Reviews from

in the past

Don't worry this is a beta version... Wait! Is this really the final version?!

Idk I kinda prefer linear pokemon

Un juego que marca un claro camino a seguir en la franquicia, pero que probablemente habría abandonado por el camino de no ser por las bondades de la emulación y el modding.

- El mundo abierto es enorme y está lleno de recovecos que explorar.
- El sentido de libertad ayuda mucho a la sensación de comenzar una nueva aventura en mundo ajeno desde cero.
- La dificultad del mod SV+ incentiva a minmaxear a tus Pokémon, ofreciendo una experiencia muy muy superior al juego original.

- Es un adefesio a nivel gráfico. Resulta insultante encontrarte un juego con tan poco cuidado en este apartado. Las limitaciones técnicas de la consola y la cantidad indecente de bugs tampoco ayudan.
- El mundo se siente muy poco vivo. Los Pokémon simplemente spawnean por todas partes, pero ni interaccionan entre ellos ni con el entorno que les rodea.
- Por suerte no son muchas, pero la mecánica de captura de bases es un ejemplo de cómo hacer algo mal en un videojuego. Me parece alucinante que algo así tuviera el visto bueno de la compañía.

Pokemon games being familiar and such a nostalgic experience create this inherent bias in us. When you take a step back and look at this game in comparison to others on the platform, it is just not very good and downright lazy. Ugly textures, lazy writing, bugs galore and uninspiring end game content. Pokémon is in serious need of a new coat of paint.

Worst Pokémon game ever
It looks like a pre alpha version of a mobile game

Wow, that was awful. wish i kept a crash counter. wtf did I just play?

Sinceramente, eu acho que preciso parar de confiar na opinião das pessoas quando o assunto é Pokemon, porque esse jogo aqui me proporcionou a melhor experiência em um jogo de pokémon que eu tive na vida.

Eu não sabia como eles fariam um jogo mundo aberto da franquia, e sinceramente acho que o quesito de exploração foi trabalhado de forma excelente. Não é um jogo perfeito, claro. No console ele tem diversos problemas de otimização que eu confesso que não tive que enfrentar. Mas, com isso de lado e analisando apenas a experiência que eu tive jogando e completando a dex (pela primeira vez, diga-se de passagem) posso dizer q esse é um dos melhores jogos de pokémon que eu já joguei.

I actually quite enjoyed this game when it came out except for the times I got sent flying across the map

Muito mal otimizado e história bem simples em cada rota, além dos pokemons spawnarem na sua frente enquanto se move.

I've never brain rotted so hard while playing a pokemon game till now. The only thing that kept me going was seeing my bestie tinkaton pummel everything into a billion smithereens

games looks and runs like dookie fart but i can’t sit here and say i didn’t have a lot of fun with it

Good step in the right direction for the future of the series but GOD are those graphics horrendous.

Não serei hipócrita, eu adorei. Essa foi provavelmente a geração que eu tenho mais horas jogadas, um jogo de pokemon de mundo aberto com liberdade total e com os monstrinhos espalhados pelo mundo de acordo com seu ecosistema talvez seja o que os fãs sempre sonharam, mas infelizmente o mesmo peca em aspectos bobos cuja uma franquia desse tamanho não se pode dar o luxo de pecar.

O jogo é graficamente pobre, tanto tecnicamente quanto criativamente, os cenários são esquecíveis e genéricos, vastas planíces sem nenhuma vegetação, desertos e montanhas sem nenhum elemento icônico, tudo muito genérico e sem inspiração. A Área Zero é o único local que aparenta ter sido criado com mais atenção e carinho porem a mesma se localiza apenas no pós game.

O mapa de Scarlet e a forma com que os ginásios e desafios foram distribuídos é provavelmente o pior problema do jogo, já que, devido seu formato circular a probabilidade dos seus pokemons ficarem overlevel na metade do game é bem grande.

Por fim concluo que Scarlet e Violet tinha potencial para ser disparado a geração mais icônica e amada da franquia, finalmente a Game Freak entregando aos fãs o que sempre pediram, mas infelizmente não é o caso. Aponto que todos esses problemas foram resolvidos nas DLCs o que me deixa bem esperançoso para o jogo da próxima geração.

A pesar de que es distinto a los juegos de pokemon tradicionales, el apartado gráfico y rendimiento deja mucho que desear....

this shit's like fallout new vegas with the way it would have been absolute peak with more time in the oven

how are the BOXES laggy
glitchy mess. good mons tho

Sorry gamers i actually kind of liked this one. The characters are shockingly not unbearable, Arven in particular, and I think the area zero stuff is pretty cool. Unfortunately they're still churning out laggy garbage on a far-too-regular basis so just because i like it relative to a steaming shit pile doesn't mean it's actually...good. lol.

A solid game held back by the yearly release that TPC mandates.

The ability to choose which story to do is a welcome change since you're not forced to do a certain plot you don't like.

The game overall is still pretty easy although I do like Iono's and Ryme's gym battles since they require different strats (Iono's final Pokemon is immune to Ground type moves thanks to levitation and Ryme's double battle format).

Terastallization is a really fun battle gimmick and has a lot of depth. Changing your pokemon's type in the middle of battle can decide if you win or lose a battle. This is my favorite battle gimmick in a Pokemon game thanks to how in-depth the mechanic is.

Although the game does a lot right, it is held back due to being unpolished. The inconsistent frame rate holds back the game a lot. This wouldn't be the problem if TPC didn't mandate the yearly release schedule.

Played through it twice because it's still Pokemon but god...

i made a tranny twink and refunded the game immediately

it has its bugs but i think its not the worst game in the series.

This game is nowhere near perfect. But I greatly enjoyed my time with it. I'm still actively playing it after two years of it being the current game. I've traveled to a state I've never been to in order to play it competitively with people I've only talked to online. There are parts of this game that gave me a sense of wonder that I've been getting from this series ever since I was a kid. I hope that Game Freak can take what worked well with this game and refine it into something even better.

One of the worst Pokémon games Gamefreak has put out. Bad graphics, poor and uncohesive world design and the story somehow is even worse than it's predecessors. The new Pokémon were just fine, imo. The world did not feel lived in even as I walked the streets of a city.

One step forward, two steps back for the Pokemon series. It has some good ideas that exceed the scope of what the Switch can do and leaves a bunch of features from previous games behind as a sacrifice. Despite this it still manages to be a fun experience. If you can overclock your switch to make the performance not embarrassing I would recommend it.

Legal, "Pokémon moto hahaha", jogo é legal, mal otimizado, da pra se divertir bastante e os designs dos novos pokémon são bem interessantes, a forma como eles aparecem no mapa aberto é boa também, talvez os "gym leaders" sejam um pouco sem carisma e esquecíveis bem como a "elite 4". Mas no geral é divertido.

did I enjoy this game? sure. are there some good ideas somewhere in here? sure.

is the fact that I had fun indicative of the fact that the game is not awful? no!

ive never been too much of a graphics-oriented person but even I have my line in the sand. this is an embarrassing product to release in 2024. but of course they got my money anyway so what am I if not complacent with (or actively encouraging) the entire problem