bir beklentiye girmişim. Öncelikle çeşitlilik açısından gerçekten de çok sığ bir yapım, ne Dead Cells gibi her oynayışda tamamen farklı haritalarda oynuyoruz (ben de biliyorum harita değişiyor ama aynı haritanın denk gelmesi uzun sürmüyor), ne de kullandığımız silahlar bol çeşitli. Türe karşı belki uzak biriyimdir, crackli olarak uzunca süreler Dead Cells oynadım ve şu an hesabımda da aynı türden Blasphemous var. Bu bilgiyi neden veriyorum, çünkü Dead Cells her oynayışta haritayı değiştiyor, onlarca silah ve silahlara gömülü gelen bazı özellikler ve 2 adet de beceri ile sizi oyuna bırakıyor. Her seferinde aynı işleri yapıyormuş gibi hissetmiyorsunuz çünkü oyun her bir ilerleminizde size yeni bir silah açma fırsatı sunuyor ve bu sizi oyunda tutuyor. Velhasıl Blasphemous ise yetenek ağacından birkaç özellik açmanız dışında fazla bir gelişim sunmazken, takabildiğiniz ekstralar olsun, haritanın hep ilerleyerek bir sona doğru sizi götürmesi olsun yine kendisini sıkmamayı amaçlayan türlerden. Ama Hades, işte Hadesde bu iki özellik de yok. Evet biten bir hikayesi var ama ilerleyiş aşırı minimal, çeşitlilik çok az (tanrıların sunduğu özellikler olsun silah geliştirmeleri olsun ki belli bir yerde silahları geliştirmek de imkansızlaşmaya başlıyor) yani hep bir tekrar etme durumuna giriyor. 14 saat kadar oynadım ve ilk 5 saatte bu durumu dert etmezken şu an bakıp sadece "keşke bitse de silsem" diyorum çünkü 14 saat boyunca ilerie-2 bossu da kes-ilerle-son bossda öl-tekrarla çemberinden bir türlü çıkamadım. Belki ben beceriksizimdir diye düşünmek istiyorum ama 14 saat bu kadar hızlı bir oyun için en az bir kere bitirme açısından bence gayet yeterli bir süre. Ne bir yan içerik sunan ne de hikaye açısından hep yeni bölümlerle ilerlemeyen bu oyunun 14 saatte bitmeyip, aynı mekaniklerle oyuncuyu kısıtlaması gerçekten parama yazık dediğim durumlardan birisine döndü benim için. Keşke oyunu o kadar öven Orhun Kayaalp veya Dost Kayaoğlu kadar zevk alabilseydim ama ben sıkıntıdan patlamak dışında bir olay görmedim.

Absurdly good weapon balance and a whole lot of fun. I think it's a little tedious getting the epilogue because it's not super clear how to max out your bonds with the Olympians, but that's a real nitpick for what is otherwise a masterpiece of a game.

Beating a run with each weapon is very satisfying. Beating a run without a single death is even more satisfying. Fantastic stuff

I don’t know my rogue-likes or my rogue-lites, but from what I’ve played of this I can definitely tell it is not for me.

It looks visually stunning of course with how well the backgrounds are designed with a good contrast to the characters that really makes the whole world feel lived in. Even during enemy encounters nothing ever felt so cluttered and I usually have the perfect visual clarity in understanding where the enemies and Zagreus are. The soundtrack compliments the game really well with instruments that really sell the whole Greek gods mythos with a really nice crunchy sound design during combat that makes slaying enemies so satisfying. All the voice actors absolutely nail their performances of these characters in making them larger than life immortals as you can really hear the personalities just from the voices alone. At least in its presentation, Hades is pretty close to being flawless in all honesty.

But it doesn’t click with me. As well-designed as these characters are, they don’t really intrigue me whatsoever. They might have more going on beyond what archetypes they fulfill, but from as far as I got with every character and their bonding I can’t say I ever became more invested over them. I think the story as a whole is kind of interesting? I like how they leave a lot of the motivations for the characters actions but upon certain revelations i can’t say I ever had a strong emotional reaction to any of it. Maybe if I was more invested in the characters the events would hit harder for me, who knows. Its serviceable, but I want to be optimistic and assume I didn’t invest enough into getting more into the intricacies of the narrative.

My biggest grip though in Hades is definitely within its gameplay. I can’t imagine going 30 hours grinding through the same areas over and over slowly progressing to the next area and beating the boss. Apparently this is like the whole deal with roguelikes? Yeah, I definitely can’t get into this. The combat itself is pretty simple with the different attacks and the powerups you can get as you traverse through the chambers. However, its simplicity also makes it awfully repetitive to play the tenth escape attempt. Is it cool to see Zagreus being able to interact more with the NPCs whenever you fail? Yeah, but it just isn’t worth it for me from what I’ve seen of the story so far.

I think this is a good game if you can vibe with what it’s going for. It's not for me, but I’d ultimately still recommend it to many because I can see the appeal of it and the possibility I might not be giving it a fair shot.

(Reseña sacada de mi cuenta de Steam: APolChrome)

Ya he conseguido escapar del Inframundo (una vez, pero bueno lo he hecho) y en el nombre de Hades recomiendo este juego muchísimo. Ha sido un viaje con una mezcla de sensaciones muy grande, pero vamos a ir desgranando el juego. Hades es un juegarraco. Es buenísimo. Todo lo que hace, lo hace bien.

Lo que más voy a alabar del juego es su gameplay. Es híper frenético, todo el rato ocurren cosas que son importantes para la partida. El combate aunque al principio pueda parecer un "romperte el pulgar a base de pulsar botones", es bastante complejo y al tener 6 armas, permite que cada jugador se adapte a un estilo de juego cuerpo a cuerpo (como los puños) o un estilo más a distancia (como el cañón).

Tengo que admitir, que cuando dicen lo típico de "cada partida es distinta" no me convencían, pero después de jugarlo, me han convencido definitivamente. TODO es distinto. Las bendiciones de los distintos dioses, los recursos que consigues, los enemigos, los minijefes, los diálogos, los NPCs que te encuentras hasta algunos jefes cambian partida tras partida. Es increíble.

Pasamos por lo audiovisual y más a lo visual que a lo audio. La música está bastante bien y ambienta muy bien las distintas situaciones y lugares. Además, el doblaje (aunque lo tenga en inglés) es tremendo. Pero lo visual... Pocos juegos he visto tan bonitos como Hades. Los personajes son espectaculares al verlos en los diálogos y hasta sin verlos en estos (como pasa con los enemigos, que se ven muy bien). Los entornos se caracterizan muchísimo y logran transmitir sensaciones muy adecuadas para los lugares.

La historia y sus diálogos... Daría para una review entera. Me ha encantado. Como persona que le encanta la mitología griega, es un placer jugar a este juego. Ves la relación que existe entre todos los dioses a través de los diálogos con tanto humor en la mayoría de personajes. Ves como está la relación entre Zagreo y Hades a través de sueños y diálogos. Ves un montón de historias separadas que forman un lore súper extenso y que hace que hablar con cada personaje sea algo mágico.

Con Hades, iba buscando cobre y encontré no oro, sino platino. Recomendadísimo aunque no te gusten o no estés familiarizado con los Rogue-Likes.

It's a fast paced, snappy game that's punishing but also gives you more than enough leeway to overcome it. Combine that with wonderful art, a fantastic soundtrack and some great voice acting and enough variation in your boon and weapon choice run to run to make the repetition a non-issue for the most part and you have a great game.

The amount of reactive dialogue is paced excellently, I never found myself getting tired of any character and wanted to interact with pretty much all of them. Overall, the game really plays to the strengths of being a roguelike you play over and over again, both narratively and in terms of the gameplay in a more typical meta-progression fashion. These two things made it well worth it for me and it's a game I imagine I'll come back to for a run here and there to eventually unlock the true ending. Well worth it, if you like Supergiant games.

Dusa on her own gives the game an extra half-star! The fists and the adamant rail are both very fun; the game remains addictive despite its repetitiveness. This is a double-edged sword; the game is fun to play and fun to win! But countless people have hurt their wrists and their schedules by not having an easy way to stop playing the game. One simple rule of game design: your game should not make life worse for the person playing your game.

What a beast of a game, its addictive gameplay and variety of builds hooked me in and never let up. I never was a fan of the Roguelike concept as I vastly prefer the traditional game structure but this game's boon system adds this unpredictable flavor that makes every run feel fresh and exciting as you never know when you gonna get THAT busted build and such. Story is perfectly curated for a rogue system with some superb voice acting but that comes with some restrictions since story didn't really move forward in any significant way until my first clear 21 attempts in and up until that point dialogue was usually like "oh you got killed by this X thing ?, perhaps you should do Y next time" or some character yapping about random shit and when it finally decided to move forward, it just wanted to give you a reason as to why you should try to escape over and over again. Game's overall carried by the super solid gameplay and stellar voice acting. Even if you don't like Rogue games, you should give this a try at least.

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