Reviews from

in the past

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MY FUCKING GAME YALL!!!!!!!!!!! I FUCKING LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!1!!1! my fave out of the franchise yayyy!!!! first of all, when it comes to characters, this game has nagito komaeda and i am not embarrassed to admit i am madly in love with him and think he is one of the best characters to ever have been made. he is my favorite ever and i'm so damn thankful for this game for that. our beloved protag, hajime hinata, also takes the spot as my favorite protagonist out of every game i have played and i won't go on a tangent just about him but i appreciate how unique he is and so full of personality. every other character was also so interesting, even those i liked a little less had me very invested in them and i love the dynamics between everyone. i also love how this game is set on an island because that's just fucking cool idc! the trials kept me on my toes and specially trial 4 and 5 had me go through the entire spectrum of human emotions. as for the bigger plot twist i admit, oh it really twisted the plot alright. my jaw was on the floor yes it's true. (SPOILER FROM HERE ON) the remnants of despair reveal? oh i fell to my knees. hajime is izuru kamukura and technically the mastermind and literally signed up to be lobotomized and he boutta be erased when he wakes up? holy shit. what the fuck. this was so insane to be and i was genuinely dramatically collapsing whilst going through this. amazing game yup yup. and it's the PERFECT sequel to the INCREDIBLE game that danganronpa 1 already was.

best dr game no competition actually

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they don't write characters like him anymore. my beautiful leukemia king.

Meilleur danganronpa de la série

Improved gameplay, a strong cast, and an engaging story with a finale that could've easily been a mistake, but it delighted me. I love the game despite some problems.

Love this game and all these chapters were just so good. I loved the ending and all the cases were great. I liked the characters and the environments but it felt very empty as well.

chap 5 made me go insane in a good and bad way

My man Komaeda is literally me frfrfrfrfrfr

i love danganronpa because its fucking awful

i hate valorant because awful isn't enough to describe it

I often wonder if it was because I played this game in a bubble or because the series hadn't reached the height of its popularity at the time that I was able to experience this game the way I did.

For context, I knew about this series because it'd been mentioned in passing here and there, and while I can't remember exactly how I even found out about it, it didn't really have the reputation it does today. I'm not saying this is a good or bad thing, simply that I had no knowledge of what I was about to experience.

At the time, I enjoyed DR1 quite a bit, and DR2 was one of those things I saw bits and pieces of because of store pages and what not but that was it. When I got to actually play it, I loved it. It blew DR1 out of the water for me, and I enjoyed just about every bit of it.

The thing about Danganronpa 2 is that it is tailor made to work against what the player knows about the series. It's actually funny in some instances because there's a lot of dramatic irony already- instances where we know things the character's don't- and the game will subvert the player's thoughts and expectations with the characters in the game being genuinely clueless as to what's going on. This is something that continues into the 3rd game, I think Kodaka just likes doing it to be honest.

Anyway as for the actual game, it's good. I think generally speaking it's a lot better than the first game, both in terms of the character and the story itself. The roles of each character and the dynamics that are formed are generally more endearing, which makes the island feel more alive and fun.

To be honest I don't really have to much to say specifically outside of that back then I was a big fan of Nagito as a character and having replayed it, especially in a world where he's been memed to the point that people know him more than his game, I still think the role Kodaka chose to give him is unique and fun.

Ending song's a banger and Ekoroshia goes really hard. By the way, did you know that a pentagon has five sides?

I can't believe i'm giving this game a 9 but you gotta understand, a girl equated me to gundam in high school and i had a patrick bateman "im him" moment.
just let me have this
(i didnt even know what the series was at the time, so its what got me to start it, also i genuinely love the characters and story and how this wrapped the series up)

I would rather complete Hello Neighbor 100 times and drive blindly up the motorway on the wrong side of the road than play this game.

Much like with the first Danganronpa, I was privileged enough to not be spoiled on this game at all despite having many Danganronpa-obsessed friends as a teenager. I knew that white-haired twink made people crazy, yeah, but nothing specific.

But yeah, I understand now.

Seriously though, this is a great follow up to the first game, and I really enjoyed being able to go through it finally. Hard to say whether I like it more than the first, but it's definitely close. Very strong recommendation from me if you played and enjoyed the first game.

البلوت ماكان قادزيمي بس الشخصيات من افضل شخصيات السلسله

I enjoyed this one more than the first one, very interesing story. The twist was kinda obvious imo, but overall I enjoyed the characters more in this one.

Não tenho palavras para dizer o quanto amo Danganronpa e todos os jogos dessa franquia! Amei os personagens do goodbye despair (estou na trincheiras pelo Nagito), os cenários paradisíacos, os plot twists, os class trials, O SOUNDTRACK (tem músicas que trazem uma nostalgia e um sentimento agridoce tão grande quando escuto hoje em dia), a história muito bem construída... enfim, queria poder apagar da minha mente tudo relacionado a Danganronpa para poder jogar de novo

one of my favorite stories in gaming. Endlessly creative with the two best trials in the series, and the most well written character in the series as well

Pues genuinamente está bastante guapo, tiene suficientes personajes interesantes como para que te gusten unos cuantos y no querer que mueran

Preferred the first game a little more but other than that this one was pretty similar, again the fandom is what ruined it

By choosing to expand the world and its chaos in this sequel, they lost the dark and mysterious intrigue of its predecessor.

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair is a great sequel to Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. In my opinion, it does everything wayyyyy better: the characters, the music, the setting, the lore/worldbuilding, the murder mysteries, the class trials, the executions, everything, except a few things that I'll discuss in this review. I will say that this game is my favourite of the series.

To start off is the setting. Without any spoilers, I will say that it certainly is a unique one. Unlike THH's school setting, 16 students are trapped on a remote island called Jabberwock Island. Whilst not initially set to participate in a killing game, and instead being guised as a School Trip, created by Monokuma's sister, Monomi/Usami. It isn't until Monokuma takes over the entire island and orders the students to start killing each other. I just love the island setting, and its soo different from the school setting that we had gotten used to in THH. There's a variety of areas, so there's really zero chance of getting bored of looking around the different parts of Jabberwock Island.

Story wise, it mostly has the same premise as Trigger Happy Havoc, however with the inclusion of a Chapter 0. The story this time around is much better, and it has more sub-events, which was one of my main critiques about THH. Without spoilers, the murder mysteries in this game are much more creative, and the different motives are also great (such as the Twilight Syndrome Murder Case, The Despair Disease, and Starvation). Cases are overall great except one in my opinion, but I won't specify which, it just seems very sloppy and quickly-put together, and the pay-off just doesn't make much sense. The execution of that case is also arguably the worst in the series. Chapter 5 is actually cinema and is great and probably one of, if not the best chapter in the entire series. The ending and the twist is also just batshit insane and crazy, I love it. Overall, the story in this game is fantastic with only one noticeable miss.

The class trials. They are SO much better in this game. There is an actual diverse amount of minigames now and the cases are more well thought-out and not super obvious on 'who-dunnit' to the point where they're actually really enjoyable. You can either agree or refute different statements, an improved Hangman's Gambit (hooray..), Rebuttal Showdown which is arguably the best addition because you go head-to-head with one other student in a debate to prove them wrong. There's also a logic dive where you get to play a little scrolling minigame to deduce what events happened when. These are great additions and made the game that much more enjoyable.

Also want to further talk about deaths and executions. The deaths are just way better in this game, and the executions are great, besides one of them being a little silly, and the other a lot bizarre, the rest are really emotionally driven and make me care about the characters that much more, even if they are murderers.

Character wise, we got some more diversity, but it still seems pretty tropey. We have the normal guy, the psychotic guy, the skirtchaser, the uwu gamer girl, the energetic girl, the vulgar boy, and the bitchy girl, among others. The free-time events are essentially the same concept as the previous game, just with different characters. I think the events in this game gave the characters more development and more personality and allowed them to further stand out. Overall, a great cast of characters with just a few duds, but others are great.

The music in this series continues to slap, and when it slaps, it slaps HARD.

Overall, a great game and I enjoyed my experience once again with it. There's still little replay value, but I would recommend this game if you enjoyed Trigger Happy Havoc.

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Despite being just as competent as the first game, 2 doesn't quite reach the same emotional highs since the character motivations all stand on shaky ground outside of the first case.
It's not a huge step down, I'd still give DR2 a 9.5, but it's a very OBVIOUS 9.5 when looking at the first game.
Without getting too deep into spoilers, the motivations the killers in this game have are far less stable than those found in the first game. This results in cases that aren't quite as engaging by the time they come around to ending, and this extends even as far as the game's final chapter.

I have yet to mention the gameplay changes to DR2, and this is mostly because they serve to VERY minimally affect the game's score. Any changes made to mechanics like white noise or the new bullet time battle are marginal. New mechanics like showdowns and logic dives are neutral in how they affect the gameplay, but go towards DR2's feeling of being overstuffed with mechanics. And in the worst case scenario, the laughably named Improved Hangman's Gambit is just straight up terrible.

Danganronpa 2 is still a fantastic game mind you, but when I say that the game is a 9.5 out of 10, just know that's upon further deliberation, a final score would more likely be a 9 than a 10.

(Played via Decadence)
I guess to start with the main thing, while I do have my problems with this game, I do think this is a big improvement on 1 and a pretty good game.

To quickly go through my issues, most of the minigames I do not like (new Hangman's Gambit especially), and I feel Chapter 5 and 6 really drag at points

But as for praises, this game's lineup of characters is so much better (Many more enjoyable characters), the Island I find much more interesting than Hope's Academy, and they went and fixed some dumb stuff from the first game, like dropping Re:Act entirely, giving hints for what each panel needs and what each part represents in the Closing Remarks, and really tightening up the ranking system so (from my experience on Mean-Mean) getting A ranks isn't something you can get with extreme ease

Also has a really good soundtrack too and some cool executions

i love danganronpa it fucking sucks

great story this shit is fire except when mikan has her pussy on full display holy shit i hate her i hate this game but i love ibuki