Reviews from

in the past

im a huge sun and moon defender. the interruptions are annoying but truly are not as bad as people make them out to be. Experience the world of the game youre in!

Pokémon Sun was a refreshing entry in the series: it was an improvement over Gen 6, it has some of the coolest Pokémon, and it changed up the mechanics just enough to come across as exciting. I don't like that they got rid of Mega Evolutions but this game makes up for it with all of its improvements and an actually interesting story, something rare in the series.

one of the best things about pokemon is i can just go in, pick a starter, and build a team at my own accord
Sun and Moon throws that all away with the sony approach of cutscenes, boring dialogue, and forgettable characters. I was really excited for a hawaii region too

GooeyScale: 50/100

I had a great time during my first Alola playthrough - maybe some of the most fun I'd had with a Pokemon game at the time! ...But jeez do all the cutscenes make this tedious to replay.

Esse foi meu primeiro pokémon que eu decide pegar e ir a fundo dele e conseguir zerar, eu era uma criança nessa época, e tive muita dificuldade, mas mesmo assim eu não desisti e fui ate o final do jogo, eu adorei cada detalhe de Alola, par mim e umas da melhores regiões, tanto quanto ambientação, dex, os trails e a liga, simplesmente incrivel

Made some good quality of life changes to the series but god that opening sequence was so fucking long

I like this game. The start is slow but i think its a good beginner entry for the series. Pokemon in general is just okay even at its best, but I like this game and it has a good story for a pokemon game. this game is good.

it's fine! had a really good time and surprisingly dark in terms of a pokemon plotline

Infinitamente melhor do que eu lembrava. A substituição dos líderes de ginásio acabou com a trivialidade do jogo, os buffs dos totens deixam o jogo relativamente mais complicado, e isso é ótimo.

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Eu gostei muito desse jogo 🥺 É um dos meus Pokemons favoritos também. Eu amo a mecânica de alimentar e dar carinho nos Pokemons, e eu gosto muito da história (LILLIE VAMOS MATAR SUA MÃE JUNTAS)

Pokémon game that gives us new Pokémon and a new storyline. Almost like each new one.

WAY better than that excuse of a game "Pokemon Moon", this game has the all inclusive Tirtouga, while that dumb game called 'PoKeMOn MoOn' has the disgusting Bastiodon in it!

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La séptima generación de Pokémon es una bastante polarizante, hasta donde tengo entendido. Personalmente me gusta mucho porque fue un cambio fresco para una franquicia que llevaba 6 generaciones haciendo básicamente lo mismo.

Me encanta la idea de los Retos de la Isla y especialmente convertirte en el primer Campeón en la historia de la región; le metieron un poco más de historia a los personajes y si bien hay momentos que se quedan cortos o que se sienten incompletos, aún a sabiendas de que Ultra Sun y Ultra Moon existen, viajar por Alola es bastante agradable.

También he de mencionar que decidí volver a jugar el juego desde 0 cuando me enteré que iban a cerrar los servicios online del 3DS, así que empecé este playthrough hace unos meses y lo dejé cuando había completado el Pokédex de la región (alrededor de 300 Pokémon), pero ahora sí me senté a terminarlo y ahora admito que tengo ganas de jugar US/UM en algún momento.

I really quite liked Gen 7. Alola is very easily the most interesting and pleasing region in Pokemon. Very pretty, very unique. The island challenges and Kahunas instead of gyms was a super cool shake up of the standard Pokemon formula even if they were simply Pokemon gyms just reskinned. The biggest drawback is how ungodly long the handholding is. It feels like a four hour tutorial for an eight hour game. Which is almost unforgivable.

Still Alola is so damn charming I enjoyed all the time I spent there

Si es verdad que la primera parte es bastante cancina, que no haces nada y hablan y hablan. Para un primer juego no está mal, porque un punto muy fuerte es la historia, y esto le da building a eso y a los personajes. El no tener gimnasios si no las pruebas es una unicidad buena, y algunos dominantes son jodidos. Los movimientos Z son un poco raros (supongo que balanceados) porque están en teoría bastante rotos, pero durante la mayoría del tiempo prefieres no usarlos. Las formas alola definitivamente la mejor idea posible. El team skull es bastante bueno, el como es comico pero tiene un transfondo bueno e interesante.

The new Trial formula, the Ride Pokemon, the Isles, the Carnaval, the Ultra Beasts and Z-Moves?! The hype was absolutely there for this new arrival and I was feeling ecstatic with every new trailer that came out.
I'm not here to convince you, but I spent an easy 500+ hours on this game.

the new variant designs were all very cute

solid pokemon game! surprisingly difficult at times!

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Before I express my thoughts on this game, I am aware that the Ultra games are the 'definitive' versions of this generation, like how Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum were, but I have reasons behind playing this version first.

Seeing this game back when it was in its prime was when I really didn't understand what was going on with the franchise at this point from an outsider's point of view. Pokemon GO came out a few months before this game, and I was crazily addicted to that, and then I saw footage of this game...and it didn't really appeal to me at all. Maybe it was because it was set in a tropical like region, or maybe I saw the first island and said "this world is tiny. This game is gonna be so dull very quickly". Fast forward from 2016 to now, and I finally get to try this game out, after years of avoiding this generation.

Back then, and even now at some points, I hear and read a lot of negativity around this generation, as it is rather text heavy, has an uninteresting battle mechanic, and that the game feels a little lacklustre in content. Well, here's what I have to say about this game, and it is going to be a hot take...I actually like this game quite a lot in several areas.

First off, let's talk the story as we always do. You play as either Elio or Selene, who journeys around the wonderful Alola region, after moving all the way from Kanto. You meet up with your new friends such as your rival, Hau, Professor Kukui (who also seems to be a big wrestler later on), and his associate Lillie. After meeting them, you follow Lillie and almost die saving her strange Pokemon named Nebby, and are given an item from the Tapu protecting the island. Thus, you are seen as a challenger for the trials and start to become the next island challenge champion. However, things are awry within our journey as we run into Team Skull as our usual villains led by the boss Guzma.

Now, let's actually talk about the gameplay because this is where some things have changed this generation. First off, because you are becoming an island challenge champion at first, there are no gym badges for you to grab in this game. No big continent for you to explore, no Champion, nothing like that. Instead, the challenge is presented by defeating the four Kahunas on each island, and by completing all the trials led by the Captains. This was a nice change of pace that was unusual for Pokemon at this time, as at this point we were all familiar with just fighting to become champ. But I know we're living in a time with PLA being a thing and how that too also changed the structure of a mainline entry's game design, but that's different. But yeah, with Alola being based on Hawaii, the region is split with four islands; each being accessible after clearing each Kahuna. There are also no HMs to gain meaning that this is the first game to finally berid of those abominations as these were poorly handled since Gen 1, which makes Gen 7 waaaay better already.

During your travels, you will also be able to take on the trials held by the Captains of the region, whether it is to take out Pokemon, cook up a meal, or guess audio, they are all usually different, with a strong challenge at the end being a Totem Pokemon, having to fight a bigger Pokemon with an increased stat and to call in allies. Yes, this was the game to introduce another battle mechanic: SOS Battles. After an enemy is low on HP, or if an Adrenaline Orb is used, they can call in backup to aid them, or say if Corsola calls in Toxapex, it can attack them. This is their way of changing horde battles into this and I kinda like this more, since it helps with grinding exp if you need it, helps with finding specific abilities or genders you want, and is the best shiny hunting method at that time. But after taking on each trial on the islands, you're faced with the Kahuna, similar to the gym leaders in other games.

Lastly, there are the Z-Moves found within this game's new items; Z-Crystals. When equipped, you gain access to a souped up attack based on its type, accompanied with a flashy animation, that deals huge damage and can never miss at all, but like Megas (which are also in this game), you can only use them once per battle. To be honest, I kind of like the Megas more over Z-Moves. While they are cool to see and are powerful, Mega Evolutions are way better as they increase that Pokemon's stats and could possibly change types too, which was even more useful.

Later on in the game at island three, Kukui tells you that he has made a Pokemon League as you battle members of the newly formed Elite Four and to become the first ever Champion. But whilst doing that, you also visit Lusamine at the Aether Paradise, an organization hell bent on protecting Pokemon from Team Skull, with Lusamine researching Ultra Beasts and alternate dimensions. However, it's revealed she wants to send them here with Nebby's power and to be with one of the Ultra Beasts, Nihilego. She does that and fuses with the Pokemon which was rad as hell! ...But you don't fight her as a battle, you fight her team, which is really weak...almost like Robo Groudon 2.0 in XD.

One last thing I wanted to cover were the Pokemon themselves. These bastards are possibly my new favourites now that I have seen every generation's mons. 81 new Pokemon were added from Alola totalling up to 802 (without USUM), and with the introduction of regional variants: Pokemon that are the exact same, but with a different design and typing, for example Meowth is now dark type, Marowak is ghost/fire, and Raichu is electric/psychic. I actually like some of these Pokemon much more than their OG counterparts, and the new Pokemon rock like Lycanroc, Wishiwashi, Tsareena, and even the legendaries, Tapu Koko & Fini, Solgaleo, Lunala, Silvally, Necrozma, and the Ultra Beasts Buzzwole, Kartana, and Guzzlord. Plus the starters were awesome this time around, although I chose Popplio for my playthrough, I like Litten out of them all.

Overall, gen 7 has one of the strongest stories in the franchise, next to gens 5 and 9, a great set of new Pokemon and regional forms, awesome ways to change the gameplay with trials and kahunas, and the new SOS battles are hype with shinies being so much easier. But I do have to agree that the beginning and ending of the game's plot did drag on quite a bit, especially the cutscenes leading to the credits which was 20 damn minutes, the Z Moves were not that appealing as Megas were on a gameplay level, and Lusamine is not a good mother at all.

Oh, and I also played the demo to get Ash-Greninja for this game. I didn't use it of course, but it was cool to have.

Better than it gets credit for.

Maybe a played this game at a weird point in my life but I just don't have positive association with this one. I really like that gamefreak tried to switch it up but gym's just work so much better for this series. I thought the first 2 hours are incredibly slow and hold my hand for longer than most of these games do.

The pokemon are good, not great, even though the vibe of this region is very sick. The ultrabeast stuff is kind of ehh, Gladion and Lily are cool but thats about it. This game is kind of a wash and didn't make me play the next one.