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in the past

Had to bare with Snake instead of Raiden
Decent story
Better Gameplay than Solid 2
Wasn’t Solid 2 though

Geçen ay yeniden oynayınca anladım kojimanın taşşağın büyüklüğünü

played master collection version 5/5 story 3.5/5 gameplay


ps : j'ai fait une no lethal run pour ma première run jsuis le vrai big boss

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John Snake Eater

My first MGS experience, to say the least… meooowww

I am done, man Just done
What a phenomenal experience it was, it somehow managed to Surpass MGS 2
Where do I even start writing about it? Everything from top to bottom of this game is intricately executed so well, The lore drop of cold war, Historically accurate information, chef's kiss gameplay,enjoyable mission, the antagonist cast to rival with everything is throughly fuccking fun
Snake's exploration of morality and compassion,his true worth as individualism,everlasting soldier's legacy even to one's grave even at cost of his honour whole snake's arc approach in this game is recommendable.
The last 10 Mins is some of the greatest fictional experience i have ever had
Everything is temporary but Kojima Cooking some of the greatest dialogues in fiction overlapping core themes of his story and character essence at end of his game is Permanent, love this so much man


alright enough of that.. this one had me Doubtful in the beginning. i dont love some of the level design in this and it was difficult to adjust to the new setting and mechanics, like the camouflage and catching animals. plus, i dont think that the codec characters are as good as they have been in previous games. but these things didnt stop me from enjoying the game too much (and in hindsight, i should be grateful for the codec conversations i did get. this is about mgs4. we'll get to that)
by the time i had finished the game i knew it was going to be imprinted on my brain in the same way the other two are, i was so happy with how it all culminated. this is a super cinematic game and is just as ambitious as the first two in that sense. i know its a matter of preference but i love this aspect of it. i also really liked the music, although now only a couple of tracks truly stand out. like that one... oh what's it called.. you know! that one... ahh its like... snake.. snacker? i don't know
baby twink ocelot is something i did not know i needed in my life but i absolutely did. hes my favourite iteration of ocelot (so far..?) but it took some time for him to grow on me. same with eva, who i ended up REALLY liking by the end. because she is a nice girl who wants to kiss me (snake (me)). big boss have two hands
yeah anyways thats it. not as much depth gameplay wise but packed with lore and story and Themes™. i love it's stylisation as a Bond type story, complete with a Bond theme and intro and a Bond girl (ocelot)
smashin game. good chicken, i play this game.. not for honour.... but for youuuuu

it’s THE mgs game. lots of fun additions that weren’t in the past games and great story, a little overhyped though. i love you big boss

Every Metal Gear Solid game aside from V is similar to each other but still great in its own way, so if you liked 1 or 2, you'll be right at home with MGS3.

i played this shit on keyboard long before pc port was available with constant frame drops and freezes, yet it was still SO. FUCKING. GOOD.

game is amazing but I don't like the original version cause I don't fw the top down camera. Go see my review of the subsistence version

“The end” fight alone clears

I love pretty much everything about this game. I still think MGS2 is a bit more replayable because it doesn’t really have anything like the EVA sections in the late game but this game’s narrative, gameplay, and interactivity put it above the second one for me as the best game in the series.

While I enjoyed the story and setting of Snake Eater, I found myself mostly frustrated with the gameplay. I never felt as incompetent in MGS1 or 2 as I did in this game. I straight-up fumbled my way through the entire game, and I found that largely to blame to the removal of the radar map that shows enemy movement and placement, like the one present in the first two games. Sure, you get a motion radar, but it is tremendously more difficult to read compared to the radar maps in the original MGS or Sons of Liberty. I understand that they likely went with this approach to make it more appropriate to the technology of the 1960's; but for me, it just felt like the removal of a key system that helped me successfully navigate through these games. I think I set off alerts in nearly every single area I entered because I just could not accurately determine where enemy placement was. I don't really blame this on the game, I just blame it on my sheer inability to adapt to what this title was demanding from me. Still, that doesn't mean I wasn't any less frustrated. Regardless, the game allowed me to progress through most of the game like a bull in a china shop, which I am thankful for, because it could have been even more frustrating otherwise. The progress never really felt satisfying though, because I never really felt like I was playing Snake due to how badly I was fumbling through each area -- I might as well have been playing as Austin Powers.

Outside of the stealth gameplay, I did quite enjoy the survival aspects of the game. Gathering food to maintain your stamina gauge, utilizing different camouflage, treating wounds -- these were all things I mostly enjoyed.
Though, I must admit, having to frequently open the somewhat-slow opening menus to access these functions was a tad bit annoying. I also can't say I was a huge fan of the newly-added limited inventory space either, which also forced you to constantly go into the menus to manage.

Overall, despite my gripes and frustrations, I still enjoyed the game overall, and I loved the story and characters just as I did in the previous titles. I think I would have enjoyed the gameplay aspects more had I actually understood what I needed to do to be proficient. Otherwise, having come off replaying Sons of Liberty, I found that the story was much more grounded in Snake Eater, which I did appreciate. Toward the end of the game, I kept waiting for Kojima to reveal some bat shit crazy twist that melted my mind, but it never happened, and I was pleasantly surprised.

In the future, I would like to play through Snake Eater again, possibly after I've gathered enough information as to how to competently stealth my way through the game. I think once I understand what exactly I was doing wrong and started to actually feel like I'm in the shoes of Snake, I will probably rate this game much higher. But for now, I can't look past the level of frustration that I experienced.

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Snake , a história nunca saberá o que ela fez. Ninguém jamais saberá a verdade. Sua história… seu legado, só irá durar em seu coração. Tudo o que ela fez, ela fez pelo seu país. Ela sacrificou sua vida e sua honra por sua terra natal. Ela era uma heroína de verdade. Ela era uma verdadeira patriota.

The final half is some of the great sequencing i've seen in ps2 game especially the final boss.

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You can commit cannibalism in this game. Fucking mind blowing

I'd rather replay this than mgs2 but it felt a bit too slow for me. But like before it's an incredible story that's balls to the wall insane.

Have some of y'all just pretended to understand whatever the f—k happened throughout the game and shed a tear or two in the end because others did

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Playing this made me appreciate Kojima's love for films, bro really does live and breathe them. Practically every call with Para-Medic would involve talking about a famous movie and how it's message can be applied to Snake's journey, every cutscene is shot like one, the story (like all the others) feels like one, the entire final act with all it's chase sequences was like a homage to the Mission Impossible, James Bond and Jason Bourne movies, this is probably among the earliest we got to a true cinematic/movie video game experience.

I thought the cutscene to gameplay ratio was a perfect balance unlike MGS2 where I was pretty much just watching an anime. The stories are strong in both but I found myself liking Snake Eaters a bit more. Although it's not as profound as Sons of Liberty, going through each unique cobra unit member to reach your mentor felt more satisfying, I believe it's more fitting for a video game narrative than 2's. I just wish each member was shown off more, each of them looked cool and as if they had an insane backstory but some of them would pop up completely out of nowhere.

The stamina recovery and healing system were interesting. I wasn't a big fan of how you would have to tend your wounds and found it a bit tedious but hunting and eating for stamina and how it applies to the bosses was a cool addition.

Revolver Ocelot seems like a really chill guy, I hope he turns out okay 🙏

Top tier Metal Gear Solid action with ludicrous selection of baddies, awesome music, an ace story, and it's got those bits where Ocelot does that weird cat noise.

Ocelot clutching his little bullet necklace as he watches Snake get tortured...... what good friends they are