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in the past

got goosebumps when mario told bowser "you've wow-eed your last zow-ee"

Das Spiel hat mich extrem positiv überrascht. Ich bin nicht wirklich der 2D Mario Fan, vor allem die New Super Mario Bros Teile leiden enorm unter dem Gefühl der Repetitive, aber Wonder ist die direkte klare Antwort das Mario es noch kann.
Man bekommt konstant Überraschungen am laufenden Band, die Animationen sehen endlich super lebendig und gut aus, die Musik ist fantastisch, es wird gut mit Levelthematiken gespielt.
Es ist all in all ein unfassbar gutes Spiel, was trotz der lobenden Worte, aber nicht so viel in mir auslöst oder wo ich denke: "Das übertrifft DKCTF, Rayman Legends oder Sonic Mania", da es trotzdem noch so kleinere Schwächen gibt, die das Game etwas runterziehen.
1. Kein New Game +. Gerade mit dem Abzeichen könnte man easy ein neues interessantes Spielerlebnis erschaffen, aber stattdessen kann man nur nochmal die Level nach Lust und Laune zocken.
2. Bosse. 2D Mario typisch belanglos, aber diesmal so extrem, dass man gar vergisst, dass es mal Bosse gegeben hat. So unspektakulär die Koopalinge waren, sind es dennoch Bosse mit simplen Muster, dass es zu lernen/kontern gilt.
Hier ist es mehrfach Bowser Jr mit recht absehbaren Muster und das war es. Nur der Final Boss ist abwechslungsreich und gut, aber da muss Nintendo dringend nachrüsten.
3. Wunder-Blumen Spam. Die Abwechslung ist mega nice, aber hin und wieder fehlt es an Ausreizen der Ideen. Es wird sehr infantile mit Ideen geschmissen und das ist sehr schade, weil manche deutlich mehr Spotlight mMn verdient hätten.

Aber trotz allem liebe ich das Spiel und es konnte mich zum Fan von 2D Mario stimmen. Nächstes Mal nur noch so ein paar Stellschrauben anpacken und dann dürfte Mario wieder die Spitze von 2D Jump'n Runs sein. <3

It's the best 2D Mario.

Yeah that's all. That's the review.

charming and fun, enjoyed playing and collecting everything.

"forced soul" is the logical end point of the "new bad old good" argument. the ultimate meaningless buzzword. the chat member who coined it in that vinesauce stream is a genius, whether he knows it or not.

oh, you wanted a review?? uhhhhhhhhh

Do not play this while absolutely stoned out of your mind

I wanted Odyssey 2 but I'll take this instead

New Super Mario Bros. Wii/U/Deluxe walked so this one could run, jump, fly, get higher and higher till it disappears on the sky. It is an amazing game.

I would've lost my shit at this game 6 years ago, and luckily I still did today.

i really wanted more mario content then this game came out and i was extremely satisfied and happy, will look at this game a few years down and it'll be an absolute classic

Quando o level design da fase sozinho é capaz de colocar um sorriso no seu rosto, quer dizer que o material é bom. E bom de verdade. Muito.

A Mario Bros. adventure full of charm and creativity. There were plenty of times where I couldn't stop smiling. The only downside to the game was that it was over so soon.

This review contains spoilers

Thank god the NSMB era is over. Crazy ass Mario is back!! Ball bustingly hard star Road levels at parts, strange to make the final badge locked behind the final level after you’ve literally done everything.

On release, Wonder was quickly crowned the new king of the 2D Mario series by legions of folks who’d been burned deeply by the New Super Mario Bros. tetrology's shallow and uninspired aesthetic. I was there. I’ve played all of these games. 2D Mario games are important enough to me that I will play them on a TV, even if it means passers-by can look in and clearly tell that I’m not filing my tax returns. I finished Wonder with 100% completion on the weekend of October 20th, 2023 (unless you count the standees. I don’t). I’ve replayed all of its levels at least twice, with and without grabbing each Wonder Flower. You know I like this game a heck of a lot. Nevertheless, I’ve got a lot to say, not all of it good. This is gonna sound a bit dry.

On Super Mario Bros. Wonder (OR — "No Country for New Super Mario Bros.")

Visually, Wonder is closer to my Dream Mario than any other this side of Yoshi’s Island, and I do hope the next one commits even harder to the cartoonishness of this aesthetic. My first impression was that it had the best control of any game in the 2D series, and in most respects, I do still believe that. The “New” games carried with them this lumbering heaviness that I’m glad we’ve shed away. The Elephant power-up is a bit undercooked, but the other two additions appropriately shake up the player's relationship with enemies and the environment. Just being able to jump into enemies from below while at a full sprint makes the Drill a treat, even without considering its burrowing ability. The removal of a flight-based power was likely due to multiplayer, but in principle, it helps the game stay centered squarely on running and jumping, and encourages creative use of the Bubble Flower (which, yes, is more or less a retooled Bubble Yoshi from off of NSMBU). The Demon’s Souls online feature is welcome; I didn’t see myself playing as a guardian angel in a Mario game, but here we are. Badges are a solid addition too, especially for newcomers. I can play as Daisy. Awesome stuff. Promising. Shame that, to my taste, there’s a lot left on the table here.

Every stage of this game locks its enemies and visuals and stage gimmicks down almost completely; you’re not likely to see much crossover. There’s one rolla-koopa stage, one hoppycat stage, one condart stage. These guys are stuck in their zones. It results in an impressive level of variety, but also prevents the game from meaningfully building on concepts from stage to stage. You don’t get that blending of flavors you’ll find in the series’ earliest entries. In this respect, it’s arguably even more formulaic than the games it’s trying to subvert. Each level’s gimmicks undergo a similar arc before being put away, each of them with a Wonder Flower to find which activates a minigame or setpiece. Nothing so plain as the well-documented and scientifically-proven "Four Step Level Design" of New Super Mario Bros., they just remembered to add the sugar. Would people still be talking about Mario 3's Angry Sun if you had to pop a regularly-mandated Wonder Flower to activate it? I don’t think it helps that these stages are threaded together as loosely as they are.

Playing into its save feature, Super Mario World invited its players to revisit levels for alternate exits and hidden secrets. Wonder doubles down on that attitude, with a wide-open map and only a single file per user. You’re meant to dig around in these levels and scour the world, but there isn’t really a whole lot to find. Yes, there are large coins to collect, tops of flagpoles to grab, but – and I hate to grumble – these pale in comparison to the discovery of warp zones, unique power-ups, and routes which alter the trajectory of a playthrough. I think they’d have been better off hiding badges within full stages than keeping them in shops or bespoke levels on the overworld. I’m of the opinion that collectibles should feel immediately tangible and exciting. Wonder sidesteps the checklist school of design for the most part, but I’d like to see it drop outta these games completely.

Here's what I'm getting at – I don’t think Wonder is adept at curating its adventure, and I don’t get the impression that its developers made that a priority. There’s a sort of halfhearted effort to add a single story beat to each world, and it's unconvincing. Possible plants just don't tend to pay off. The talking flowers never do. Stages are clustered together with respect to difficulty and theming, but any pretense of a “flow” between them, that levels together form an arc, is rarely suggested. A level is an island unto itself. It’s because the game isn’t concerned with its own replayability, actively obfuscating the option to start a New Game. It’s because Wonder isn’t all that interested in blending ideas between stages. It’s because the “Wonder” gimmick, ironically, requires each level to follow the same general beats.

I came for an album, and what I got was a collection of singles. They’re good, even great singles, but I don’t think it comes together as a whole game in the same way each of the old classics did. I hope Wonder is a sign that Nintendo is open to getting even more experimental with the conventions of this series (maybe cut out the world map next time, have one continuous game of back-to-back platforming levels), and I’m glad it was well received. You can feel those seasoned designers stretching their legs with this one — it beats out the New Super Marios on charm factor alone — and I squeezed every last drop I could out of it. I believe greater heights are within reach for this series, but if this is the last for a while, I'll still be more than appreciative that Wonder got its moment in the spotlight.

(...if you'd like to see where this falls on my list of the Thirty-Five Best Games I Played in 2023, you can check it out here. Thanks for reading!)

YouTube Videos About Mario Wonder:

- How Mario Lost His Soul
- Joss Whedon Flowers?!
- The Disney-fication of Nintendo

One of the best Super Mario game I've played since a long time! It's incredible after decades that Nintendo still manages to re-invente the platform game.
Almost each level is different and uses Mario's abilities differently, you never get a chance to get bored. The animations, colors and design are stunning!

nunca lo llegue a loggear pero está chulo ^^ me lo pasé súper rápido!

aún me queda el último nivel secreto para pasármelo 100% pero como tengo un drift de la hostia y no sé cuándo lo podré arreglar, lo pongo como completado :)

It's amazing how much of a difference a new lick of paint can make.

Super Mario Wonder is a 2D Mario game that is a kind of successor to the New Super Mario Bros. series. The NSMB games spanned multiple consoles and while that series was originally praised as a welcome return to classic 2D Mario gameplay, the formula quickly got old and uninspired. Then, along came Super Mario Wonder.

Wonder retains the strong fundamentals that made the NSMB games fun. Tight controls, satisfying platforming, chaotic multiplayer gameplay...but Wonder adds a hefty spoonful of creativity to the recipe that felt missing in the NSMB titles. You never feel like Wonder is just 'going through the motions' or presenting 'more of the same', it's a beautifully fresh, dynamic take on 2D Mario.

So, what's different? For starters, Wonder is an utterly gorgeous looking game. The graphics have a clean, cartoony look and every character, enemy and landscape is beaming with personality. Wonder also has a relatively experimental soundtrack as well. The soundtrack does a good job of mixing traditional Mario tunes with slightly more atmospheric and off-kilter compositions, which makes for some great variety and adds even more charm to the amazing looking environments. Most importantly, Wonder is a game teaming with fun ideas and charming gimmicks.

Every level sees you collecting a Wonder Seed, an item that, when grabbed, fundamentally changes something about the level's gameplay. You'll find Wonder Seeds that transform you into enemies, turn the level into a silhouette à la Donkey Kong Country Returns, changes the level perspective to a top-down view and many, many, MANY more. You just never know what you're getting yourself into when you boot up a level.

THAT is the real joy of Wonder; you never know what to expect. The coupling of the new presentation with the constantly charming, diverse gameplay easily elevates Wonder above the NSMB games. It delighted me in a way that no 2D Mario game has since Yoshi's Island and I can easily see myself revisiting Wonder for a second run in a couple of years.

Incredible game. So much creativity even if the game kinda peaked with the second level. So many fun moments. Gorgeous art direction and animation. We're finally seeing 2D animation influence games animated with 3D models more just like Holywood has been doing since Peanuts and Spiderverse and I am here for it. Also, I never 100% games, but I 100%'ed this one and it was a delightful experience.

Buen plataformas, me gustó 🐻

would be a 10/10 if the boss fights were better/more creative and had variety but oh my god i love this game so much

Das beste 2D Mario Spiel. Oft werden die 2D Teile selbst trotz guten Level Designs irgendwann ein wenig Monoton, was einfach der Limitierung eines 2D Plattformers geschuldet ist, doch Mario Wonder überrascht in fast jedem Level mit einer neuen coolen Idee. Wie ein kleines Kind freue ich mich in jedem Level erneut auf die Wonderflower, welche das Level dann komplett auf den Kopf stellt.
Auch wenn da durch so ein bisschen Brot und Butter eines soliden Plattformers auf der Strecke bleiben hatte ich damit ungemein viel Spaß.

Dazu kommt noch eine hervorragend designte Overworld. Man hat Einiges an Freiheiten im Bezug auf die Reihenfolge in der man dieses Spiel spielen möchte und eine Reihe normaler Levels werden immer wieder mit kleinen, abwechslungsreichen Minigames aufgemischt. Zusätzlich verstecken sich ein paar simple Rätsel in der Overworld und die Spezialwelt ist auch gut eingebunden.

Wonder ist für mich das neue Benchmark für 2D Mario Spiele und ich hoffe es wird eine Fortsetzung geben.

I played this after receiving it on October 21st 2023. I didn't beat it that day but those next couple of days were so peak and while I wouldn't go as far as to say that it is the best modern 2D platformer like some other reviews have, It is EASILY the best modern 2D Mario game. They really cooked here with the gameplay and level design, the Wonder Flowers add so much variety and spice to the game and speaking of flowers, the Talking Flowers that give commentary during the levels are also a fun addition! That being said, they kinda got lazy with the bosses. considering most of them are just Bowser Jr. but with some mild, relatively unimpressive effect added to them, the final boss being a sort. of rhythmic based fight against the giant floating bowser castle head was kinda neat though I guess. Otherwise though this game was absolutely peak and you should buy it if you are interested. It was one of the best games of 2023 for sure!

finally a breath of fresh air for 2d mario. we're all sick of the new super mario style and i was hoping they would do a completely new style with their next 2d game and they delivered. all the different powerups and abilities in this game are great and visually this game is stunning. i enjoyed playing through every world in the game, especially the last area where the final boss had me smiling the entire time that level was amazing. super mario wonder is wonderful LOLOL

Finally moving away from the sterile 2D adventures, Wonder is an absolute delight of a game that had me none stop smiling from beginning to end.

Firstly, the new art style is absolutely gorgeous and the characters are animated better than ever before, there's so much detail put into every aspect of this game's presentation.. including full voice acting for the first time in 2D Mario, adding some real personality to this world.

The story of course is extremely simple, but the excuse to bring so many playable characters to the table is a welcome one.

This game controls perfectly, like no exaggeration every movement is smooth, and while character exclusive abilities aren't really a thing, the new badges can help add spice to the moveset depending on your playstyle.

Every single level brings a new obstacle to the table, especially when factoring in the Wonder flowers, which essentially cause an acid trip in the best way. These sections send the game in some crazy directions but it always made me smile, and constantly added variety to the gameplay.

The bosses were a let down, mainly for the lack of creativity that the rest of the game relishes in, but they are just a small factor. The music is fantastic, and with plenty of stages to play, tons of secrets to find and harder levels to challenge yourself with, this truly is Wonderful - 9/10

Not kind my type of game, i really find it kinda boring at all.

Pure Mario vibes. Wonder is absolutely fantastic. Singing Piranha plants are worth the price of admission alone. The addition of the wonder seeds really freshened up the formula. Buy it. Play it.