Reviews from

in the past

the first game I played on MY PS2

I played this about 100 times when I was a kid but I've never played it since and so I have no idea if it holds up or not.

I am not really a "New Game Plus guy." Usually, I finish a game (rarely at 100%) and move on to the next one. I absolutely do not disparage this way of playing; quite the contrary, I have played and replayed the same games for years on end (like the 10,000 hours spent on vanilla WoW, oops). Over time, I have increasingly wanted to explore new games from different eras and styles, not necessarily staying stuck in a comfort zone or the same genre. With Devil May Cry, I discovered another approach, another perspective on playing a game: some games simply become better in New Game Plus.

I still have my physical PS2 copy that I bought almost on the day it was released, thanks to the rave reviews of the time. Without the memory cards from back then, I can’t say how far I got, but I doubt I got past the first boss. If I’m not mistaken, GTA 3 was already announced, and I then spent a good part of the end of 2001 traversing the streets of Liberty City.

The game is simply incredible. Its gothic and cool style is unique and holds up from beginning to end with its very "cheesy" side. It's primarily its combat gameplay that is very addictive: it's both easy to get into but difficult to master.

I never would have thought I would like this very arcade-oriented type of game. As soon as I finished (with difficulty) the game in normal mode, I immediately started again in hard mode, something I almost never do.

Having tried to replay it with my PS2 copy, I highly recommend the HD collection, which fixes almost all the framerate issues.

I love how instead of just pulling Alastor out of his body after it impales him, Dante dramatically rises up and pulls himself through the swords wide as hell guard, making the wound worse before freeing himself.

Why did he do that.

I want to cry every time I try to play this old ass game

GooeyScale: 60/100

i think about I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE TO FILL YOUR DARK SOUL WITH LIIIIIGHT about once a day. Gameplay is a bit dated but its the quintessential Dmc experience. No notes

dante you’re gonna fill my what⁉️

-good ass combat
-soundtrack still slaps
-camera angles are the hardest enemy in the game
-nelo angelo 2 on dmd stole my lunch money
-ifrit my beloved

very good game and it still mostly holds up

Resident Evil 4 com demonio


If it wasn't for that bum ass camera this would probably be my new favourite game of all time.

Always seems to be much more concerned with the corner of the room than the dark knight about to shoot a laser blast at me.

jank ahh resident evil camera but for the time it came out its pretty good and i can tell its really old but i love that!! final boss is assss though

let's rock baby, but not too hard. i'm glad not all action games are EXACTLY like this, but hey this is still pretty dang rockin' to play. some absolutely batshit awesome ui.

devil may cry nah the only one who cried was me after those water levels
jk this game is surprisingly good
for a game made 23 years ago (older than my ass ) i think it has its charm
i f alot with the combat
the story iz goofy
charismatic main character
alastor is such a fun weapon
but the voice acting is kinda shitty and the water levels holly f those were bad
i don’t really mind the fixed cam
I can’t really name any other boss besides mundus which was a pretty good boss fight imo
i like the ending
yea overall i like this game
i’m feelin a solid 7/10(i don’t think im hatin on my boy Dante but who knows give it a go if u like slash slash games )

obviously aged and horrible voice acting and the difficulty is really just difficulty spikes. still enjoyable weirdly

The only good Devil May Cry game.

completely kicked my ass. have a few issues with this (mainly the camera and that the final boss is kinda bad/unenjoyable, even if I only really dislike the first phase) but really I can't complain about a game that made me actually proud of myself for beating it. dante must die will take years off my life

this is my favorite game ever and is the reason i got back into gaming after so long. one of my dads friends got me dmc 5 for christmas and i thought it was cool but nothing really stuck out to me. then after i graduated high school i downloaded the dmc hd collection of the playstation store and holy shit was i hooked. i’m really bummed out they cut out the whole gothic setting and aesthetic of the first two games as i much prefer them to the cheesy action aesthetic of 3-5. if you know anything about dmc 1 you’ll know the reason why the first game is so different from the others is because it started life as the prototype to re 4 and you could really fucking tell that. the fixed camera angles a lot of backtracking and the use of keys the music and it’s so dope and makes it one of the most unique action games i’ve ever played although some mfs complain about the fixed camera angles which i mean get good at the game lol. another thing that i like about this game compared to other dmc games how much less shit there is in the game. there’s only two devil arms and if you farm enough red orbs you should be able to get every move for alastor (i use alastor for mode and ifrits on hard mode and i would recommend the same) i get in later games it’s for replay value but honestly i would rather much just replay the whole game rather than certain levels. i also love how this game doesn’t throw a boss at you every level too it creates a new sense of pacing and it feels more realistic fighting the same boss three times i feel like this getting too long so i’ll end it with this. if you bitch about the underwater levels you’re fucking gay lol

Imagínense enseñarle este videojuego a un morrillo pendejo, ósea, yo. Literalmente tiene todo para impresionar, combate frenético, fluido, un protagonista “cool”, soundtrack asombroso. Todos esos factores fueron más que suficientes para cautivarme, si bien opino que no envejeció muy bien, si me veo regresando algún día.

Cool b movie vibe, bosses were mostly ok even if i kinda disliked the bird, mundus was a good boss tho.

Surprisingly short but it wasn't a bad thing, platforming parts felt a bit awkward to do.

Combat was ok but it's the first one so it's understandable.

Overall it was enjoyable.