Reviews from

in the past

you hold a pretty lady's hand and lead her around but where you lead her to is up to your heart (i got lost and gave up in some big tower)

Ico me ha sorprendido. No iba con expectativas, porque pensaba que podría decepcionarme si ponía en el pedestal en el que está el juego. Pero entiendo por qué está ahí. Ico es una obra de autor, que se toma muchísimas libertades para ser diferente. Profundicemos un poco en la obra.

El gameplay me ha gustado. El movimiento es fluido hasta que te ponen una sección plataformera, que puede volverse un poco frustrante, el sistema de combate sirve pero podría estar más pulido y las mazmorras están bien, pero son casi iguales. Lo que me ha fascinado del juego y gameplay es su mapa y Yorda.

El mapa me ha dejado sorprendido para genial. Está increíblemente diseñado para Yorda (porque todos los espacios están diseñados para que haya que hacer algo para que llegue a donde nosotros) y para ser un puzzle en si mismo. En vez de tener secciones claramente aisladas para estos, el mapa en si es un puzzle gigante que vamos resolviendo para ir avanzando.

Yorda es una mecánica que está perfectamente implementada y es genial. Por si acaso no sabéis quien es, es la chica que nos acompaña todo el juego. Y es lo que le da sentido a este. ¿Por qué hay combate? Por Yorda ¿Por qué hay puzzles que involucran al mapa? Por Yorda ¿Por qué la trama tiene sentido? Por Yorda. Y así con todas las cuestiones que puedas hacerte del juego. Todo el juego está pensado alrededor de esta mecánica y me ha encantado.

Audiovisualmente, se ha conservado como el buen vino. Sigue siendo un juego precioso con unos sonidos inmersivos a más no poder, con una mezcla de estilo artístico entre lo realista y lo cartoon que le sienta de perlas. Una de las mejores cosas de este apartado son las animaciones de movimiento de Ico, una delicia que siguen viéndose bien hoy en día.

La historia es curiosa. En ningún momento se nos indica lo que hay que hacer, solo avanzas por instinto y de vez en cuando van contando pequeños fragmentos para que te empanes de qué pasa. Por el resto, es bastante misteriosa y le da un toque de originalidad.

En conclusión, Ico es una auténtica obra maestra, pero no se debe tomar como ejemplo o estándar de como hacer un videojuego. Es una obra tan propia que solo Fumito Ueda y su equipo pueden hacer juegos así. Recomendadísimo

This review contains spoilers

This game is fascinating, it is not like anything else I have ever played.

It has an incredible atmosphere. It's eerie, mysterious, and gorgeous all at the same time! The castle feels like a character in itself and I love how I can occasionally look around and see places that I have already been or will go.

The animation in this game is incredibly impressive for its time! The physics of the link between Ico and Yorda are the first use of inverse kinematics that I am aware of in video games and adds a lot of charm to the experience of exploring the castle together with her.

However, I feel like basic human empathy is what carries my feelings towards Yorda. I unfortunately did not feel a great emotional attachment due to her lack of characterization. I don't need her to speak with Ico in deep conversations like the modern God of War games, but her interacting with the world and Ico instead of standing there like a doll would help me feel more attached to this character and be more invested in the story overall. She does have some small moments but I would have appreciated some more spice.

It is sometimes hard to understand what this game is going for with its story because it's so abstract, but that is what makes it fascinating. It is a great example of how games can be used as an art form, but it has aged significantly in the decades since its release and makes it somewhat hard to go back to in the modern day of games.

I think it mainly falters in its moment-to-moment gameplay. Some of the puzzles are frustrating with how the game communicates its mechanics, but it honestly makes me really appreciate how much Ueda respects his audience to figure shit out.

The combat, however, is just straight-up bad. The enemies all look the same, are complete health sponges, and aren't interesting. I am never looking forward to the next encounter, and that might be by design but I can't ignore it as an aspect I dislike about this game.

I also can not excuse the camera. The camera is great whenever you are not touching it and it frames what you should be looking at for the most part. But as soon as you touch the right stick it is an incredibly unruly mess that genuinely makes me feel sick from time to time. I just want to look around and enjoy the atmosphere of this decrepit castle but the camera actively makes me avoid doing so

Besides the complaints above, I am very glad I gave this game a shot. Ico makes me excited to play Shadow of the Colossus and see how Ueda improves from here on out.

One of the best games I've ever played. I wish I could go back in time and experience it for the first time again.

Joguei isso na infância pela metade porque eu achava o jogo muito dificil (eu era um burrinho) e rejoguei e zerei anos depois.
Simplesmente uma obra prima do Fumito Ueda, o cara conseguiu transmitir uma vibe confort e aterrorizante ao mesmo tempo só com a ambientação e a música O cenário desse jogo é tão belo e lindo que nem sei explicar a sensação que ele me passa não se podia esperar menos do jogo que fez o Miyazaki criar Dark Souls.
Junto com sua OST majestosa que só o Team Ico conseguia fazer que combina cada momento, tendo You Are There como uma das minhas favoritas de qualquer jogo.
O relacionamento do Ico e da Yorda é muito fofo os dois o jogo inteiro de mãos dadas te faz querer realmente proteger ela das sombras
O final da melancia me deixou tão feliz e confuso ao mesmo tempo igual todo jogo do ueda
Tirando essa arte escrota da capa Americana estragando a arte simples mas incrível da capa japonesa o jogo é perfeito, simplesmente arte pura.

This game is brilliant! Just don't make the same mistake I did and accidentally hit no on continue for the final boss 💀

It's all a bit la de da but it's a good game.

The bible for the modern 3D art game.

I don't know why I didn't played it earlier, I might make a review when I finish

I finished Ico more than one week ago, for the first time and I still think about it profoundly. I hated its controls, mostly cause I played the PS2 version but despite all the draining frustration I had to keep going and finish the game.

It's extremely beautiful and such a shame I have never beaten it in my life like all the other games in my never-ending list, but I am grateful for still playing it. It has such a unique shade of loneliness during the whole game that I absolutely adore, the way the castle is perfectly lit in some golden light that perfectly blends innocence and despair it's such a beautiful view that I still have imprinted in my memory, and it won't leave for a long time. I can definitely see why it's seen as such a great game and somehow I can't belive there used to be games at that year created as artsy games rather than ones focused on gameplay or games as product/monetization. And I can definitely see how Ico paved the way for future games that I absolutely adore like Lost Ember or Journey and other games which Fumito Ueda unfolded a path open for 'em.

Memorable and unique and I can't belive it still holds up to this day still. Definitely a must play if you haven't done yet!

redoing the same section 5-6 times bc i kept falling to my death was insane but fun game i enjoyed it a lot

for the love of god can someone please replace that shitty US cover art with the Japanese/EU artwork, thank you very much 🙏