Reviews from

in the past

It should be illegal to make a game this shit and charge full price for it. Granted I got it for free on PS Plus but seriously, this is not a football game.

The tactics don't do anything, the players don't do anything unless you prompt them to pressing R1 or L1, there is no AI intelligence offensively or defensively, it's a buggy mess, and even with the realism sliders put on made by the community, this game is still diabolical to play.

this game is 'free' on ps plus right now so i downloaded it to play through a recent bout of ennui. the manager mode is fine, basically unchanged in 10 years but the bones are still solid. only new feature to speak of is that it gives you a little review of how good you did on transfers. its a fun lil nod to the implied world of blog posts and tweets amd group chats that exist in the imagination of the player. "oh cant believe Chunderly let McJohnson walk for nothing" you hear in your head as the game chides you for not finding a better way to offload a middling youth squad player. its barely good tho, given that im still prone to accidentally overpaying my new players in factors of ten given the way the wage input field jumps around. the game still gave me an A rating after paying some serie d loser 10000 dollars a week because i didnt pay any transfer fee

honestly losing the fifa license or whatever did really fuck this game, no jleague hurts me. no ligamx! i was reduced to playing as the fucking chicago fire!! also, super sick to include the nswl and other intl womens soccer leagues, but i cant play a manager of a womens team?

anyway this year is finally the year that i found out its more fun to set the matches to live sim amd yell at the tv rather than play them at all. i almost cut my finger off making dinner as late penalties in the mls cup semifinals unfolded. they should just like preinstall this game on tvs, its better without a controller.

my last thought is that it an unreal debacle to play multiplayer games locally in a lot of cases these days. like i made like 20 fake xbox accounts last year for a halo mcc lan party so i could tell who was shootimg me. fifa lets you just assign like a 'kick off' name that doesnt require account level access. this should be enforced by law on any game with local multiplayer

oh also its too easy to beat goalies in this game

I wish it was same sh*t different year. Forced merging of women's football to ultimate team is a huge downgrade.

لعبة جيدة لاكن تطفش منها ومالك الا هي اذا كنت طفشان

Покупал стабиль последние 7 лет, но это была моя последняя часть, больше я не выдержу

I haven't played a footy game in years, but FC 24 still feels fairly similar to those early 10s Fifa games, I've always loved Career mode and there hasn't been much changes over the years it seems. The Volta game mode was a nice surprise and reminds me of the more arcadey game modes on the Wii Fifa games.
The gameplay is way too fast and hectic when you're playing 4.5-5 star teams, and counter attacking teams are too OP, but the sliders mitigate all these issues somewhat.

However, I had to make a new PSN account to even connect online, which is kind of fucking indefensable.
And as someone who doesn't care about women's football, I have no interest in Ultimate Team because for no reason at all, they grouped the women players in with the men. I guess thsi was some sort of ESG thing, for FC 25 hopefully they just make a separate mode for women players.

A diferença entre fifa e uma punheta é que durante a punheta você sente algum tipo de prazer, embora ambos te deixem com um vazio descomunal por horas

Fifa continua sempre dos mesmos.
O jogo ainda é bom jogando com amigos ou passando uma sabado a tarde.
Mas nada demais em 2024

Nunca me diverti tão pouco a jogar um jogo e joguei FIFA a minha vida toda, defender é uma merda o teu jogador tira a bola mas bate e volta pra o atacante adversário e deixa ele completamente livre, atacar é uma merda jogar pelo meio é praticamente impossível os jogadores não sabem se posicionar e fazem do seu melhor para se deixarem marcados por todos os jogadores adversários, se por acaso houver uma desmarcação o defesa com menos 10 pontos de Pace/Velocidade vai chegar a tempo e cortar facilmente a bola, jogo resumido sobre quem tem o jogador que corre e ganha no corpo mais ou quem passa pro lado á frente da baliza depois de correr mais, abrir packs nunca foi mais inútil 50 packs ou 5 não há diferença só calha duplicados.
Modo carreira também não salva, definições de dificuldade merda, equipas de posição de despromoção vão jogar como se fossem treinadas pelo Pep Guardiola e o ponta de lança 70 de OVR manda foguete em vez de remate.
Pro Clubs, salva um bocado porque é jogado a rir com amigos melhor modo de jogo de longe.

sinceramente esse fifa ta tao nojento q eu nem tenho coragem de jogar o UT dele

I'm mainly a career mode guy who very rarely dips into UT just to play the draft mode. This iteration of FIFA/FC has been littered with bugs.

The biggest bug that has YET to be fixed (if ever) is the goalie running out. I see you're able to do this on UT, however in career mode your goalie will just stand on the spot jogging and won't even attempt to dive. It's awful, you can't rush your keeper out for anything and you just have to rely on them to save a shot.

Graphical issues have plagued this game once again, only in career mode (I think.) Star heads get added, but it ALWAYS seems to break the game and results in other players having their star heads removed. This usually doesn't get fixed until the next squad & game update, which is usually like 3 weeks at the bare minimum.

Overall, it has been a typical EA mess when it comes to FC 24. Same issues that plagued the previous games have found their way onto this one, no doubt FC 25 will be rife with bugs and glitches. It's a decent game if you like football, there's literally nothing else better on the market unless you either only like managing a team (Football Manager) or playing a bareboned, PS2 style game in PES/E Football. If the 2K rumours are true and they're working on a FIFA, then maybe we could finally get another game that'll push EA into making FC playable. Until then, we're stuck playing a buggy, broken mess of a game.

Mt meme não ter a seleção brasileira :/

I think most people think fifa is a bad game due to it’s gambling and pay to win aspects and the fact that it releases every year. These things for the average Fifa player (including me) sadly don’t matter anymore. This community doesn’t care because it is used to these things most people who played this game grew up with it and don’t know any better.

That is the reason I expect EA to atleast make the core gameplay of FIFA good but they can’t even achieve that with this game. I mean how can you release the same game over and over again and make it worse every year as an example the gameplay feels different everyday I am not even kidding sometimes it feels smooth and fast but most of the time just sluggish and slow. Ultimate teams power curve is evolving way to fast by making way to many promos so that everyone has an Overpowered squad halfway through this games life cycle. Something that still annoys me is how pace dependent everything is it doesn’t matter that Rodri is one of the best defensive midfielders in the world if he doesn’t have a promo with atleast 90 pace by December he is useless.

Career mode is also shit and gets worse every year the only thing EA add are some animations that yes are cute but get repetitive very fast and simply can’t be counted as added content. Also please for the sake of my life please remove the club objectives how can it be that I win the Premier league with Luton town and still get a bad managerial rating because i didn’t sign three players from Micronesia.

Another year another fif- sorry another EA FC. Didn’t actually buy this one but it was free on ps plus so thought I’d try it out even though haven’t played on a console in a while for multiplayer stuff. Is ok.

The franchise seems to have regressed. FIFA 22 was much better. It had a better soundtrack and presentation alone. FC 24 is missing match intros that replicate TV broadcasts for some reason. The player focused career is boring too with nonsensical mechanics. The career targets to reach are ridiculous for new player. As was the manager getting pissed off if you didn't play any football during the damn season break! No shit manager, I'm on holiday for crying out loud!

Been playing this games for 15 years now,and I can comfortably say ,this is lowest point of the franchise for me.
Everything is broken and funless.

I have this weird habit of every couple of years playing one season in manager mode of my fave club and then getting bored and forgetting about the game for 3 years.

Incrível como é a mesma coisa de sempre, e para piorar, não tem nada da seleção brasileira ou times brasileiros, chega a ser decepcionante.
O jogo tem sua jogabilidade igual aos anteriores, no meu ponto de vista, de um jogador casual.
As animações tem bugs frequentes de colisão, até no momento mais importante, levantar uma taça de campeão tem bugs pqp.

FIFA 24... oh sorry EAFC24 is certainly another FIFA game just without the license. Again EA here seems to not want to change anything and just keep releasing the same crap.
Luckily I got my copy via the playstation monthly free games that's the only reason I'm giving this 1 star and not a half star, it's cause I played this free.

The DDA in this game is pathetic. It seems that the game essentially rigs it for you to win or lose, where sometimes you could have the best defenders and attackers, and yet they all act like their bumbling idiots never scoring or tackling. Or sometimes they become prime Barcelona or Los Galacticos obliterating an opponent.

Also it seems like winning is wrong, and you have to lose sometimes.
It's almost as if EA is essentially punishing the player for being good.
I get wanting people to play your crappy release every year but wow is this a new low. This certainly feels like a cut and paste, because legit I didn't feel anything different in terms of how bad the DDA was in FIFA 23, just seems like they took it from there and placed it in here again, because EA don't like hard work or caring.
The only difference of this year compared to last is the name and the cover star.

Here's to hoping 2K FIFA 2025 is good. I think this game impressively somehow pushed long time players away. People who defend the long time scummy business practices have woken up and realized this shit is subpar. And no EAFC 25 will not improve upon this, it'll just be the same crap as before probably worse.

I played literally a day just to see if it was different from say FIFA 23, I did this by playing SEASONS. Playing seasons tells you everything you need to know about the online in this game.
The first 2 games I lost about 4-2 and 6-2. The 3rd game I whooped my opponent 6-1, the 4th game I got whooped 7-5, my 6th and 7th games, I won 6-1 in both situations.

It's almost like I insulted the DDA bot for winning my 3rd match so it decided to put me through hell in my 4th match. Yeah sure scoring goals is nice, but legit older FIFA games had that uniqueness of keeping scorelines low and had actual skill involved. Yeah sure you got sweats, but it's ridiculous when every game ends in 4 or 5 goals, you never see a scoreline below 2 goals.
In older FIFAs before FIFA 20, you had balance to a point where sometimes you'd even go extra time with people online cause the game was that close. I don't think I've ever experienced a 0-0 draw to full time in a modern FIFA after 23 and this game.

This game is absolutely bland asf to look at in its UI. I get Haaland is the cover star but could you not get other players on different screens?
Also the song selection is crap, the faces look fine.

I didn't bother touching career mode nor pro clubs cause they're the same boring unimproved fossilized mode that EA doesn't care to improve it.

As of writing (June 2nd, 2024) they haven't revealed EAFC 25 yet and yesterday Real Madrid won the Champions League so I'm willing to bet either Vinicius Jr or Jude Bellingham will be the cover star. I'm saying all of this to explain THE NEXT WILL BE EXACTLY THE SAME JUST HAVE A DIFFERENT NAME AND NUMBER, A DIFFERENT COVER STAR AND UPDATED TEAMS WITH NEW PLAYERS AND RETIRING ONES.

Luckily people seem to be starting to wake up from this nonsense, I have no hope in EA improving this series. Here's hoping 2K do a good job with the FIFA LICENSE.

but the gameplay is a bit better

el ultimate team me consumió 80 horas en un mes

só maluco de real madrid e manchester city nesse jogo

Assim, a franquia Fifa já não tava essas coisas, agora não ter como jogar no time do Brasil foi o apse kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Por isso q a EA perdeu o direitos do nome FIFA, o que mais eles tem que perder pra aprender?