Reviews from

in the past

Sorry gamers i actually kind of liked this one. The characters are shockingly not unbearable, Arven in particular, and I think the area zero stuff is pretty cool. Unfortunately they're still churning out laggy garbage on a far-too-regular basis so just because i like it relative to a steaming shit pile doesn't mean it's actually...good. lol.

how are the BOXES laggy
glitchy mess. good mons tho

this shit's like fallout new vegas with the way it would have been absolute peak with more time in the oven

A pesar de que es distinto a los juegos de pokemon tradicionales, el apartado gráfico y rendimiento deja mucho que desear....

There are simply too many performance issues. There's a disappointing lack of polish in the details. And yet ---- I wouldn't have just spent 50+ hours with this game if I wasn't enjoying myself. The story's good, the 'Mons are fun, the music slaps & the gameplay loop is rock-solid. Probably a hot take: but clean up some of the technical drawbacks & Scarlet/Violet could genuinely stand as two of the best mainline Pokémon games to date.

Des de Pokemon Azul no he parat de jugar a la saga i esta edició em pareix, si no la millor entrega, de les millors. M'encisen les opcions d'exploració i el comportament dels Pokemons lliures. També m'agraden molts dels nous Pokemons.

Pokemon is awesome but this game isn't.

I wish this game was better, because it's not great, but I’d be lying if i said i didn’t have more fun with it than ultra moon

it's a fun game, i love the exloration and the pokemon are so fun

It is midnight, I have played this game for 80 hours over the past couple weeks, and I would like to write an earnest review on my feelings for this game that can't really be constructed at the moment.

Playing it initially it was one of my least favourite Pokémon gen’s coming back to it found a lot to enjoy but, the bugs are still such a big problem that it distracts from what could have been fantastic.

the paradox pokemon are way fkin cooler in this game

Worst Pokémon game ever
It looks like a pre alpha version of a mobile game

Pokemon games being familiar and such a nostalgic experience create this inherent bias in us. When you take a step back and look at this game in comparison to others on the platform, it is just not very good and downright lazy. Ugly textures, lazy writing, bugs galore and uninspiring end game content. Pokémon is in serious need of a new coat of paint.

Un juego que marca un claro camino a seguir en la franquicia, pero que probablemente habría abandonado por el camino de no ser por las bondades de la emulación y el modding.

- El mundo abierto es enorme y está lleno de recovecos que explorar.
- El sentido de libertad ayuda mucho a la sensación de comenzar una nueva aventura en mundo ajeno desde cero.
- La dificultad del mod SV+ incentiva a minmaxear a tus Pokémon, ofreciendo una experiencia muy muy superior al juego original.

- Es un adefesio a nivel gráfico. Resulta insultante encontrarte un juego con tan poco cuidado en este apartado. Las limitaciones técnicas de la consola y la cantidad indecente de bugs tampoco ayudan.
- El mundo se siente muy poco vivo. Los Pokémon simplemente spawnean por todas partes, pero ni interaccionan entre ellos ni con el entorno que les rodea.
- Por suerte no son muchas, pero la mecánica de captura de bases es un ejemplo de cómo hacer algo mal en un videojuego. Me parece alucinante que algo así tuviera el visto bueno de la compañía.

Idk I kinda prefer linear pokemon

Don't worry this is a beta version... Wait! Is this really the final version?!

Je l'ai noté comme si j'étais LookMyAce, ne prenez pas ma noté au sérieuse svp ^^'

Technical issues aside, this game is wonderful. Super fun open world stuff, they finally made it good after working at it since Sword and Shield. The release state is unacceptable though.

Nemona is cool, everything else isn't lol

tirando as limitações gráficas e lugares muito feios, a gameplay é MUITO boa. A forma que você upa os pokemons foram pensadas de uma forma muito boa e visa a diversão do jogador e não um grindind infinito.

stole this from brother so i could play it. definitely a step in the right direction

this game makes me mad (not as mad as SwSh tho)
the core gameplay is the best (of the dual-release games) since BW2, straight up. Decent exploration, best difficulty since USUM, (which for Pokemon means i almost wiped like, once), best rival since Hugh, genuinely decent story with like, actually the best climax in the series surprisingly enough.
why oh why did it have to have like, a 3 year dev cycle then? this game did NOT need to come out in 2022 when PLA had JUST released.
everyone knows how shit this game runs. everyone knows all the bugs, everyone knows that it looks like shit. like, it's all this game is known for. it's genuinely deplorable and I'm SO glad I wasn't the one who paid for my copy.
if this game had gotten like a year or 2 more of dev time it could've been the best Pokemon game EVER, they could've pulled it off, but gamefreak and TPC are allergic to the idea of there not being a new mainline game every 2 seconds so it didn't happen. Now I'm stuck sitting here like a dumbass genuinely defending this game in a lot of aspects despite the fact that it sucks so much shit in so many other ones.
whatever, still like a 7/10, especially with the DLC, it's like a solid B+ and i wish it could've gotten more time. gamefreak is such a cancer company.