Reviews from

in the past

If Danganronpa 1 was an off-the-wall detective black comedy silly game then this one is the fuckin syrup they used to dilute and make the first one. Atmosphere is definitely worse as it loses the trapped-ness of the first one and the mystery just doesn't feel as strong. HOWEVER, everything else is pretty much cranked to eleventy seven. Characters are fucking psychopaths but I love them and the trials and twists can sometimes seem like asspulls but damn it if I'm a sucker for just how insane it gets. Nagito Komaeda is also kind of the star and carries the game. Aside from being funny murder twink he is out of place in how interesting his character and motivation is compared to anyone else in the series. Banger character, made me appreciate everything else more. The bad trials in this one are worse than 1 but the goat trials are even better, so it evens out.

"The MEAT ON THE BONE!" - Hajimemes Hinata, Ultimate ???, 2012.

One ticket for a trip to Jabberwock Island please! Following up the Killing School Life, DR2 offers more fun, more mystery, more characters to love/hate, and an equally cool storyline. I digged the tropical locations as much as did Hope's Peak, and the characters alone are worth a good playthrough. It's kinda hard to follow the "No Attachment" rule the community throws around so much when there's bound to be someone to connect with. The twists you'll get through this are fantastic through and through, it is tied with V3 (and other games) amongst my favorite visual novels of all time!

Mejor que el primero, pero odié al imbécil de pelo blanco

Для большинства людей любимая часть, для себя не могу выделить какая часть моя любимая. Во второй части мой фаворит Микан и мне нравится как ближе к концу в игре потихоньку все сходят с ума, еще мне нравится некоторые убийства второй половины игры, еще мне нравится Мономи и рыжуля фотограф, она милая. Но мне совсем не нравится концовка и идея финального твиста, когда игру начинаешь заново как бы и видно что намеки на концовку были в начале, но все равно абсурдный бред и мне не зашло, но абсолютно все кроме концовки очень даже хорошее, не скажу что лучше или хуже первой части, просто немного другое.

I could care less for most of the cast. I didn't enjoy many of the trials either.

Great sequel to a game I always heard a lot about way back. Not much to say with no spoilers, just a good game if you like murder mystery games and/or anime stuff.

Smaller review that I'd be capable of, but it'll suffice. There's not a whole lot to talk about without delving into spoiler territory, anyways. Played the series over the summer of 2018 and I can't believe "it's only been 6 years".

In the business world, we call this "strike whilst the proverbial iron is hot". Can peak go much higher? You know, there's a tendency with me that I'll often have the 2nd entry of any trilogy as my favorite. Maybe because it's the one who perfects a formula before it starts to be too tried and true? In any case, we've got a hell of an entry here. But it's more of a paradise, one quiet, unsettling paradise, nothing short of a vibe. These silly goobers have the best chemistry yet, and the trials are all as good as the next. Not a single miss, people. Even the designs are great! Even their panties look good! Huh-

So, this is where the minigames really get quirky. Deadass I believed Hajime going "fuck it we skate" was a hint to this real talent, when in fact, he was ballin. Admittedly, the "helper" student this time around isn't as interesting as the one in DR1, but she's my mid so let ha cook 🔥🔥💯 I guess Gundham is also more of "style over substance", but thats a lot more understandable than Celeste, tldr he's my fav here with close second being Mahiru, best girl of the series. Let me prove my worth, I'm the one trust. Akane is the closest to a bad character, but while I don't fw the writing it's quite bold and I respect the attempt. Their claim that Fuyuhiko is the Ultimate Yakuza is frankly, foolish, has Hope's Peak not heard of the Dragon of Dojima?? (he's not a highschooler)

This game's writing hits like a truck on 20 different occasions. It's more than a true sequel to DR1, it feels as removed from it as V3 is despite Hope's Peak Academy link in DR2, to what extent, I will not say. This is about as much as I allow myself to say without hinting too much at what surprises you'll find here, this entry is rightfully the fan favorite of the series. Don't forget to house the strawberry and respect women on your main account. Have a good day!

An absolutely incredible experience from start to finish. Being a sequel to a game I already loved so much, I was really curious how they would handle things this time around to keep a fresh and unique experience while still keeping the same mystery and intrigue of the first game. How would they recreate the feelings of dread and mystery from the first game? How would they handle class trials differently? How would they write a sequel story whose foundational premise is so similar to the previous one? I think right off the bat the game it was clear to me that they really went all out in making this feel totally distinct and not just a repeat of what the first game did. In fact, the writers are SO aware of this that they straight up make fun of the first game out loud for the way it executed plot twists and story beats (which weren't even remotely bad in the first place) and then tease you that there is a lot more going on than you actually think.

I feel like right off the bat my issue with the characters from the first game was immediately fixed both in terms of overall writing and appreciation but also first impressions. And for the very small handful of characters I wasn't so fond of at first, they at least did grow on me later on through the story and free time events. It would be quicker to list the characters I wasn't as particularly fond of, so those would be Teruteru, Kazuichi, and Hiyoko (she's probably the only one who I didn't change my opinion on, but I also get it because she's the way she is on purpose). Everyone else in this game is either really entertaining, funny, tragic, incredibly well-written, or some kind of combination of those. My favourites of the cast are Fuyuhiko, Nagito, and Hajime. Fuyuhiko is a character I REALLY loved. His development as a person was probably my favourite in terms of which character's story I felt the most emotion to. Nagito truly established himself as one of the most insane stories I've ever seen. There's only so much I can say about him without spoiling. But there really is no character in fiction who does it like he does. He's truly one of the most unique, fun, and deep characters ever. Lastly, Hajime as a protagonist goes above and beyond what Makoto was in the first game. While I love Makoto's story for being more on the simpler side of things (as is the rest of DR1 compared to DR2), I can definitely say that Hajime is the character with more depth and twists that make him stand out a lot.

This time around the overall story was so much better than the first game. A lot of that is thanks to the much better cast and continuation of the story, meaning questions and aspects of the first game can be answered and expanded upon. Honestly it's a bit hard to say much about the story that I haven't already said in my review of DR1. My opinions on DR2's story is basically what I thought of DR1 but WAY better in every way. The last two chapters of this game are pure mindfuckery; at that point in the game I straight up could not stop playing until I rolled credits because it was so good. The game never lets down the suspense and intrigue one bit throughout all of it, and that's what made this story so special this time around.

I think I loved both DR1 and DR2's stories almost equally but I love them both for drastically different reasons. DR1 was more on the simpler side compared to the sequel, but that was sort of part of the beauty of it. It wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for how much they made me care for Makoto and Kyoko. The highs are very high, and the lows aren't even that low at all. It's an amazing story that is only held back by some annoying characters. On the other hand, DR2 takes all of what DR1 established and just makes it better and more impactful. In a way I guess it's kind of like the jump from Kingdom Hearts I to II, or God of War 4 to Ragnarok where the first game is fairly simple but not to a fault. And then the sequel comes in and ramps things up by a ton in terms of writing and complexity. Sometimes the latter can be a bit of a bad thing, because I actually think God of War Ragnarok removes the simplicity of the first game to the point where it kind of makes things worse. But thankfully that wasn't the case with DR2. It is perfectly fine as it is for the way it continues the story and improves everything the first game lacked. While I did feel more of an emotional impact towards the ending of DR1, it's undeniable that DR2's ending is just miles beyond the first game in terms of depth. And stuff like that is what I like to call "Cinema".

A “what did I just play” ending if I’ve ever seen one. While the characters didn’t feel as strong and distinct as the first one, a lot of them stood out and were what kept me playing. Some of my favorites were Nekomaru, Gundham, and Ibuki (while she wasn’t great, Hiyoko was also a total standout just for how good her VA did). I probably won’t play v3 anytime soon but I’m looking forward to eventually playing it.